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The Civil Rights Movement

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1 The Civil Rights Movement
The Sixties! The Civil Rights Movement


3 Vocab List 36 P 380 CH 16 -Seperate but equal
-De facto SegregationP 386-Filibuster -Cloture P 392 -Racism -Black Power

4 I. Background A) Sixties were a prosperous time… if you were white
50% of black families lived in poverty Segregation - the RULE - in housing & employment & Public Accommodations B) What Sparks Civil rights? Black Soldiers who fought in WWII demanded equality C) Goal of Civil Rights movement? DESEGREGATE SCHOOLS If education is equal. empowerment is equal.



7 II. Brown v. Board of Education
Most important Supreme Court Case of 20th century Brown - shakes the country. Court finds: “Segregation itself is damaging to black children because they recognize that being separated is a badge of inferiority” NO MORE SEPARATE SCHOOLS FOR WHITES AND BLACKS!! Decision leads to MASSIVE RESISTANCE IN THE SOUTH All public school close in south for 5 years States paid for white students to go to “Private academies”

8 III. The Civil Rights Movement
Through most of 1950s/60s - Consisted of: 1) Sit ins - blacks sitting in restaurants until served. Instead they got arrested. 2) Freedom Rides - Northern blacks going into south facing violence, bombs, dogs and beatings 3) Birmingham, Alabama - notorious for most racism. 50 bombings there alone. JFK had to bring in federal troops. 4) MLK marches onto DC - largest march in nation's history wehre he says the infamous I have a dream speech 5) Black Power Movement - celebration of African American culture + critique of White oppression. Led to many riots in cities. Ex: Black Panthers - had guns, but also did community Service

9 Sit Ins

10 Birmingham

11 MLK’s March on Washington

12 Black Power

13 Freedom Rides!

14 Civil Rights Footage

15 IV. Notable Civil Rights Champions
1) Malcolm X - called for black self-reliance and violence. A muslim. Assassinated in 1965 A genius / bad ass who led black power movement 2) Rosa Parks - refused to sit on back of bus. Arrested, beginning a boycott of all public transportation by blacks Not just a random lady, actually huge activist. 3) Martin Luther King Jr year old Atlanta Pastor Churches were central to the civil rights movement. Championed integration for schools, higher minimum wage, and an end to discrimination in housing & employment. Assassinated in 1968.

16 MLK Speech

17 Malcolm X vs MLK

18 Malcolm X Speech

19 V. Civil Rights act of 1964 JFK realized that equality did not exist in America. Pushed to end the system of inequality. Called on congress to ban discrimination, but then assassinated :( President Johnson pushes on his behalf: CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF PROHIBITS DISCRIMINATION IN: Schools & Hospitals Restaurants, Theaters, and Hotels Employmen Voting Rights Act of Federal government oversees elections in racist south.

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