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Drug Group Presentations

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1 Drug Group Presentations
In groups of 3-6, prepare a short presentation on one of the drugs covered in the unit For your drug, you need to cover the following three points: 1. Is it a depressant, stimulant, or hallucinogen? 2. What are some of the positive and negative effects of the drug? 3. Your group’s opinion on the topic.

2 Group Topics Alcohol – Imagine alcohol was a drug that was just recently discovered. Would it be still be legal? Opiates – Should opiates be prescribed to treat long-term pain? Methamphetamine – Does methamphetamine’s long-term damage make it more dangerous to users than heroin? Marijuana – Should marijuana be legalized? Cocaine – Why do you think Freud initially prescribed cocaine to his depressed patients but then later in life changed his stance on the drug? Ecstasy – What are the long-term dangers of using ecstasy? LSD – Does LSD increase a user’s creativity? Nicotine – Should nicotine be banned? Caffeine – Is daily use of caffeine harmful?

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