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Applied DNA Sciences, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "Applied DNA Sciences, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Role of Biotechnology from Safeguarding Supply Chains to Fighting Counterfeiting and Crime

2 Applied DNA Sciences, Inc.
Gordon Hope Janice Meraglia Applied DNA Sciences, Inc.

3 Applied DNA Sciences (ADNAS)
Based in Stony Brook, NY in a 30,000 sq ft facility (LIHTI) 50 employees; 44 patents; 84 patent applications, global Standards oriented: ISO 9001:2008 Certified/Registered ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Accredited by ANAB Member of JEDEC, SAE G19 and G21 Over 66,000 unique DNA codes deployed globally Over 350 commercial customers Current government contractor: 3 DoD and 3 non-DoD Federal Agencies 110 successful cases attributed to SigNature DNA evidence >150 million pounds of cotton marked with DNA JEDEC (Joint Electronic Device Engineering Council) is a standards body for electronics ISO/IEC 17025:2005 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories ISO/IEC 17025:2005 specifies the general requirements for the competence to carry out tests and/or calibrations, including sampling. It covers testing and calibration performed using standard methods, non-standard methods, and laboratory-developed methods. SAE G19 Counterfeit Electronic Parts Committee G19 Scope: The G-19 Counterfeit Electronic Components Committee is chartered to address aspects of preventing, detecting, responding to and counteracting the threat of counterfeit electronic components. G19 Objective: The objective of the SAE G-19 committee is to develop standards suitable for use in aeronautic, space, defense, civil and commercial electronic equipment applications to mitigate the risks of counterfeit electronic components. In this regard, the standard will document recognized best practices in component management, supplier management, procurement, inspection, test/evaluation methods and response strategies when suspect or confirmed counterfeit components are detected. SAE G21 Counterfeit Materiel Committee G21 Scope: The G-21 Counterfeit Materiel Committee is chartered to address aspects of preventing, detecting, responding to and counteracting the threat of counterfeit materiel. G21 Objective: The objective of the SAE G-21 committee is to develop standards suitable for use in high performance/high reliability applications to mitigate the risks of counterfeit materiel. In this regard, the standard will document recognized best practices in materiel management, supplier management, procurement, inspection, test/evaluation methods and response strategies when suspect or confirmed counterfeit materiel is detected. Corporate Capabilities

4 Molecular SigNatures™
Patented Molecular SigNatures™ act as a secure and steadfast reference point used to determine originality, establish provenance and confirm authenticity Corporate Capabilities

5 DOD and Non-DOD Agency Support
2009: Introduced Gov & industry to DNA tagging & recovery 2010: Subcontracted by LMI - prove feasibility with on-shore mfg 2011: Subcontracted by LMI - demonstrate full scale production 2012: Mandate issued by DLA that requiring all FSC 5962 microcircuits it procured be DNA marked 2013: Onboarded 30+ DLA-qualified electronic suppliers 2013: Awarded 1-year Missile Defense Agency SBIR Phase 1 2014: Awarded 2-year Missile Defense Agency SBIR Phase 2 2014: Awarded 2-year OSD (Office of the Secretary of Defense) RIF (Rapid Innovation Fund) Contract 2014: Established DLA’s (Defense Logistics Agency) DNA Lab 2014: Began program work with non-DOD agency 2015: Continued support and improvement at DLA’s DNA Lab 2016: Completed Missile Defense Agency SBIR Phase 2 2016: Completed OSD RIF 2016: Awarded 5-year Blanket Purchase Agreement to continue program work with non-DOD Agency 2017: Awarded second 2-year OSD RIF Contract Government and Military

6 Mark. Validate. Authenticate. Turnkey Solutions
UV/IR Lights Multi-Mode Reader Beacon Fluorophore ADNAS Lab In-Field (Portable) On-Site (Stationery) Manual (Stylus) Semi-Automatic (Ultimus) Automatic (PicoPulse and Inkjet) Industry specific methods (such as infusion) * Government and Military

7 Government and Military
Defense Logistics Agency launches DNA marking capability   By DLA Public Affairs  The Defense Logistics Agency is Insourcing its efforts to make it easier to detect and prevent counterfeit microcircuits From entering into its supply chain. “Adopting this DNA marking capability will enable DLA to intensify its fight against counterfeit parts entering and negatively impacting our supply chain, and ultimately our customers.” Post Production Government and Military

8 Government and Military

9 Security Applications (Asset Tagging – Automobiles)
Help eliminate chop shops and solve crimes Security

10 Security Applications (Asset Tagging – Commercial Tools)
AMTT lacquer - durable acrylic resin Withstand extreme outdoor weather conditions Easy to apply aerosol Relatively small amount tags many items Quick drying Permanent mark Facilitates easy tagging of commercial & industrial tools Security

11 Deter theft of expensive materials and infrastructure
Security Applications (Asset Tagging – Metals and Raw Materials) Network Rail (UK) Widely used by utility and national infrastructure providers Network Rail use AMTT lacquer strategically in ‘hot spots’ on the LNE route April 2012 – 18 month sentence Offender convicted of stealing forensically marked copper signalling cable Cable marked with a minute amount of ADNAS forensic marking technology Deter theft of expensive materials and infrastructure Security

12 SentryBox Molecular Tagging System (Criminal Tagging)
Positioning SentryBox “Kit” Includes Added deterrence New opportunity for dealers Assists law enforcement in conviction Sentry tagging unit & commercial velcro Unique DNA canister and water canister Flush mount kit with pre-mounted nozzle Complete instructions & applications guide Security

13 SentryBox Tagging – 2 Elements (Criminal Marking)
Hardware Each kit handles one door Connects to security system Small service charge/mo covers Prepaid return mailer - old canister (2 yr life) New canister sent Supply of evidence bag, swab kit(s) included as needed Forensic analysis and written report in event of burglary or hold up New canister also supplied if discharged due to burglary or holdup event Opportunity for additional deterrence and RMR Security

14 Forensic Recovery Supplies
Clear tamper proof evidence bag Instructions Chain of custody form Self mailer Supply of cotton treated swabs Sample recovery fluid if swabbing on assets Labino torch to look for traces of marks on people or items Provided to Law Enforcement Security

15 SentryBox – Potential Applications
Drug store Gun store ATM locations Jewelry store Banks Main entrance Store entrance Main entrance Main entrance Main entrance Pharmacy area Gun display case Near physical ATM Jewelry case Bank Vault Security

16 Thank you Janice Meraglia V.P. of Government and Military Programs
Applied DNA Sciences 50 Health Sciences Drive Stony Brook, NY 11790 Work: (631) Cell: (516) Gordon G. Hope Jr. Director of Security Solutions Applied DNA Sciences 50 Health Sciences Drive Stony Brook, NY 11790 Work: (631) Cell: (646)

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