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International Business Relations Spring 2017

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1 International Business Relations Spring 2017
Hwy-Chang Moon Professor of International Business & Strategy The Graduate School of International Studies Seoul National University Class Time: Tue 9:30 – 12:30 am Classroom: Bldg , Rm 201 Office Hours: Mon 1:25 - 2:25 pm or by Appointment Office: Bldg , Rm 311 Teaching Assistant Yeonwoo Lee

2 Course Description This course deals with the sources of international business competitiveness that formulate government policies and business strategies, with a special focus on the key factors behind Korea’s accelerated growth over the past 50 years. Existing Western theories cannot fully explain Korea’s economic and business development because these theories were established under a different political, economic, and social system. This course addresses the fundamental driving forces behind Korea’s success, many of which continue to be neglected in ongoing studies. The main objectives of this course are as follows: Introduce a new framework that presents strategic implications that are more appropriate for Korea. Review the fundamental background of Korea’s growth in detail and apply this new framework to better explain Korea’s success. Evaluate Korea as a case study to provide useful guidelines for other countries and firms.

3 Grading Policy Grading [total 100%]
Professionalism: Attitude, attendance, and participation: 25% Weekly summary of readings for each class (Total 12 summaries): 25% Group presentation(s): 25% Final exam: 25% Professionalism (25%) Students should attend all classes. Those who miss more than two classes may not receive a grade. Tardiness and class disturbances may be reflected in the grade. Students are also required to know the Honor Code and apply it to all work and behavior in the class. Weekly summary (25%) Students are required to submit a one-page summary based on assigned readings for Classes 2 through 13 (12 total). Summaries should be submitted via to and at least 24 hours before class (by 9:30 am on Monday). The weekly summary should (i) discuss what you think most interesting in the readings, and (ii) provide constructive criticism and variant views. The one-page summary should be approximately 400 to 500 words in length.

4 Weekly Summary Format Please title both of your and document file name as: “IBR Weekly Summary_Class #_ Your Full Name.” Your full name Week number: Section name (e.g., Week 2: Korea’s Economic Success: Myth or Reality? ) Summary of the article(s) Uniqueness Main points Evaluation Constructive evaluation Possible extension

5 Grading Policy Group Presentation (25%) Final exam (25%)
Each group is required to give class-topic presentation(s) of important points from class readings and additional related information. Students should submit the presentation PPT file via to and at least 24 hours before the class of their presentation. Final exam (25%) It will take two hours with open books and notes in the last class (Class 15).

6 Course Materials Required: Recommended:
Moon, H.C. (2016). The Strategy for Korea’s Economic Success. New York: Oxford University Press Additional reading(s) listed in this syllabus for each class. Recommended: Cho, D.S. and Moon, H.C. (2013). From Adam Smith to Michael Porter: Evolution of Competitiveness Theory, extended edition. Singapore: World Scientific - Students should read the materials before class, so class meetings can be used for discussion rather than for straight lecture.

7 Course Schedule Class 1: (Mar 7) Introduction
Course outline What is competitiveness and how can we enhance it? - A Different Start in Korea’s Economic Development Class 2: (Mar 14) Korea’s Economic Success: Myth or Reality? Chapter 1: Foundations of Korea’s Economic Development - Education, chaebol, and industrial policy Student introduction: One-page C.V. with photo - Groups will be formed Class 3: (Mar 21) Government Leadership Chapter 2: Korean Government Leadership for National Growth - Major policies and their developments by Korea’s presidents Noland, M. (2014). Six Markets to Watch: South Korea. Foreign Affairs, January/February 2014 Issue

8 Course Schedule Class 4: (Mar 28) Business Leadership
Chapter 3: Korean Business Leadership for Corporate Growth - CEOs of POSCO, Samsung, and Hyundai The Wall Street Journal. (02/06/1998), Park Tae Joon Remakes Business in South Korea. The Economist. (05/23/2015), Samsung: The soft succession. The Economist. (02/04/1999), The last emperor. Class 5: (Apr 4) New Analytical Framework: The ABCD Model Chapter 4: The ABCD Model: The Success Factors of Korea’s Economic Success - Basic concepts and introduction of the model The Economist. (11/12/2011), South Korea’s economy: What do you do when you reach the top? Class 6: (Apr 11) ABCD Model – Theory Chapter 5: The ABCD Model: Theoretical Foundation - Evolution from existing business and economic theories Prestowitz, C. (06/07/2012). Korea as number one. Foreign Policy.

9 Course Schedule Class 7: (Apr 18) ABCD Model – Case Studies
Chapter 6: The ABCD Model: Applications to Korea’s Three Successful Firms - POSCO, Samsung Electronics, and Hyundai Motors The Economist. (03/05/2009). Hyundai's surprising success: Sui Genesis. Class 8: (Apr 25) International Competitiveness – Nation Chapter 7: Internationalization at the National Level - Open door policies and opportunity for growth The Economist. (10/12/2013). The gated globe. Class 9: (May 2) International Competitiveness – Business Chapter 8: Internationalization at the Firm Level - From trade to global value chain (GVC) approach Batson, A. (12/15/2010). Not Really Made in China: The iPhone's Complex Supply Chain Highlights Problems With Trade Statistics. Wall Street Journal. Class 10: (May 9) Global Mindset Chapter 9: Understanding Internationalization from a Cultural Perspective - Understanding the role of internationalization Porter, M.E. and Rivikin, J.W. (2012). Choosing the United States. Harvard Business Review, 90(3):

10 Course Schedule Class 11: (May 16) Korea in the Future
Chapter 10: New Challenges in Korea - Problems of aging, sociopolitical sector, and service industry The Economist. (10/26/2013). The 54th parallel. Class 12: (May 23) Korea’s Sustainability Chapter 11: Upgrading Korea’s Competitive Advantages - The role of innovation and differentiation Financial Times. (11/19/2014). S Korea chaebol growth model hits limits. Class 13: (May 30) Implications for Other Areas Chapter 12: The Generalization of the ABCD model - Applying the ABCD model to other countries and firms Jamrisko, M. (01/19/2016). These are the world’s most innovative economies. Bloomberg. Class 14: (Jun 6) National Holiday Class 15: (Jun 13) Final Exam Final Exam (Open book/note)

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