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Enterprise Analytics MTAC FIRST-CLASS FOCUS AREA April 2017
MTAC April 26, 2017 Enterprise Analytics
Addressing & Geospatial Technology
Items for First-Class:
All Classes Status of industry request for a tool confirming a person’s residence at an address FPARS timeline update Describe impacts where FPARS cannot read IMb™ Overview of change-of-address correction process when customer’s new address fails to match CASS™ / DPV Mailer reports of increased volume of hardcopy UAA notices Discussion of R777 and No-Stat addresses 3
First-Class Mail® First-Class Mail®
Timeliness of service versus quality of service Informed Delivery Internal Measurement Update on UG5 Update on College & University NCOALink® EDU pilot Visibility into UAA statistics 4
Informed Mobility
What will users gain with Informed Mobility?
By providing the right people with the right information and technology, we enable our employees to make informed decisions
Informed Mobility USPS PMG Pillars
Equip, Empower, & Engage Employees Deliver World- Class Customer Experience Invest in Our Future Platforms Innovate to Deliver Value Informed Mobility enables our people on the front lines to make the best decisions for our customers, our business, and our employees. The goal of Informed Mobility is to provide the right people with the right information and right technology at the right time to make the best decisions that: Improve our customers’ experience Deliver new business value Improve efficiency and productivity
Where the Right People, Information, and Technology Meet
Informed Mobility Ecosystem Smart User Groups Solutions With an understanding of users, tasks, and environments; through user-centered evaluation; and addresses the whole user experience. The process involves users throughout the design and development process and it is iterative. Informed Mobility brings together existing information and technologies located across USPS to arm frontline employees with widgets that improve service, safety and cost efficiencies Where the Right People, Information, and Technology Meet
Informed Visibility
IV Mail Tracking & Reporting
Pilot Status IV Mail Tracking & Reporting application is in Release 1.0 pilot with the following functionality: Container scans, tray scans, automation bundle scans, piece scans, Logical Delivery Events Roles and permissions management Calls held twice a week with pilot participants to obtain feedback and provide resolution status on open issues Enhanced visibility (R2.1) to be added to pilot: Includes Logical Out for Delivery Events for bundles; Logical Delivery Events for pieces based on Logical Out for Delivery Events; Available: 4/24 Pilot to be expanded to additional participants after existing participants have completed data validation and pain points have been addressed Tentative date: 5/1 Timing for future releases of IV dependent on completion of this pilot
IV Mail Tracking & Reporting
Open Pilot Issues Duplicate Logical Delivery Events observed Resolved on 4/6 Logical Delivery Events re-enabled on 4/24 Other duplicate scans observed Remaining duplicates below 2% One-time queries for handling units failing Resolved on 4/13 Discrepant piece counts for tray scans – business logic explanation One-time queries for pieces – scheduled for June
IV Mail Tracking & Reporting
Resolved Pilot Issues First barcode always provisioned on scans containing multiple barcodes with multiple MIDs Logical Delivery Event Delivery Mode missing from delimited file header FTP delivery failure due to the same file being sent twice Container and trays with NULL scan states Timestamp on Mail.XML pull messages not adjusting for time zones Four-digit opcodes observed in PKG file Predicted Delivery Date observed on a Sunday Roles & Permissions dashboard not limited to users with IV access Opcode of “00” and <Blank> observed in PKG file Three-digit routing codes observed in PKG file UNKNOWN Subscriber ID in template
IV Mail Tracking & Reporting
Pilot Feedback Process Calls held twice a week with pilot participants to obtain feedback Participants call or IV MTR Tier 1 Help Desk for questions and issues Participants suggestions to Feedback Form provided, and each company asked to complete and submit to by the end of the pilot
IV Mail Tracking & Reporting
Visibility IV provides mail tracking visibility of letter and flat containers, handling units (trays, tubs, and sacks), bundles, and pieces that have Intelligent Mail barcodes. In some cases, visibility in IV requires that a mail object be Full-Service Intelligent Mail, if eligible. Visibility may be provided if the mailpiece is not eligible for Full-Service or if the mailpiece is residual or Reply Mail. Definitions of these terms as used in IV are provided in the table below. Term IV Definition Full-Service Mailpiece is associated to an eDoc and paid at the Full-Service rate Not Eligible for Full-Service Mailpiece is associated to an eDoc and has a rate category that is not eligible for Full-Service Residual Mail Mailpiece is associated to an eDoc where the eDoc Submitter CRID has had at least one month in the last three months in which the number of Full-Service pieces divided by the total number of Full-Service eligible pieces is 95% or higher Note: Qualifying eDoc Submitter CRIDs will be re-evaluated quarterly. Reply Mail Mailpiece has an IMb that uses a Reply Mail STID
IV Mail Tracking & Reporting
Release 1.0 Visibility For Release 1.0, IV provides the same visibility as the legacy IMb Tracing and PostalOne! systems. In addition, visibility of actual handling events for handling units and containers is extended to the MID on Tray and MID on Container, respectively. Visibility of logical handling events for pieces is also available in IV. Mail Object Actual Handling Event Logical Handling Event Pieces (letters and flats) Visibility provided to MID on Piece (Full-Service not required) Note: For IMb-barcoded pieces that use the Reply Mail ZIP construct, IV provides visibility to the CRIDs who have that routing code associated to them. Visibility provided to MID on Piece if piece is Full-Service* OR has a Reply Mail STID Bundles Visibility provided to MID on Piece of pieces within a bundle (Full-Service not required) Not applicable Handling units Visibility provided to Mail Owner and Mail Preparer of pieces within a handling unit who have at least 1 Full-Service* piece in the handling unit Visibility provided to MID on Tray when at least one of the pieces within the handling unit is Full-Service* Containers Visibility provided to Mail Owner and Mail Preparer of pieces within a container who have at least 1 Full-Service* piece in the container Visibility provided to MID on Container when at least one of the pieces within the container is Full-Service* * Electronic documentation (eDoc) is required to determine if pieces within a container, handling unit, or bundle are Full-Service as well as determine the Mail Owner and Mail Preparer of the pieces.
IV Mail Tracking & Reporting
Future Visibility In future IV releases, mail visibility will be expanded to include assumed handling events and additional logical handling events. In addition, mail visibility will be made available in some cases to the eDoc Submitter and FAST Scheduler. Finally, mail visibility for containers and handling units will be expanded to include mail not eligible for Full-Service. Mail Object Actual Handling Event Assumed Handling Event† Logical Handling Event Pieces (letters and flats) Visibility provided to MID on Piece and Mail Owner* (Full-Service not required) Note: For IMb-barcoded pieces that use the Reply Mail ZIP construct, IV provides visibility to the CRIDs who have that routing code associated to them. Visibility provided to MID on Piece and Mail Owner* if piece is: Full-Service OR Not eligible for Full-Service OR Residual mail‡ OR Reply Mail OR Single-Piece rate Bundles Visibility provided to MID on Piece and Mail Owner* of pieces within a bundle (Full-Service not required) Visibility provided to MID on Piece and Mail Owner* of pieces within a bundle when at least one of their pieces within the bundle is: * eDoc is required to determine if pieces within a container, handling unit, or bundle are Full-Service or eligible for Full-Service as well as determine the Mail Owner, Mail Preparer, and eDoc Submitter of the pieces. † Assumed handling events are dependent upon mailer eDocs (Mail.dat® or Mail.XML eDoc) for mailer containers, handling units, or bundles and Postal Service nesting information for Postal Service containers and handling units. ‡ Visibility of residual mail is only provided if the eDoc Submitter CRID had at least one month in the past three months in which 95% or higher of their Full-Service eligible pieces were mailed as Full-Service.
IV Mail Tracking & Reporting Future Visibility
Mail Object Actual Handling Event Assumed Handling Event† Logical Handling Event Handling units Visibility provided to Mail Owner, Mail Preparer*, and MID on Piece of pieces within a handling unit when at least one of their pieces within the handling unit is: Full-Service OR Not eligible for Full-Service OR Residual mail‡ OR Reply Mail OR Single-Piece rate Visibility provided to eDoc Submitter* and MID on Tray when at least one of the pieces within the handling unit is: Containers Visibility provided to Mail Owner, Mail Preparer*, and MID on Piece of pieces within a container when at least one of their pieces within the container is: Visibility provided to eDoc Submitter*, MID on Container, and FAST Scheduler for appointment associated to container when at least one of the pieces within the container is: * eDoc is required to determine if pieces within a container, handling unit, or bundle are Full-Service or eligible for Full-Service as well as determine the Mail Owner, Mail Preparer, and eDoc Submitter of the pieces. † Assumed handling events are dependent upon mailer eDocs (Mail.dat® or Mail.XML eDoc) for mailer containers, handling units, or bundles and Postal Service nesting information for Postal Service containers and handling units. ‡ Visibility of residual mail is only provided if the eDoc Submitter CRID had at least one month in the past three months in which 95% or higher of their Full-Service eligible pieces were mailed as Full-Service.
IV Mail Tracking & Reporting Migration Phased-Approach Timeline
Release Plan as of 4/24/17 Scope Deployment** Release 1.0 Piece Visibility – Automation Scans (IMb Tracing) Container and Tray Visibility Bundle Visibility – Automation Handling Events Phase 1 of Web-Enabled Mail Tracking Phase 1 of Flexible Data Provisioning Flexible Data Delegation Piece Visibility – Logical Delivery Events Roles and permissions management May. 2017 (Expanded Pilot) Release 2.1 Bundle Visibility – Logical Out for Delivery Events Logical Delivery Events for mailpieces that receive Logical Out for Delivery Events Assumed events for nested mail objects based on bundle handling events Apr./May. 2017 Release 2.2 Assumed events for nested mail objects based on container and handling unit handling events Tentative June 2017 Release 3.0 Start-the-Clock Visibility Phase 2 of Web-Enabled Mail Tracking Additional releases for FY17 are still being planned. **Dates are contingent on pilot results. 18
IMb Tracing
IMb Tracing Stability The IMb Tracing system will continue to be supported and monitored until its retirement at the end of FY17. Earlier this year, there was some instability and scan latency observed with the IMb Tracing system. This was primarily due to the increasing scan volumes as IMb Tracing subscribers and mail visibility continues to grow. The root causes for the increased scan latency were identified and resolved, and as a result, the scan latency observed with the IMb Tracing system has returned to normal.
Mail In Measurement
FY17 Q2 Commercial Mail Volume Mail In Measurement
In FY17 Q2, almost 76% of Full-Service mail was in Measurement Mail Class Mail Shape Commercial Full-Service Eligible Full-Service In Measurement % of Full-Service In Measurement First Class Presort Letter/Card 10,289,142,103 9,879,441,951 9,248,230,130 6,457,884,829 69.83% Flat 156,303,506 138,236,090 111,811,390 75,024,277 67.10% USPS Marketing Letter 13,029,848,663 12,750,895,721 11,737,715,355 9,535,714,550 81.24% 5,331,063,010 3,149,252,818 2,772,742,218 2,091,762,340 75.44% Periodicals 1,249,594,822 1,203,955,663 1,031,482,167 708,653,487 68.70% Total 30,055,952,104 27,121,782,243 24,901,981,260 18,869,039,483 75.77% The weekly score trend chart shows a trailing six-week snapshot of Standard Mail Letters service performance prior to last mile, also known as the “processing” score which depicts performance in mail processing from start-the-clock to final processing compared to the service standard. Volumes in measurement are shown by entry type. Volumes are also shown for the Same Period Last Year (SPLY). The quarter-to-date performance table shows performance by entry type, with the following calculations: Total Pieces Measured: Quarter-to-date volume of measurable pieces, after all business rules have been applied. Processing % On-Time: Performance score, relative to service standard, from mail acceptance to final processing scan. Last Mile Impact: Net reduction in service performance after combining Processing with Last Mile. Overall Score: Estimated service performance from start-the-clock through delivery, including last mile. Target Score: Official service target score. SPLY Pieces Measured: Volumes in measurement for Same Period Last Year. Volume Change: Percentage increase or decrease in measured volume this year compared to SPLY. SPLY Overall QTD Score: Overall service performance result for Same Period Last Year. Quarter-to-date numbers highlighted in bold green or red indicate positive or negative changes in this week’s results as compared to last week’s reported results. Note: Metrics are for Mailing Dates 1/1/2017 – 3/31/2017 22
In March 2017, 92% of Commercial mail eligible for Full-Service
Full Service Mail Trend In March 2017, 92% of Commercial mail eligible for Full-Service was Full-Service Note: Below graph depicts FS Adoption % as an avg. for the quarter; Slide title depicts the % for the latest month. The chart depicts the quarterly trend of Full Service Adoption as a % of all commercial mail that is eligible for the Full-Service discount.
First-Class Mail® (Letters)
Volume In Measurement In March 2017, 61% of Commercial First-Class Letters were in measurement. Over 2 Billion pieces were measured. Basic (FS Eligible) Breakdown: • 51% of this mail is associated with existing Full-Service Mailers • 49% of this mail is associated with Non Full-Service Mailers The pie chart depicts the breakdown of the total Commercial mail volume for the specified month. FS in Measurement: % of total mail that is Full Service and in measurement FS Not in Measurement: % of total mail that is Full Service and not in measurement Basic (FS Eligible): % of total mail that is Basic Service and is eligible for Full Service Basic (Non-FS Eligible): % of total mail that is Basic Service and is not eligible for Full Service
Attributed to USPS / Unknown
First-Class Mail® (Letters) Reasons why mail is not in measurement In March 2017, 32% of Full-Service First-Class Letters were excluded from measurement Attributed to Mailers 19.08% Attributed to USPS / Unknown 80.92% Exclusion Reason % of Excluded % of Total* Long Haul 38.94% 14.69% No Start-the-Clock 32.75% 12.35% Incorrect Entry Facility 8.25% 3.11% No Piece Scan 7.84% 2.96% Undeliverable-as-Addressed / PARS 3.92% 1.48% Non-Unique IMb 2.33% 0.88% Non-Compliant 1.47% 0.56% Inconsistent SPM Data 1.28% 0.48% Orphan Handling Unit 1.18% 0.44% Other 2.04% 0.76% The pie chart depicts the breakdown of Full Service mail volume in measurement and not in measurement for the specified month. Pieces in Measurement: % of total Full Service mail that is in measurement Exclusion reasons: % of each of the top reasons why Full Service mail is not in measurement. Attributed to Mailers: % of exclusions that can definitively be attributed to Mailer issues. Unable to attribute to Mailers: % of exclusions that cannot definitively be attributed to Mailer issues. The exclusion breakdown table depicts the top reasons for Full Service Mail volume to not be in measurement along with the associated volume %. Reason: A short description of the reason why mail is excluded % of Excluded: % of the total excluded mail volume each reason constitutes % of Total: % of the total mail volume each reason constitutes * Mail can be excluded due to more than one reason. As a result, the sum of individual exclusion percentages (38%) is greater than the overall percentage of mail not in measurement (32%)
First-Class Mail® (Flats)
Volume In Measurement In March 2017, 48% of Commercial First-Class Flats were in measurement. Over 24 Million pieces were measured. Basic (FS Eligible) Breakdown: • 65% of this mail is associated with existing Full-Service Mailers • 35% of this mail is associated with Non Full-Service Mailers The pie chart depicts the breakdown of the total Commercial mail volume for the specified month. FS in Measurement: % of total mail that is Full Service and in measurement FS Not in Measurement: % of total mail that is Full Service and not in measurement Basic (FS Eligible): % of total mail that is Basic Service and is eligible for Full Service Basic (Non-FS Eligible): % of total mail that is Basic Service and is not eligible for Full Service
Attributed to USPS / Unknown
First-Class Mail® (Flats) Reasons why mail is not in measurement In March 2017, 33% of Full-Service First-Class Flats were excluded from measurement Attributed to Mailers 12.51% Attributed to USPS / Unknown 87.49% Exclusion Reason % of Excluded % of Total* No Start-the-Clock 30.88% 11.87% No Piece Scan 29.66% 11.40% Long Haul 25.71% 9.88% Non-Unique IMb 5.09% 1.96% Undeliverable-as-Addressed / PARS 3.33% 1.28% Non-Compliant 1.87% 0.72% Inconsistent SPM Data 1.02% 0.39% Inaccurate Scheduled Ship Date 0.61% 0.23% PBV Threshold Failure 0.53% 0.20% Other 1.30% 0.48% The pie chart depicts the breakdown of Full Service mail volume in measurement and not in measurement for the specified month. Pieces in Measurement: % of total Full Service mail that is in measurement Exclusion reasons: % of each of the top reasons why Full Service mail is not in measurement. Attributed to Mailers: % of exclusions that can definitively be attributed to Mailer issues. Unable to attribute to Mailers: % of exclusions that cannot definitively be attributed to Mailer issues. The exclusion breakdown table depicts the top reasons for Full Service Mail volume to not be in measurement along with the associated volume %. Reason: A short description of the reason why mail is excluded % of Excluded: % of the total excluded mail volume each reason constitutes % of Total: % of the total mail volume each reason constitutes * Mail can be excluded due to more than one reason. As a result, the sum of individual exclusion percentages (38%) is greater than the overall percentage of mail not in measurement (33%)
Mail Not In Measurement Exclusion Reason Descriptions
Exclusion Description Mailer Attributed Invalid Entry Point for Entry Discount (FAST MDF) Entry Point for Entry Discount claimed in eDoc is invalid for the entry point and destination of the mail Y Incorrect Entry Facility eDoc entry facility does not match the facility specified in the associated FAST Appointment Non-Unique IMb eDoc contains mail pieces with a non-unique IMb Undeliverable-as-Addressed / PARS Undeliverable-as Addressed (UAA) mail as indicated by ACS and/or PARS operation when mail piece is processed Inaccurate Scheduled Ship Date eDoc scheduled ship date time is 48+ hours earlier than the postage statement finalization date time FAST Appointment Irregularity Irregularity with the mailing/trip captured by FAST (e.g. contents not matching 8125) Non-Unique Physical IMcb Physical containers with non-unique IMcb on the placard Orphan Handling Unit Mail piece associated to an Orphan Handling Unit (e.g. loose tray) that is not inducted at a Business Mail Entry Unit Non-Compliant Mailing/Mailer identified as non-compliant due to inaccuracies in mail preparation OR Mailer in 6-week monitoring period for new mailers Invalid Container Level for Entry The 3-Digit (FSS Facility) pallet was entered directly at a DFSS site No Piece Scan No automation scan observed for the mail piece N No Start-the-Clock Lack of a container unload scan or inability to identify the FAST appointment associated to the container Long Haul Mail verified at a DMU then transported by USPS to a mail processing facility in a different district than the DMU Inconsistent SPM data Mail piece received inconsistent scan events when calculating SPM (container/mail piece scans not in chronological order) Excluded ZIPs Excluded from SPM due to 3 digit delivery ZIPs that are not measured
Total Excluded Volume
First Class Mail Letters
First Class Mail Flats
No Start-the-Clock
Incorrect Entry Facility
Undeliverable-as-Addressed / PARS
Non-Unique IMb
Inaccurate Scheduled Ship Date
Long Haul
No Piece Scan *Prior to FY17 Q2, Marketing Mail was referred to as Standard Mail
Increase Mail In Measurement
Increase Mail In Measurement
Approach Focusing on top 3 exclusion reasons for each mail class/shape Cross-Functional team formed Team includes stakeholders from Operations, MEPT, EA Top opportunity pairs identified (postal sites and mailers) Team meets and reviews performance of selected pairs weekly Team is actively engaged in working with mailers and postal sites to identify root causes and implement sustained resolutions for excluded mail Confirmed root causes and resolutions will be communicated for national implementation
Increase Mail In Measurement
Improvements in First-Class Mail measured volume for Mailer A inducted at Des Moines The weekly score trend chart shows a trailing six-week snapshot of Standard Mail Letters service performance prior to last mile, also known as the “processing” score which depicts performance in mail processing from start-the-clock to final processing compared to the service standard. Volumes in measurement are shown by entry type. Volumes are also shown for the Same Period Last Year (SPLY). The quarter-to-date performance table shows performance by entry type, with the following calculations: Total Pieces Measured: Quarter-to-date volume of measurable pieces, after all business rules have been applied. Processing % On-Time: Performance score, relative to service standard, from mail acceptance to final processing scan. Last Mile Impact: Net reduction in service performance after combining Processing with Last Mile. Overall Score: Estimated service performance from start-the-clock through delivery, including last mile. Target Score: Official service target score. SPLY Pieces Measured: Volumes in measurement for Same Period Last Year. Volume Change: Percentage increase or decrease in measured volume this year compared to SPLY. SPLY Overall QTD Score: Overall service performance result for Same Period Last Year. Quarter-to-date numbers highlighted in bold green or red indicate positive or negative changes in this week’s results as compared to last week’s reported results. 41
IMb Planning Tool IV Data
IMb Planning Tool- Informed Visibility Data
The IMb Planning tool is an online tool mailers can access from the USPS web site ( that provides data to help mailers see how mail is flowing through postal facilities and make informed decisions about their mail entry and post-mailing activities It assists mailers in timing of drop shipments , helps manage customer expectations and facilitates collaboration with industry though transparency IMb planning tool will source near real-time data from the Informed Visibility (IV) and is targeted to be externally available by 5/5/2017
Discussion Topics
Discussion Topics Provide a progress update on the eMir replacement including use of SV scanner cameras to provide visual details on issues found.
Enterprise Analytics MTAC MARKETING MAIL FOCUS AREA April 2017
MTAC April 26, 2017 Enterprise Analytics
Addressing & Geospatial Technology
Items for Marketing Mail:
All Classes Status of industry request for a tool confirming a person’s residence at an address FPARS timeline update Describe impacts where FPARS cannot read IMb™ Overview of change-of-address correction process when customer’s new address fails to match CASS™ / DPV Mailer reports of increased volume of hardcopy UAA notices Discussion of R777 and No-Stat addresses 48
Marketing Mail Marketing Mail: Marketing Mail
Issue with Marketing Mail UAA being incorrectly returned to mailer when processed on AFCS 49
Informed Mobility
What will users gain with Informed Mobility?
By providing the right people with the right information and technology, we enable our employees to make informed decisions
Informed Mobility USPS PMG Pillars
Equip, Empower, & Engage Employees Deliver World- Class Customer Experience Invest in Our Future Platforms Innovate to Deliver Value Informed Mobility enables our people on the front lines to make the best decisions for our customers, our business, and our employees. The goal of Informed Mobility is to provide the right people with the right information and right technology at the right time to make the best decisions that: Improve our customers’ experience Deliver new business value Improve efficiency and productivity
Where the Right People, Information, and Technology Meet
Informed Mobility Ecosystem Smart User Groups Solutions With an understanding of users, tasks, and environments; through user-centered evaluation; and addresses the whole user experience. The process involves users throughout the design and development process and it is iterative. Informed Mobility brings together existing information and technologies located across USPS to arm frontline employees with widgets that improve service, safety and cost efficiencies Where the Right People, Information, and Technology Meet
Informed Visibility
IV Mail Tracking & Reporting
Pilot Status IV Mail Tracking & Reporting application is in Release 1.0 pilot with the following functionality: Container scans, tray scans, automation bundle scans, piece scans, Logical Delivery Events Roles and permissions management Calls held twice a week with pilot participants to obtain feedback and provide resolution status on open issues Enhanced visibility (R2.1) to be added to pilot: Includes Logical Out for Delivery Events for bundles; Logical Delivery Events for pieces based on Logical Out for Delivery Events; Available: 4/24 Pilot to be expanded to additional participants after existing participants have completed data validation and pain points have been addressed Tentative date: 5/1 Timing for future releases of IV dependent on completion of this pilot
IV Mail Tracking & Reporting
Open Pilot Issues Duplicate Logical Delivery Events observed Resolved on 4/6 Logical Delivery Events re-enabled on 4/24 Other duplicate scans observed Remaining duplicates below 2% One-time queries for handling units failing Resolved on 4/13 Discrepant piece counts for tray scans – business logic explanation One-time queries for pieces – scheduled for June
IV Mail Tracking & Reporting
Resolved Pilot Issues First barcode always provisioned on scans containing multiple barcodes with multiple MIDs Logical Delivery Event Delivery Mode missing from delimited file header FTP delivery failure due to the same file being sent twice Container and trays with NULL scan states Timestamp on Mail.XML pull messages not adjusting for time zones Four-digit opcodes observed in PKG file Predicted Delivery Date observed on a Sunday Roles & Permissions dashboard not limited to users with IV access Opcode of “00” and <Blank> observed in PKG file Three-digit routing codes observed in PKG file UNKNOWN Subscriber ID in template
IV Mail Tracking & Reporting
Pilot Feedback Process Calls held twice a week with pilot participants to obtain feedback Participants call or IV MTR Tier 1 Help Desk for questions and issues Participants suggestions to Feedback Form provided, and each company asked to complete and submit to by the end of the pilot
IV Mail Tracking & Reporting
Visibility IV provides mail tracking visibility of letter and flat containers, handling units (trays, tubs, and sacks), bundles, and pieces that have Intelligent Mail barcodes. In some cases, visibility in IV requires that a mail object be Full-Service Intelligent Mail, if eligible. Visibility may be provided if the mailpiece is not eligible for Full-Service or if the mailpiece is residual or Reply Mail. Definitions of these terms as used in IV are provided in the table below. Term IV Definition Full-Service Mailpiece is associated to an eDoc and paid at the Full-Service rate Not Eligible for Full-Service Mailpiece is associated to an eDoc and has a rate category that is not eligible for Full-Service Residual Mail Mailpiece is associated to an eDoc where the eDoc Submitter CRID has had at least one month in the last three months in which the number of Full-Service pieces divided by the total number of Full-Service eligible pieces is 95% or higher Note: Qualifying eDoc Submitter CRIDs will be re-evaluated quarterly. Reply Mail Mailpiece has an IMb that uses a Reply Mail STID
IV Mail Tracking & Reporting
Release 1.0 Visibility For Release 1.0, IV provides the same visibility as the legacy IMb Tracing and PostalOne! systems. In addition, visibility of actual handling events for handling units and containers is extended to the MID on Tray and MID on Container, respectively. Visibility of logical handling events for pieces is also available in IV. Mail Object Actual Handling Event Logical Handling Event Pieces (letters and flats) Visibility provided to MID on Piece (Full-Service not required) Note: For IMb-barcoded pieces that use the Reply Mail ZIP construct, IV provides visibility to the CRIDs who have that routing code associated to them. Visibility provided to MID on Piece if piece is Full-Service* OR has a Reply Mail STID Bundles Visibility provided to MID on Piece of pieces within a bundle (Full-Service not required) Not applicable Handling units Visibility provided to Mail Owner and Mail Preparer of pieces within a handling unit who have at least 1 Full-Service* piece in the handling unit Visibility provided to MID on Tray when at least one of the pieces within the handling unit is Full-Service* Containers Visibility provided to Mail Owner and Mail Preparer of pieces within a container who have at least 1 Full-Service* piece in the container Visibility provided to MID on Container when at least one of the pieces within the container is Full-Service* * Electronic documentation (eDoc) is required to determine if pieces within a container, handling unit, or bundle are Full-Service as well as determine the Mail Owner and Mail Preparer of the pieces.
IV Mail Tracking & Reporting
Future Visibility In future IV releases, mail visibility will be expanded to include assumed handling events and additional logical handling events. In addition, mail visibility will be made available in some cases to the eDoc Submitter and FAST Scheduler. Finally, mail visibility for containers and handling units will be expanded to include mail not eligible for Full-Service. Mail Object Actual Handling Event Assumed Handling Event† Logical Handling Event Pieces (letters and flats) Visibility provided to MID on Piece and Mail Owner* (Full-Service not required) Note: For IMb-barcoded pieces that use the Reply Mail ZIP construct, IV provides visibility to the CRIDs who have that routing code associated to them. Visibility provided to MID on Piece and Mail Owner* if piece is: Full-Service OR Not eligible for Full-Service OR Residual mail‡ OR Reply Mail OR Single-Piece rate Bundles Visibility provided to MID on Piece and Mail Owner* of pieces within a bundle (Full-Service not required) Visibility provided to MID on Piece and Mail Owner* of pieces within a bundle when at least one of their pieces within the bundle is: * eDoc is required to determine if pieces within a container, handling unit, or bundle are Full-Service or eligible for Full-Service as well as determine the Mail Owner, Mail Preparer, and eDoc Submitter of the pieces. † Assumed handling events are dependent upon mailer eDocs (Mail.dat® or Mail.XML eDoc) for mailer containers, handling units, or bundles and Postal Service nesting information for Postal Service containers and handling units. ‡ Visibility of residual mail is only provided if the eDoc Submitter CRID had at least one month in the past three months in which 95% or higher of their Full-Service eligible pieces were mailed as Full-Service.
IV Mail Tracking & Reporting Future Visibility
Mail Object Actual Handling Event Assumed Handling Event† Logical Handling Event Handling units Visibility provided to Mail Owner, Mail Preparer*, and MID on Piece of pieces within a handling unit when at least one of their pieces within the handling unit is: Full-Service OR Not eligible for Full-Service OR Residual mail‡ OR Reply Mail OR Single-Piece rate Visibility provided to eDoc Submitter* and MID on Tray when at least one of the pieces within the handling unit is: Containers Visibility provided to Mail Owner, Mail Preparer*, and MID on Piece of pieces within a container when at least one of their pieces within the container is: Visibility provided to eDoc Submitter*, MID on Container, and FAST Scheduler for appointment associated to container when at least one of the pieces within the container is: * eDoc is required to determine if pieces within a container, handling unit, or bundle are Full-Service or eligible for Full-Service as well as determine the Mail Owner, Mail Preparer, and eDoc Submitter of the pieces. † Assumed handling events are dependent upon mailer eDocs (Mail.dat® or Mail.XML eDoc) for mailer containers, handling units, or bundles and Postal Service nesting information for Postal Service containers and handling units. ‡ Visibility of residual mail is only provided if the eDoc Submitter CRID had at least one month in the past three months in which 95% or higher of their Full-Service eligible pieces were mailed as Full-Service.
IV Mail Tracking & Reporting Migration Phased-Approach Timeline
Release Plan as of 4/24/17 Scope Deployment** Release 1.0 Piece Visibility – Automation Scans (IMb Tracing) Container and Tray Visibility Bundle Visibility – Automation Handling Events Phase 1 of Web-Enabled Mail Tracking Phase 1 of Flexible Data Provisioning Flexible Data Delegation Piece Visibility – Logical Delivery Events Roles and permissions management May 2017 (Expanded Pilot) Release 2.1 Bundle Visibility – Logical Out for Delivery Events Logical Delivery Events for mailpieces that receive Logical Out for Delivery Events Assumed events for nested mail objects based on bundle handling events Apr/May 2017 Release 2.2 Assumed events for nested mail objects based on container and handling unit handling events Tentative June 2017 Release 3.0 Start-the-Clock Visibility Phase 2 of Web-Enabled Mail Tracking Additional releases for FY17 are still being planned. **Dates are contingent on pilot results.
IMb Tracing
IMb Tracing Stability The IMb Tracing system will continue to be supported and monitored until its retirement at the end of FY17. Earlier this year, there was some instability and scan latency observed with the IMb Tracing system. This was primarily due to the increasing scan volumes as IMb Tracing subscribers and mail visibility continues to grow. The root causes for the increased scan latency were identified and resolved, and as a result, the scan latency observed with the IMb Tracing system has returned to normal.
Mail In Measurement
FY17 Q2 Commercial Mail Volume Mail In Measurement
In FY17 Q2, almost 76% of Full-Service mail was in Measurement Mail Class Mail Shape Commercial Full-Service Eligible Full-Service In Measurement % of Full-Service In Measurement First Class Presort Letter/Card 10,289,142,103 9,879,441,951 9,248,230,130 6,457,884,829 69.83% Flat 156,303,506 138,236,090 111,811,390 75,024,277 67.10% USPS Marketing Letter 13,029,848,663 12,750,895,721 11,737,715,355 9,535,714,550 81.24% 5,331,063,010 3,149,252,818 2,772,742,218 2,091,762,340 75.44% Periodicals 1,249,594,822 1,203,955,663 1,031,482,167 708,653,487 68.70% Total 30,055,952,104 27,121,782,243 24,901,981,260 18,869,039,483 75.77% The weekly score trend chart shows a trailing six-week snapshot of Standard Mail Letters service performance prior to last mile, also known as the “processing” score which depicts performance in mail processing from start-the-clock to final processing compared to the service standard. Volumes in measurement are shown by entry type. Volumes are also shown for the Same Period Last Year (SPLY). The quarter-to-date performance table shows performance by entry type, with the following calculations: Total Pieces Measured: Quarter-to-date volume of measurable pieces, after all business rules have been applied. Processing % On-Time: Performance score, relative to service standard, from mail acceptance to final processing scan. Last Mile Impact: Net reduction in service performance after combining Processing with Last Mile. Overall Score: Estimated service performance from start-the-clock through delivery, including last mile. Target Score: Official service target score. SPLY Pieces Measured: Volumes in measurement for Same Period Last Year. Volume Change: Percentage increase or decrease in measured volume this year compared to SPLY. SPLY Overall QTD Score: Overall service performance result for Same Period Last Year. Quarter-to-date numbers highlighted in bold green or red indicate positive or negative changes in this week’s results as compared to last week’s reported results. Note: Metrics are for Mailing Dates 1/1/2017 – 3/31/2017 67
In March 2017, 92% of Commercial mail eligible for Full-Service
Full Service Mail Trend In March 2017, 92% of Commercial mail eligible for Full-Service was Full-Service Note: Below graph depicts FS Adoption % as an avg. for the quarter; Slide title depicts the % for the latest month. The chart depicts the quarterly trend of Full Service Adoption as a % of all commercial mail that is eligible for the Full-Service discount.
USPS Marketing Mail*® (Letters)
Volume In Measurement In March 2017, 72% of Commercial USPS Marketing Letters were in measurement. Over 3.4 Billion pieces were measured. Basic (FS Eligible) Breakdown: • 55% of this mail is associated with existing Full-Service Mailers • 45% of this mail is associated with Non Full-Service Mailers The pie chart depicts the breakdown of the total Commercial mail volume for the specified month. FS in Measurement: % of total mail that is Full Service and in measurement FS Not in Measurement: % of total mail that is Full Service and not in measurement Basic (FS Eligible): % of total mail that is Basic Service and is eligible for Full Service Basic (Non-FS Eligible): % of total mail that is Basic Service and is not eligible for Full Service *Prior to FY17 Q2, Marketing Mail was referred to as Standard Mail
Attributed to USPS / Unknown
USPS Marketing Mail*® (Letters) Reasons Why Mail is not in Measurement In March 2017, 20% of Full-Service USPS Marketing Letters were excluded from measurement Attributed to Mailers 24.54% Attributed to USPS / Unknown 75.46% Exclusion Reason % of Excluded % of Total* No Start-the-Clock 47.91% 10.80% No Piece Scan 25.78% 5.81% Invalid Entry Point for Entry Discount (FAST MDF) 10.71% 2.41% Undeliverable-as-Addressed / PARS 5.26% 1.19% Non-Unique IMb 3.49% 0.79% Incorrect Entry Facility 1.66% 0.37% Non-Unique Physical IMcb 1.36% 0.31% Long Haul 0.96% 0.22% FAST Appointment Irregularity 0.65% 0.15% Other 2.22% 0.50% The pie chart depicts the breakdown of Full Service mail volume in measurement and not in measurement for the specified month. Pieces in Measurement: % of total Full Service mail that is in measurement Exclusion reasons: % of each of the top reasons why Full Service mail is not in measurement. Attributed to Mailers: % of exclusions that can definitively be attributed to Mailer issues. Unable to attribute to Mailers: % of exclusions that cannot definitively be attributed to Mailer issues. The exclusion breakdown table depicts the top reasons for Full Service Mail volume to not be in measurement along with the associated volume %. Reason: A short description of the reason why mail is excluded % of Excluded: % of the total excluded mail volume each reason constitutes % of Total: % of the total mail volume each reason constitutes * Mail can be excluded due to more than one reason. As a result, the sum of individual exclusion percentages (23%) is greater than the overall percentage of mail not in measurement (20%) *Prior to FY17 Q2, Marketing Mail was referred to as Standard Mail
USPS Marketing Mail*® (Flats)
Volume In Measurement In March 2017, 40% of Commercial USPS Marketing Flats were in measurement. Over 782 Million pieces were measured. Basic (FS Eligible) Breakdown: • 60% of this mail is associated with existing Full-Service Mailers • 40% of this mail is associated with Non Full-Service Mailers The pie chart depicts the breakdown of the total Commercial mail volume for the specified month. FS in Measurement: % of total mail that is Full Service and in measurement FS Not in Measurement: % of total mail that is Full Service and not in measurement Basic (FS Eligible): % of total mail that is Basic Service and is eligible for Full Service Basic (Non-FS Eligible): % of total mail that is Basic Service and is not eligible for Full Service *Prior to FY17 Q2, Marketing Mail was referred to as Standard Mail
Attributed to USPS / Unknown
USPS Marketing Mail*® (Flats) Reasons Why Mail is not in Measurement In March 2017, 24% of Full-Service USPS Marketing Flats were excluded from measurement Attributed to Mailers 33.05% Attributed to USPS / Unknown 66.95% Exclusion Reason % of Excluded % of Total* No Piece Scan 53.08% 14.60% Invalid Entry Point for Entry Discount (FAST MDF) 14.55% 4.00% No Start-the-Clock 12.40% 3.41% Invalid Container Level for Entry 8.31% 2.29% Non-Unique IMb 2.84% 0.78% Incorrect Entry Facility 1.81% 0.50% Orphan Handling Unit 1.38% 0.38% Invalid Delivery Point 1.18% 0.33% Non-Unique Physical IMcb 0.94% 0.26% Other 3.51% 0.95% The pie chart depicts the breakdown of Full Service mail volume in measurement and not in measurement for the specified month. Pieces in Measurement: % of total Full Service mail that is in measurement Exclusion reasons: % of each of the top reasons why Full Service mail is not in measurement. Attributed to Mailers: % of exclusions that can definitively be attributed to Mailer issues. Unable to attribute to Mailers: % of exclusions that cannot definitively be attributed to Mailer issues. The exclusion breakdown table depicts the top reasons for Full Service Mail volume to not be in measurement along with the associated volume %. Reason: A short description of the reason why mail is excluded % of Excluded: % of the total excluded mail volume each reason constitutes % of Total: % of the total mail volume each reason constitutes * Mail can be excluded due to more than one reason. As a result, the sum of individual exclusion percentages (28%) is greater than the overall percentage of mail not in measurement (24%) *Prior to FY17 Q2, Marketing Mail was referred to as Standard Mail
BPM (Flats) Volume In Measurement
In March 2017, 8% of Commercial BPM Flats were in measurement. Over 2 Million pieces were measured. Basic (FS Eligible) Breakdown: • 100% of this mail is associated with existing Full-Service Mailers • 0% of this mail is associated with Non Full-Service Mailers The pie chart depicts the breakdown of the total Commercial mail volume for the specified month. FS in Measurement: % of total mail that is Full Service and in measurement FS Not in Measurement: % of total mail that is Full Service and not in measurement Basic (FS Eligible): % of total mail that is Basic Service and is eligible for Full Service Basic (Non-FS Eligible): % of total mail that is Basic Service and is not eligible for Full Service
Attributed to USPS / Unknown
BPM (Flats) Reasons Why Mail is not in Measurement In March 2017, 67% of Full-Service BPM Flats were excluded from measurement Attributed to Mailers 18.60% Attributed to USPS / Unknown 81.40% Exclusion Reason % of Excluded % of Total* No Piece Scan 73.66% 58.85% Invalid Entry Point for Entry Discount (FAST MDF) 15.05% 12.03% No Start-the-Clock 7.13% 5.69% Non-Unique IMtb 1.13% 0.90% Incorrect Entry Facility 1.12% Non-Unique Physical IMcb 0.63% 0.50% Long Haul 0.46% 0.37% Undeliverable-as-Addressed / PARS 0.26% 0.21% Orphan Handling Unit 0.17% Other 0.35% 0.28% The pie chart depicts the breakdown of Full Service mail volume in measurement and not in measurement for the specified month. Pieces in Measurement: % of total Full Service mail that is in measurement Exclusion reasons: % of each of the top reasons why Full Service mail is not in measurement. Attributed to Mailers: % of exclusions that can definitively be attributed to Mailer issues. Unable to attribute to Mailers: % of exclusions that cannot definitively be attributed to Mailer issues. The exclusion breakdown table depicts the top reasons for Full Service Mail volume to not be in measurement along with the associated volume %. Reason: A short description of the reason why mail is excluded % of Excluded: % of the total excluded mail volume each reason constitutes % of Total: % of the total mail volume each reason constitutes * Mail can be excluded due to more than one reason. As a result, the sum of individual exclusion percentages (80%) is greater than the overall percentage of mail not in measurement (67%)
Mail Not In Measurement Exclusion Reason Descriptions
Exclusion Description Mailer Attributed Invalid Entry Point for Entry Discount (FAST MDF) Entry Point for Entry Discount claimed in eDoc is invalid for the entry point and destination of the mail Y Incorrect Entry Facility eDoc entry facility does not match the facility specified in the associated FAST Appointment Non-Unique IMb eDoc contains mail pieces with a non-unique IMb Undeliverable-as-Addressed / PARS Undeliverable-as Addressed (UAA) mail as indicated by ACS and/or PARS operation when mail piece is processed Inaccurate Scheduled Ship Date eDoc scheduled ship date time is 48+ hours earlier than the postage statement finalization date time FAST Appointment Irregularity Irregularity with the mailing/trip captured by FAST (e.g. contents not matching 8125) Non-Unique Physical IMcb Physical containers with non-unique IMcb on the placard Orphan Handling Unit Mail piece associated to an Orphan Handling Unit (e.g. loose tray) that is not inducted at a Business Mail Entry Unit Non-Compliant Mailing/Mailer identified as non-compliant due to inaccuracies in mail preparation OR Mailer in 6-week monitoring period for new mailers Invalid Container Level for Entry The 3-Digit (FSS Facility) pallet was entered directly at a DFSS site No Piece Scan No automation scan observed for the mail piece N No Start-the-Clock Lack of a container unload scan or inability to identify the FAST appointment associated to the container Long Haul Mail verified at a DMU then transported by USPS to a mail processing facility in a different district than the DMU Inconsistent SPM data Mail piece received inconsistent scan events when calculating SPM (container/mail piece scans not in chronological order) Excluded ZIPs Excluded from SPM due to 3 digit delivery ZIPs that are not measured
Total Excluded Volume *Prior to FY17 Q2, Marketing Mail was referred to as Standard Mail
USPS Marketing Mail® Letters
*Prior to FY17 Q2, Marketing Mail was referred to as Standard Mail
USPS Marketing Mail® Flats
*Prior to FY17 Q2, Marketing Mail was referred to as Standard Mail
BPM Flats *Prior to FY17 Q2, Marketing Mail was referred to as Standard Mail
No Start-the-Clock *Prior to FY17 Q2, Marketing Mail was referred to as Standard Mail
Invalid Entry Point for Entry Discount
*Prior to FY17 Q2, Marketing Mail was referred to as Standard Mail
Incorrect Entry Facility
*Prior to FY17 Q2, Marketing Mail was referred to as Standard Mail
Undeliverable-as-Addressed / PARS
*Prior to FY17 Q2, Marketing Mail was referred to as Standard Mail
Non-Unique IMb *Prior to FY17 Q2, Marketing Mail was referred to as Standard Mail
Inaccurate Scheduled Ship Date
*Prior to FY17 Q2, Marketing Mail was referred to as Standard Mail
Invalid Container Level for Entry
*Prior to FY17 Q2, Marketing Mail was referred to as Standard Mail
No Piece Scan *Prior to FY17 Q2, Marketing Mail was referred to as Standard Mail
No Piece Scan
No Piece Scan Volume FY17 Q2 - Letters
Mail Class Mail Shape Entry Discount No Piece Scan Volume % No Piece Scan % of Total Letters No Piece Scan First Class Presort Letter/Cards ORIGIN 236,748,053 2.92% 29.48% USPS Marketing Letter ASF 3,641,079 3.53% 0.45% DDU 11,731 6.22% 0.00% DNDC 74,969,800 6.40% 9.33% DSCF 326,215,934 4.05% 40.62% 161,187,059 12.88% 20.07% Periodicals 31 0.64% 8,004 69.29% 1,680 1.02% 1,390 3.34% 321,586 11.32% 0.04% Grand Total 803,106,347 4.29% 100% The weekly score trend chart shows a trailing six-week snapshot of Standard Mail Letters service performance prior to last mile, also known as the “processing” score which depicts performance in mail processing from start-the-clock to final processing compared to the service standard. Volumes in measurement are shown by entry type. Volumes are also shown for the Same Period Last Year (SPLY). The quarter-to-date performance table shows performance by entry type, with the following calculations: Total Pieces Measured: Quarter-to-date volume of measurable pieces, after all business rules have been applied. Processing % On-Time: Performance score, relative to service standard, from mail acceptance to final processing scan. Last Mile Impact: Net reduction in service performance after combining Processing with Last Mile. Overall Score: Estimated service performance from start-the-clock through delivery, including last mile. Target Score: Official service target score. SPLY Pieces Measured: Volumes in measurement for Same Period Last Year. Volume Change: Percentage increase or decrease in measured volume this year compared to SPLY. SPLY Overall QTD Score: Overall service performance result for Same Period Last Year. Quarter-to-date numbers highlighted in bold green or red indicate positive or negative changes in this week’s results as compared to last week’s reported results. 89
No Piece Scan Volume FY17 Q2 - Flats
Mail Class Mail Shape Entry Discount No Piece Scan Volume % No Piece Scan % of Total Flats No Piece Scan First Class Presort Flat ORIGIN 10,912,701 11.37% 1.74% USPS Marketing ADC 3,143 12.58% 0.00% ASF 6,709,737 14.11% 1.07% DDU 8,744,097 76.48% 1.39% DNDC 52,358,309 17.44% 8.33% DSCF 280,362,285 13.54% 44.62% 50,489,673 22.97% 8.03% Periodicals 7,065,939 32.94% 1.12% 19,194 22.02% 3,078,118 69.85% 0.49% 10,692,346 38.03% 1.70% 142,325,501 18.83% 22.65% 55,625,193 26.96% 8.85% Grand Total 628,386,236 16.70% 100% The weekly score trend chart shows a trailing six-week snapshot of Standard Mail Letters service performance prior to last mile, also known as the “processing” score which depicts performance in mail processing from start-the-clock to final processing compared to the service standard. Volumes in measurement are shown by entry type. Volumes are also shown for the Same Period Last Year (SPLY). The quarter-to-date performance table shows performance by entry type, with the following calculations: Total Pieces Measured: Quarter-to-date volume of measurable pieces, after all business rules have been applied. Processing % On-Time: Performance score, relative to service standard, from mail acceptance to final processing scan. Last Mile Impact: Net reduction in service performance after combining Processing with Last Mile. Overall Score: Estimated service performance from start-the-clock through delivery, including last mile. Target Score: Official service target score. SPLY Pieces Measured: Volumes in measurement for Same Period Last Year. Volume Change: Percentage increase or decrease in measured volume this year compared to SPLY. SPLY Overall QTD Score: Overall service performance result for Same Period Last Year. Quarter-to-date numbers highlighted in bold green or red indicate positive or negative changes in this week’s results as compared to last week’s reported results. 90
Increase Mail In Measurement
Increase Mail In Measurement
Approach Focusing on top 3 exclusion reasons for each mail class/shape Cross-Functional team formed Team includes stakeholders from Operations, MEPT, EA Top opportunity pairs identified (postal sites and mailers) Team meets and reviews performance of selected pairs weekly Team is actively engaged in working with mailers and postal sites to identify root causes and implement sustained resolutions for excluded mail Confirmed root causes and resolutions will be communicated for national implementation
Increase Mail In Measurement
Improvements in First-Class Mail measured volume for Mailer A inducted at Des Moines The weekly score trend chart shows a trailing six-week snapshot of Standard Mail Letters service performance prior to last mile, also known as the “processing” score which depicts performance in mail processing from start-the-clock to final processing compared to the service standard. Volumes in measurement are shown by entry type. Volumes are also shown for the Same Period Last Year (SPLY). The quarter-to-date performance table shows performance by entry type, with the following calculations: Total Pieces Measured: Quarter-to-date volume of measurable pieces, after all business rules have been applied. Processing % On-Time: Performance score, relative to service standard, from mail acceptance to final processing scan. Last Mile Impact: Net reduction in service performance after combining Processing with Last Mile. Overall Score: Estimated service performance from start-the-clock through delivery, including last mile. Target Score: Official service target score. SPLY Pieces Measured: Volumes in measurement for Same Period Last Year. Volume Change: Percentage increase or decrease in measured volume this year compared to SPLY. SPLY Overall QTD Score: Overall service performance result for Same Period Last Year. Quarter-to-date numbers highlighted in bold green or red indicate positive or negative changes in this week’s results as compared to last week’s reported results. 93
Bundle Visibility
FY17 Q2 Bundle Visibility Metrics by Mail Preparation
In FY17 Q2, there were over 3.8 Billion Full-Service USPS Marketing and Periodicals Flats Over 83% had some type of Bundle/Piece Visibility Over 72% of Carrier Route prepared bundles had Bundle Visibility Mail Preparation Full-Service Bundle Count Full-Service Volume % of Full-Service Volume FS Volume with Piece Automation % of Mail Prep with Piece Automation with Bundle Visibility % of Mail Prep with Bundle Visibility with Any Visibility % of Mail Prep with Any Visibility Carrier Route 117,085,339 2,114,361,033 55.58% 113,300,063 5.36% 1,534,197,243 72.56% 1,647,497,305 77.92% FSS Scheme 21,272,748 765,135,711 20.11% 679,976,996 88.87% 42,122,607 5.51% 722,099,603 94.38% 5-Digit 30,562,495 602,232,890 15.83% 398,012,774 66.09% 122,127,512 20.28% 520,140,286 86.37% 3-Digit 13,130,524 261,522,405 6.87% 197,591,704 75.55% 37,220,946 14.23% 234,812,650 89.79% ADC/AADC 1,971,260 20,525,634 0.54% 14,802,328 72.12% 2,887,083 14.07% 17,689,412 86.18% MxADC/AADC 832,798 13,418,432 0.35% 9,304,350 69.34% 2,052,040 15.29% 11,356,390 84.63% Other 5,634,045 11,987,445 0.32% 1,781,388 14.86% 2,260,679 18.86% 4,042,067 33.72% Parcel 4,335,943 6,424,947 0.17% 1,218,036 18.96% 787,350 12.25% 2,005,386 31.21% Firm 3,794,315 6,415,371 355,302 5.54% 1,456,203 22.70% 1,811,505 28.24% Not in Bundle 1,393,670 0.04% 1,071,867 76.91% 0.00% SCF 114,872 806,848 0.02% 100,731 12.48% 164,067 20.33% 264,798 32.82% Total 198,734,339 3,804,224,385 100% 1,417,515,538 37.26% 1,745,275,731 45.88% 3,162,791,269 83.14% The weekly score trend chart shows a trailing six-week snapshot of Standard Mail Letters service performance prior to last mile, also known as the “processing” score which depicts performance in mail processing from start-the-clock to final processing compared to the service standard. Volumes in measurement are shown by entry type. Volumes are also shown for the Same Period Last Year (SPLY). The quarter-to-date performance table shows performance by entry type, with the following calculations: Total Pieces Measured: Quarter-to-date volume of measurable pieces, after all business rules have been applied. Processing % On-Time: Performance score, relative to service standard, from mail acceptance to final processing scan. Last Mile Impact: Net reduction in service performance after combining Processing with Last Mile. Overall Score: Estimated service performance from start-the-clock through delivery, including last mile. Target Score: Official service target score. SPLY Pieces Measured: Volumes in measurement for Same Period Last Year. Volume Change: Percentage increase or decrease in measured volume this year compared to SPLY. SPLY Overall QTD Score: Overall service performance result for Same Period Last Year. Quarter-to-date numbers highlighted in bold green or red indicate positive or negative changes in this week’s results as compared to last week’s reported results. Note: Metrics based on Full-Service Volume for Mailing Dates 1/1/2017 – 3/31/2017 95
Manual Process Scanning Periodicals and News Visibility
Periodicals Visibility Roadmap
PQ2, 17 PQ3, 17 PQ4, 17 PQ1, 18 2018 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec _ Intelligent Mail Device (Proof of Concept) IMD POC (Updated Scan Events) IMD Development Proof–Of-Concept Surface Visibility Development SV w/ Ring Scanner POC MSA Development MSA Sort-to-Light POC Decision Point Gather User Stories & Develop Requirements Acceptance / Customer Service Process Development National Deployment Refine Technology Requirements & User Stories Develop SOPs / SWIs Pilot Solution Decision Point National Roll-Out Gap Monitoring Google Glass Evaluation Lapel Camera Evaluation Refine Technology Requirements Explore Technologies ID Security / Validation EAMA Evaluation Develop SOP / SWIs Proof of Concept (PQ2, 18) ID and Evaluate Alternatives Decision Point National Roll-Out (PQ3, 18) 97
Manual Bullpen
Manual Bullpen Visibility
Current Proposal Operation 120 – Initial Breakdown Operation 124 – Dispatch Currently vetting process with Operations
IMb Planning Tool IV Data
IMb Planning Tool- Informed Visibility Data
The IMb Planning tool is an online tool mailers can access from the USPS web site ( that provides data to help mailers see how mail is flowing through postal facilities and make informed decisions about their mail entry and post-mailing activities It assists mailers in timing of drop shipments , helps manage customer expectations and facilitates collaboration with industry though transparency IMb planning tool will source near real-time data from the Informed Visibility (IV) and is targeted to be externally available by 5/5/2017
Discussion Topics
Discussion Topics Feedback loop w/industry: training material for IV database/website Provide a progress update on the eMir replacement including use of SV scanner cameras to provide visual details on issues found.
Enterprise Analytics MTAC PERIODICALS FOCUS AREA April 2017
MTAC April 26, 2017 Enterprise Analytics
Addressing & Geospatial Technology
Items for Periodicals:
All Classes Status of industry request for a tool confirming a person’s residence at an address FPARS timeline update Describe impacts where FPARS cannot read IMb™ Overview of change-of-address correction process when customer’s new address fails to match CASS™ / DPV Mailer reports of increased volume of hardcopy UAA notices Discussion of R777 and No-Stat addresses 106
Periodicals Periodicals ACS™ Reconciliation
Review how Traditional ACS notices will be managed with the retirement of the Periodical Reconciliation process Explain requirements for use of Traditional ACS Participant Code when requesting Traditional ACS as back-up Present the process for accepting or rejecting hard copy notices and when charges will be assessed Discuss USPS® plans for reaching out to fulfillment houses in BCG to ensure properly set-up 107
Informed Mobility
What will users gain with Informed Mobility?
By providing the right people with the right information and technology, we enable our employees to make informed decisions
Informed Mobility USPS PMG Pillars
Equip, Empower, & Engage Employees Deliver World- Class Customer Experience Invest in Our Future Platforms Innovate to Deliver Value Informed Mobility enables our people on the front lines to make the best decisions for our customers, our business, and our employees. The goal of Informed Mobility is to provide the right people with the right information and right technology at the right time to make the best decisions that: Improve our customers’ experience Deliver new business value Improve efficiency and productivity
Where the Right People, Information, and Technology Meet
Informed Mobility Ecosystem Smart User Groups Solutions With an understanding of users, tasks, and environments; through user-centered evaluation; and addresses the whole user experience. The process involves users throughout the design and development process and it is iterative. Informed Mobility brings together existing information and technologies located across USPS to arm frontline employees with widgets that improve service, safety and cost efficiencies Where the Right People, Information, and Technology Meet
Informed Visibility
IV Mail Tracking & Reporting
Pilot Status IV Mail Tracking & Reporting application is in Release 1.0 pilot with the following functionality: Container scans, tray scans, automation bundle scans, piece scans, Logical Delivery Events Roles and permissions management Calls held twice a week with pilot participants to obtain feedback and provide resolution status on open issues Enhanced visibility (R2.1) to be added to pilot: Includes Logical Out for Delivery Events for bundles; Logical Delivery Events for pieces based on Logical Out for Delivery Events; Available: 4/24 Pilot to be expanded to additional participants after existing participants have completed data validation and pain points have been addressed Tentative date: 5/1 Timing for future releases of IV dependent on completion of this pilot
IV Mail Tracking & Reporting
Resolved Pilot Issues First barcode always provisioned on scans containing multiple barcodes with multiple MIDs Logical Delivery Event Delivery Mode missing from delimited file header FTP delivery failure due to the same file being sent twice Container and trays with NULL scan states Timestamp on Mail.XML pull messages not adjusting for time zones Four-digit opcodes observed in PKG file Predicted Delivery Date observed on a Sunday Roles & Permissions dashboard not limited to users with IV access Opcode of “00” and <Blank> observed in PKG file Three-digit routing codes observed in PKG file UNKNOWN Subscriber ID in template
IV Mail Tracking & Reporting
Open Pilot Issues Duplicate Logical Delivery Events observed Resolved on 4/6 Logical Delivery Events re-enabled on 4/24 Other duplicate scans observed Remaining duplicates below 2% One-time queries for handling units failing Resolved on 4/13 Discrepant piece counts for tray scans – business logic explanation One-time queries for pieces – scheduled for June
IV Mail Tracking & Reporting
Pilot Feedback Process Calls held twice a week with pilot participants to obtain feedback Participants call or IV MTR Tier 1 Help Desk for questions and issues Participants suggestions to Feedback Form provided, and each company asked to complete and submit to by the end of the pilot 116
IV Mail Tracking & Reporting
Visibility IV provides mail tracking visibility of letter and flat containers, handling units (trays, tubs, and sacks), bundles, and pieces that have Intelligent Mail barcodes. In some cases, visibility in IV requires that a mail object be Full-Service Intelligent Mail, if eligible. Visibility may be provided if the mailpiece is not eligible for Full-Service or if the mailpiece is residual or Reply Mail. Definitions of these terms as used in IV are provided in the table below. Term IV Definition Full-Service Mailpiece is associated to an eDoc and paid at the Full-Service rate not eligible for Full-Service Mailpiece is associated to an eDoc and has a rate category that is not eligible for Full-Service residual mail Mailpiece is associated to an eDoc where the eDoc Submitter CRID has had at least one month in the last three months in which the number of Full-Service pieces divided by the total number of Full-Service eligible pieces is 95% or higher Note: Qualifying eDoc Submitter CRIDs will be re-evaluated quarterly. Reply Mail Mailpiece has an IMb that uses a Reply Mail STID
IV Mail Tracking & Reporting
Release 1.0 Visibility For Release 1.0, IV provides the same visibility as the legacy IMb Tracing and PostalOne! systems. In addition, visibility of actual handling events for handling units and containers is extended to the MID on Tray and MID on Container, respectively. Visibility of logical handling events for pieces is also available in IV. Mail Object Actual Handling Event Logical Handling Event Pieces (letters and flats) Visibility provided to MID on Piece (Full-Service not required) Note: For IMb-barcoded pieces that use the Reply Mail ZIP construct, IV provides visibility to the CRIDs who have that routing code associated to them. Visibility provided to MID on Piece if piece is Full-Service* OR has a Reply Mail STID Bundles Visibility provided to MID on Piece of pieces within a bundle (Full-Service not required) Not applicable Handling units Visibility provided to Mail Owner and Mail Preparer of pieces within a handling unit who have at least 1 Full-Service* piece in the handling unit Visibility provided to MID on Tray when at least one of the pieces within the handling unit is Full-Service* Containers Visibility provided to Mail Owner and Mail Preparer of pieces within a container who have at least 1 Full-Service* piece in the container Visibility provided to MID on Container when at least one of the pieces within the container is Full-Service* * Electronic documentation (eDoc) is required to determine if pieces within a container, handling unit, or bundle are Full-Service as well as determine the Mail Owner and Mail Preparer of the pieces.
IV Mail Tracking & Reporting
Future Visibility In future IV releases, mail visibility will be expanded to include assumed handling events and additional logical handling events. In addition, mail visibility will be made available in some cases to the eDoc Submitter and FAST Scheduler. Finally, mail visibility for containers and handling units will be expanded to include mail not eligible for Full-Service. Mail Object Actual Handling Event Assumed Handling Event† Logical Handling Event Pieces (letters and flats) Visibility provided to MID on Piece and Mail Owner* (Full-Service not required) Note: For IMb-barcoded pieces that use the Reply Mail ZIP construct, IV provides visibility to the CRIDs who have that routing code associated to them. Visibility provided to MID on Piece and Mail Owner* if piece is: Full-Service OR Not eligible for Full-Service OR Residual mail‡ OR Reply Mail OR Single-Piece rate Bundles Visibility provided to MID on Piece and Mail Owner* of pieces within a bundle (Full-Service not required) Visibility provided to MID on Piece and Mail Owner* of pieces within a bundle when at least one of their pieces within the bundle is: * eDoc is required to determine if pieces within a container, handling unit, or bundle are Full-Service or eligible for Full-Service as well as determine the Mail Owner, Mail Preparer, and eDoc Submitter of the pieces. † Assumed handling events are dependent upon mailer eDocs (Mail.dat® or Mail.XML eDoc) for mailer containers, handling units, or bundles and Postal Service nesting information for Postal Service containers and handling units. ‡ Visibility of residual mail is only provided if the eDoc Submitter CRID had at least one month in the past three months in which 95% or higher of their Full-Service eligible pieces were mailed as Full-Service.
IV Mail Tracking & Reporting Future Visibility
Mail Object Actual Handling Event Assumed Handling Event† Logical Handling Event Handling units Visibility provided to Mail Owner, Mail Preparer*, and MID on Piece of pieces within a handling unit when at least one of their pieces within the handling unit is: Full-Service OR Not eligible for Full-Service OR Residual mail‡ OR Reply Mail OR Single-Piece rate Visibility provided to eDoc Submitter* and MID on Tray when at least one of the pieces within the handling unit is: Containers Visibility provided to Mail Owner, Mail Preparer*, and MID on Piece of pieces within a container when at least one of their pieces within the container is: Visibility provided to eDoc Submitter*, MID on Container, and FAST Scheduler for appointment associated to container when at least one of the pieces within the container is: * eDoc is required to determine if pieces within a container, handling unit, or bundle are Full-Service or eligible for Full-Service as well as determine the Mail Owner, Mail Preparer, and eDoc Submitter of the pieces. † Assumed handling events are dependent upon mailer eDocs (Mail.dat® or Mail.XML eDoc) for mailer containers, handling units, or bundles and Postal Service nesting information for Postal Service containers and handling units. ‡ Visibility of residual mail is only provided if the eDoc Submitter CRID had at least one month in the past three months in which 95% or higher of their Full-Service eligible pieces were mailed as Full-Service.
IV Mail Tracking & Reporting Migration Phased-Approach Timeline
Release Plan as of 4/24/17 Scope Deployment** Release 1.0 Piece Visibility – Automation Scans (IMb Tracing) Container and Tray Visibility Bundle Visibility – Automation Handling Events Phase 1 of Web-Enabled Mail Tracking Phase 1 of Flexible Data Provisioning Flexible Data Delegation Piece Visibility – Logical Delivery Events Roles and permissions management May 2017 (Expanded Pilot) Release 2.1 Bundle Visibility – Logical Out for Delivery Events Logical Delivery Events for mailpieces that receive Logical Out for Delivery Events Assumed events for nested mail objects based on bundle handling events Apr/May 2017 Release 2.2 Assumed events for nested mail objects based on container and handling unit handling events Tentative June 2017 Release 3.0 Start-the-Clock Visibility Phase 2 of Web-Enabled Mail Tracking Additional releases for FY17 are still being planned. **Dates are contingent on pilot results.
IMb Tracing
IMb Tracing Stability The IMb Tracing system will continue to be supported and monitored until its retirement at the end of FY17. Earlier this year, there was some instability and scan latency observed with the IMb Tracing system. This was primarily due to the increasing scan volumes as IMb Tracing subscribers and mail visibility continues to grow. The root causes for the increased scan latency were identified and resolved, and as a result, the scan latency observed with the IMb Tracing system has returned to normal.
Mail In Measurement
FY17 Q2 Commercial Mail Volume Mail In Measurement
In FY17 Q2, almost 76% of Full-Service mail was in Measurement Mail Class Mail Shape Commercial Full-Service Eligible Full-Service In Measurement % of Full-Service In Measurement First Class Presort Letter/Card 10,289,142,103 9,879,441,951 9,248,230,130 6,457,884,829 69.83% Flat 156,303,506 138,236,090 111,811,390 75,024,277 67.10% USPS Marketing Letter 13,029,848,663 12,750,895,721 11,737,715,355 9,535,714,550 81.24% 5,331,063,010 3,149,252,818 2,772,742,218 2,091,762,340 75.44% Periodicals 1,249,594,822 1,203,955,663 1,031,482,167 708,653,487 68.70% Total 30,055,952,104 27,121,782,243 24,901,981,260 18,869,039,483 75.77% The weekly score trend chart shows a trailing six-week snapshot of Standard Mail Letters service performance prior to last mile, also known as the “processing” score which depicts performance in mail processing from start-the-clock to final processing compared to the service standard. Volumes in measurement are shown by entry type. Volumes are also shown for the Same Period Last Year (SPLY). The quarter-to-date performance table shows performance by entry type, with the following calculations: Total Pieces Measured: Quarter-to-date volume of measurable pieces, after all business rules have been applied. Processing % On-Time: Performance score, relative to service standard, from mail acceptance to final processing scan. Last Mile Impact: Net reduction in service performance after combining Processing with Last Mile. Overall Score: Estimated service performance from start-the-clock through delivery, including last mile. Target Score: Official service target score. SPLY Pieces Measured: Volumes in measurement for Same Period Last Year. Volume Change: Percentage increase or decrease in measured volume this year compared to SPLY. SPLY Overall QTD Score: Overall service performance result for Same Period Last Year. Quarter-to-date numbers highlighted in bold green or red indicate positive or negative changes in this week’s results as compared to last week’s reported results. Note: Metrics are for Mailing Dates 1/1/2017 – 3/31/2017 125
In March 2017, 92% of Commercial mail eligible for Full-Service
Full Service Mail Trend In March 2017, 92% of Commercial mail eligible for Full-Service was Full-Service Note: Below graph depicts FS Adoption % as an avg. for the quarter; Slide title depicts the % for the latest month. The chart depicts the quarterly trend of Full Service Adoption as a % of all commercial mail that is eligible for the Full-Service discount.
Periodicals (Flats) Volume In Measurement
In March 2017, 57% of Commercial Periodicals Flats were in measurement. Over 263 Million pieces were measured. Basic (FS Eligible) Breakdown: • 30% of this mail is associated with existing Full-Service Mailers • 70% of this mail is associated with Non Full-Service Mailers The pie chart depicts the breakdown of the total Commercial mail volume for the specified month. FS in Measurement: % of total mail that is Full Service and in measurement FS Not in Measurement: % of total mail that is Full Service and not in measurement Basic (FS Eligible): % of total mail that is Basic Service and is eligible for Full Service Basic (Non-FS Eligible): % of total mail that is Basic Service and is not eligible for Full Service
Attributed to USPS / Unknown
Periodicals (Flats) Reasons why mail is not in measurement In March 2017, 32% of Full-Service Periodicals Flats were excluded from measurement Attributed to Mailers 16.29% Attributed to USPS / Unknown 83.71% Exclusion Reason % of Excluded % of Total* No Piece Scan 59.99% 21.52% No Start-the-Clock 14.02% 5.03% Long Haul 8.68% 3.11% Invalid Entry Point for Entry Discount (FAST MDF) 4.89% 1.75% Undeliverable-as-Addressed / PARS 3.13% 1.12% Inaccurate Scheduled Ship Date 1.89% 0.68% Incorrect Entry Facility 1.65% 0.59% Invalid Container Level for Entry 1.57% 0.56% Orphan Handling Unit 0.98% 0.35% Other 3.20% 1.18% The pie chart depicts the breakdown of Full Service mail volume in measurement and not in measurement for the specified month. Pieces in Measurement: % of total Full Service mail that is in measurement Exclusion reasons: % of each of the top reasons why Full Service mail is not in measurement. Attributed to Mailers: % of exclusions that can definitively be attributed to Mailer issues. Unable to attribute to Mailers: % of exclusions that cannot definitively be attributed to Mailer issues. The exclusion breakdown table depicts the top reasons for Full Service Mail volume to not be in measurement along with the associated volume %. Reason: A short description of the reason why mail is excluded % of Excluded: % of the total excluded mail volume each reason constitutes % of Total: % of the total mail volume each reason constitutes * Mail can be excluded due to more than one reason. As a result, the sum of individual exclusion percentages (36%) is greater than the overall percentage of mail not in measurement (32%)
Mail Not In Measurement Exclusion Reason Descriptions
Exclusion Description Mailer Attributed Invalid Entry Point for Entry Discount (FAST MDF) Entry Point for Entry Discount claimed in eDoc is invalid for the entry point and destination of the mail Y Incorrect Entry Facility eDoc entry facility does not match the facility specified in the associated FAST Appointment Non-Unique IMb eDoc contains mail pieces with a non-unique IMb Undeliverable-as-Addressed / PARS Undeliverable-as Addressed (UAA) mail as indicated by ACS and/or PARS operation when mail piece is processed Inaccurate Scheduled Ship Date eDoc scheduled ship date time is 48+ hours earlier than the postage statement finalization date time FAST Appointment Irregularity Irregularity with the mailing/trip captured by FAST (e.g. contents not matching 8125) Non-Unique Physical IMcb Physical containers with non-unique IMcb on the placard Orphan Handling Unit Mail piece associated to an Orphan Handling Unit (e.g. loose tray) that is not inducted at a Business Mail Entry Unit Non-Compliant Mailing/Mailer identified as non-compliant due to inaccuracies in mail preparation OR Mailer in 6-week monitoring period for new mailers Invalid Container Level for Entry The 3-Digit (FSS Facility) pallet was entered directly at a DFSS site No Piece Scan No automation scan observed for the mail piece N No Start-the-Clock Lack of a container unload scan or inability to identify the FAST appointment associated to the container Long Haul Mail verified at a DMU then transported by USPS to a mail processing facility in a different district than the DMU Inconsistent SPM data Mail piece received inconsistent scan events when calculating SPM (container/mail piece scans not in chronological order) Excluded ZIPs Excluded from SPM due to 3 digit delivery ZIPs that are not measured
Total Excluded Volume
Periodicals Flats
No Start-the-Clock
Invalid Entry Point for Entry Discount
Incorrect Entry Facility
Undeliverable-as-Addressed / PARS
Non-Unique IMb
Inaccurate Scheduled Ship Date
Invalid Container Level for Entry
No Piece Scan
No Piece Scan
No Piece Scan Volume FY17 Q2 - Letters
Mail Class Mail Shape Entry Discount No Piece Scan Volume % No Piece Scan % of Total Letters No Piece Scan First Class Presort Letter/Cards ORIGIN 236,748,053 2.92% 29.48% USPS Marketing Letter ASF 3,641,079 3.53% 0.45% DDU 11,731 6.22% 0.00% DNDC 74,969,800 6.40% 9.33% DSCF 326,215,934 4.05% 40.62% 161,187,059 12.88% 20.07% Periodicals 31 0.64% 8,004 69.29% 1,680 1.02% 1,390 3.34% 321,586 11.32% 0.04% Grand Total 803,106,347 4.29% 100% The weekly score trend chart shows a trailing six-week snapshot of Standard Mail Letters service performance prior to last mile, also known as the “processing” score which depicts performance in mail processing from start-the-clock to final processing compared to the service standard. Volumes in measurement are shown by entry type. Volumes are also shown for the Same Period Last Year (SPLY). The quarter-to-date performance table shows performance by entry type, with the following calculations: Total Pieces Measured: Quarter-to-date volume of measurable pieces, after all business rules have been applied. Processing % On-Time: Performance score, relative to service standard, from mail acceptance to final processing scan. Last Mile Impact: Net reduction in service performance after combining Processing with Last Mile. Overall Score: Estimated service performance from start-the-clock through delivery, including last mile. Target Score: Official service target score. SPLY Pieces Measured: Volumes in measurement for Same Period Last Year. Volume Change: Percentage increase or decrease in measured volume this year compared to SPLY. SPLY Overall QTD Score: Overall service performance result for Same Period Last Year. Quarter-to-date numbers highlighted in bold green or red indicate positive or negative changes in this week’s results as compared to last week’s reported results. 141
No Piece Scan Volume FY17 Q2 - Flats
Mail Class Mail Shape Entry Discount No Piece Scan Volume % No Piece Scan % of Total Flats No Piece Scan First Class Presort Flat ORIGIN 10,912,701 11.37% 1.74% USPS Marketing ADC 3,143 12.58% 0.00% ASF 6,709,737 14.11% 1.07% DDU 8,744,097 76.48% 1.39% DNDC 52,358,309 17.44% 8.33% DSCF 280,362,285 13.54% 44.62% 50,489,673 22.97% 8.03% Periodicals 7,065,939 32.94% 1.12% 19,194 22.02% 3,078,118 69.85% 0.49% 10,692,346 38.03% 1.70% 142,325,501 18.83% 22.65% 55,625,193 26.96% 8.85% Grand Total 628,386,236 16.70% 100% The weekly score trend chart shows a trailing six-week snapshot of Standard Mail Letters service performance prior to last mile, also known as the “processing” score which depicts performance in mail processing from start-the-clock to final processing compared to the service standard. Volumes in measurement are shown by entry type. Volumes are also shown for the Same Period Last Year (SPLY). The quarter-to-date performance table shows performance by entry type, with the following calculations: Total Pieces Measured: Quarter-to-date volume of measurable pieces, after all business rules have been applied. Processing % On-Time: Performance score, relative to service standard, from mail acceptance to final processing scan. Last Mile Impact: Net reduction in service performance after combining Processing with Last Mile. Overall Score: Estimated service performance from start-the-clock through delivery, including last mile. Target Score: Official service target score. SPLY Pieces Measured: Volumes in measurement for Same Period Last Year. Volume Change: Percentage increase or decrease in measured volume this year compared to SPLY. SPLY Overall QTD Score: Overall service performance result for Same Period Last Year. Quarter-to-date numbers highlighted in bold green or red indicate positive or negative changes in this week’s results as compared to last week’s reported results. 142
Deep Dive on No Piece Scan by Entry Type
Periodicals Deep Dive on No Piece Scan by Entry Type
FY17 Q2 Periodicals Visibility Flows Metrics by Entry Discount Type
In FY17 Q2, about 22% of Periodicals did not have any visibility at the piece level DDU Entry had the highest % of Periodicals which did not have any piece level visibility Breakdown by Entry Type: Entry Discount Type % with No Visibility Bundle Visibility FSS Visibility AFSM Visibility Other Visibility DSCF 18.88% 46.68% 18.32% 15.93% 0.18% ORIGIN 27.02% 30.15% 9.80% 32.39% 0.65% DNDC 38.04% 37.50% 6.36% 17.97% 0.14% ADC 32.97% 27.69% 6.97% 32.19% 0.17% DDU 69.85% 8.95% 0.00% 0.05% 21.14% ASF 22.02% 21.04% 2.83% 53.95% 0.16% Total 21.58% 42.50% 15.94% 19.61% 0.37% The weekly score trend chart shows a trailing six-week snapshot of Standard Mail Letters service performance prior to last mile, also known as the “processing” score which depicts performance in mail processing from start-the-clock to final processing compared to the service standard. Volumes in measurement are shown by entry type. Volumes are also shown for the Same Period Last Year (SPLY). The quarter-to-date performance table shows performance by entry type, with the following calculations: Total Pieces Measured: Quarter-to-date volume of measurable pieces, after all business rules have been applied. Processing % On-Time: Performance score, relative to service standard, from mail acceptance to final processing scan. Last Mile Impact: Net reduction in service performance after combining Processing with Last Mile. Overall Score: Estimated service performance from start-the-clock through delivery, including last mile. Target Score: Official service target score. SPLY Pieces Measured: Volumes in measurement for Same Period Last Year. Volume Change: Percentage increase or decrease in measured volume this year compared to SPLY. SPLY Overall QTD Score: Overall service performance result for Same Period Last Year. Quarter-to-date numbers highlighted in bold green or red indicate positive or negative changes in this week’s results as compared to last week’s reported results. Note: Metrics based on Full-Service Volume for Mailing Dates 1/1/2017 – 3/31/2017 144
Increase Mail In Measurement
Increase Mail In Measurement
Approach Focusing on top 3 exclusion reasons for each mail class/shape Cross-Functional team formed Team includes stakeholders from Operations, MEPT, EA Top opportunity pairs identified (postal sites and mailers) Team meets and reviews performance of selected pairs weekly Team is actively engaged in working with mailers and postal sites to identify root causes and implement sustained resolutions for excluded mail Confirmed root causes and resolutions will be communicated for national implementation
Increase Mail In Measurement
Improvements in First-Class Mail measured volume for Mailer A inducted at Des Moines The weekly score trend chart shows a trailing six-week snapshot of Standard Mail Letters service performance prior to last mile, also known as the “processing” score which depicts performance in mail processing from start-the-clock to final processing compared to the service standard. Volumes in measurement are shown by entry type. Volumes are also shown for the Same Period Last Year (SPLY). The quarter-to-date performance table shows performance by entry type, with the following calculations: Total Pieces Measured: Quarter-to-date volume of measurable pieces, after all business rules have been applied. Processing % On-Time: Performance score, relative to service standard, from mail acceptance to final processing scan. Last Mile Impact: Net reduction in service performance after combining Processing with Last Mile. Overall Score: Estimated service performance from start-the-clock through delivery, including last mile. Target Score: Official service target score. SPLY Pieces Measured: Volumes in measurement for Same Period Last Year. Volume Change: Percentage increase or decrease in measured volume this year compared to SPLY. SPLY Overall QTD Score: Overall service performance result for Same Period Last Year. Quarter-to-date numbers highlighted in bold green or red indicate positive or negative changes in this week’s results as compared to last week’s reported results. 147
Bundle Visibility
FY17 Q2 Bundle Visibility Metrics by Mail Preparation
In FY17 Q2, there were over 3.8 Billion Full-Service USPS Marketing and Periodicals Flats Over 83% had some type of Bundle/Piece Visibility Over 72% of Carrier Route prepared bundles had Bundle Visibility Mail Preparation Full-Service Bundle Count Full-Service Volume % of Full-Service Volume FS Volume with Piece Automation % of Mail Prep with Piece Automation with Bundle Visibility % of Mail Prep with Bundle Visibility with Any Visibility % of Mail Prep with Any Visibility Carrier Route 117,085,339 2,114,361,033 55.58% 113,300,063 5.36% 1,534,197,243 72.56% 1,647,497,305 77.92% FSS Scheme 21,272,748 765,135,711 20.11% 679,976,996 88.87% 42,122,607 5.51% 722,099,603 94.38% 5-Digit 30,562,495 602,232,890 15.83% 398,012,774 66.09% 122,127,512 20.28% 520,140,286 86.37% 3-Digit 13,130,524 261,522,405 6.87% 197,591,704 75.55% 37,220,946 14.23% 234,812,650 89.79% ADC/AADC 1,971,260 20,525,634 0.54% 14,802,328 72.12% 2,887,083 14.07% 17,689,412 86.18% MxADC/AADC 832,798 13,418,432 0.35% 9,304,350 69.34% 2,052,040 15.29% 11,356,390 84.63% Other 5,634,045 11,987,445 0.32% 1,781,388 14.86% 2,260,679 18.86% 4,042,067 33.72% Parcel 4,335,943 6,424,947 0.17% 1,218,036 18.96% 787,350 12.25% 2,005,386 31.21% Firm 3,794,315 6,415,371 355,302 5.54% 1,456,203 22.70% 1,811,505 28.24% Not in Bundle 1,393,670 0.04% 1,071,867 76.91% 0.00% SCF 114,872 806,848 0.02% 100,731 12.48% 164,067 20.33% 264,798 32.82% Total 198,734,339 3,804,224,385 100% 1,417,515,538 37.26% 1,745,275,731 45.88% 3,162,791,269 83.14% The weekly score trend chart shows a trailing six-week snapshot of Standard Mail Letters service performance prior to last mile, also known as the “processing” score which depicts performance in mail processing from start-the-clock to final processing compared to the service standard. Volumes in measurement are shown by entry type. Volumes are also shown for the Same Period Last Year (SPLY). The quarter-to-date performance table shows performance by entry type, with the following calculations: Total Pieces Measured: Quarter-to-date volume of measurable pieces, after all business rules have been applied. Processing % On-Time: Performance score, relative to service standard, from mail acceptance to final processing scan. Last Mile Impact: Net reduction in service performance after combining Processing with Last Mile. Overall Score: Estimated service performance from start-the-clock through delivery, including last mile. Target Score: Official service target score. SPLY Pieces Measured: Volumes in measurement for Same Period Last Year. Volume Change: Percentage increase or decrease in measured volume this year compared to SPLY. SPLY Overall QTD Score: Overall service performance result for Same Period Last Year. Quarter-to-date numbers highlighted in bold green or red indicate positive or negative changes in this week’s results as compared to last week’s reported results. Note: Metrics based on Full-Service Volume for Mailing Dates 1/1/2017 – 3/31/2017 149
Manual Process Scanning Periodicals and News Visibility
Periodicals Visibility Roadmap
PQ2, 17 PQ3, 17 PQ4, 17 PQ1, 18 2018 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec _ Intelligent Mail Device (Proof of Concept) IMD POC (Updated Scan Events) IMD Development Proof–Of-Concept Surface Visibility Development SV w/ Ring Scanner POC MSA Development MSA Sort-to-Light POC Decision Point Gather User Stories & Develop Requirements Acceptance / Customer Service Process Development National Deployment Refine Technology Requirements & User Stories Develop SOPs / SWIs Pilot Solution Decision Point National Roll-Out Gap Monitoring Google Glass Evaluation Lapel Camera Evaluation Refine Technology Requirements Explore Technologies ID Security / Validation EAMA Evaluation Develop SOP / SWIs Proof of Concept (PQ2, 18) ID and Evaluate Alternatives Decision Point National Roll-Out (PQ3, 18) 151
Manual Bullpen
Manual Bullpen Visibility
Current Proposal Operation 120 – Initial Breakdown Operation 124 – Dispatch Currently vetting process with Operations
IMb Planning Tool IV Data
IMb planning tool- Informed Visibility data
The IMb planning tool is an online tool mailers can access from the USPS web site ( that provides data to help mailers see how mail is flowing through postal facilities and make informed decisions about their mail entry and post-mailing activities It assists mailers in timing of drop shipments , helps manage customer expectations and facilitates collaboration with industry though transparency IMb planning tool will source near real-time data from the Informed Visibility (IV) and is targeted to be externally available by 5/5/2017
Discussion Topics
Discussion Topics Efforts to reach out to fulfillment houses regarding chances in periodicals ACS (no reconciliation to suppress one-source ACS transactions/charges) Provide a progress update on the eMir replacement including use of SV scanner cameras to provide visual details on issues found.
Enterprise Analytics MTAC PACKAGE FOCUS AREA April 2017
MTAC April 26, 2017 Enterprise Analytics
Addressing & Geospatial Technology
Items for Package Services:
All Classes Status of industry request for a tool confirming a person’s residence at an address FPARS timeline update Describe impacts where FPARS cannot read IMb™ Overview of change-of-address correction process when customer’s new address fails to match CASS™ / DPV Mailer reports of increased volume of hardcopy UAA notices Discussion of R777 and No-Stat addresses 160
Package Services Package Services Package Services
New residence exclusion from IMpb™ Address Quality Compliance Validate military address exclusion from IMpb Address Quality Compliance Mapping of ACS™ event codes to PTR event level A significant rise in miscoded parcels due to shipping software logic coding to the lowest ZIP Code within city state 161
Informed Mobility
What will users gain with Informed Mobility?
By providing the right people with the right information and technology, we enable our employees to make informed decisions
Informed Mobility USPS PMG Pillars
Equip, Empower, & Engage Employees Deliver World- Class Customer Experience Invest in Our Future Platforms Innovate to Deliver Value Informed Mobility enables our people on the front lines to make the best decisions for our customers, our business, and our employees. The goal of Informed Mobility is to provide the right people with the right information and right technology at the right time to make the best decisions that: Improve our customers’ experience Deliver new business value Improve efficiency and productivity
Where the Right People, Information, and Technology Meet
Informed Mobility Ecosystem Smart User Groups Solutions With an understanding of users, tasks, and environments; through user-centered evaluation; and addresses the whole user experience. The process involves users throughout the design and development process and it is iterative. Informed Mobility brings together existing information and technologies located across USPS to arm frontline employees with widgets that improve service, safety and cost efficiencies Where the Right People, Information, and Technology Meet
Intelligent Mail® Package Barcode Compliance
IMpb Quality Compliance Updates Military Addresses Address Quality
After discussions with Customers and Business Partners; USPS removed all Address Quality (AQ) validations for Military Inbound and Outbound Shipments Logic added to exclude Military Inbound and Outbound shipments from AQ Compliance validations The Logic is applied to every shipment to exclude Military Shipments from AQ validations using a combination of Service Type Code, Origin Country Code, Destination Country Code, Origin ZIP Code, and Destination ZIP code to determine whether a package is Inbound, Outbound, or Domestic. Shipments that are Domestic go through an additional Military Rules Process that determines if the item is Military Inbound or Military Outbound. March 2017 Description Volume Military Outbound 1,045,281 Military Inbound 24,209 Grand Total 1,069,490 Confirmed for March Military packages received a AQ IMpb Compliance Code
CMC 1417 - IMpb Compliance Dashboard
This CMC will create an interactive dashboard which will be hosted on the Business Services Gateway Portal All three compliance parameters (AQ, BQ and MQ) will be available for day-to-day progress report, monthly trends, and have ability to drill down to piece level to find out why a certain label has failed IMpb Compliance validation. A customer will have the ability to download adhoc reports, setup a auto-schedule reports, perform custom searches, drill down into piece level data, and see near real-time performance scorecard in a interactive GUI dashboard. NOTE: All graphics are unofficial/mocks-up of suggested content
IMpb Dashboard – Data Elements
IMpb Detailed Report – Data Elements Mailers will be able to drill down into piece level data that shows elements why a package was flagged as non-complaint Detailed level reports can be generated in adhoc searches, customer request, or setup in a auto schedule to run the reports similar to the Daily Scan Extracts file Search Functionality Label Application Identifier Delivery Point Tracking Number Address Type Mail Owner MID Get Address Reponses Code Mail Owner MID Name IMPB Compliance Report Code Class of Mail AQ Reason Mail Class Description MQ Reason Mailer ID BQ Reason Mailer Name MQ Description of Invalid Field EFN Mailer ID MQ Recommended Value EFN Mailer Name BQ Description of Invalid Field Permit/Payment Account Number BQ Recommended Value Post Office of Account ZIP Code PTR AAU Event Date Time Recipient Name MA - USPS Source Received Date Time Delivery Address MA - PTR Received Date Time Delivery City MA - PTR Processed Date Time Delivery State KO or K1 Indicator Delivery ZIP Code IMpb Complete Indicator Destination ZIP Code Last Update Date Time Mailer (MID) Class of Mail IMpb Compliance Code Reason Codes Mail Owner (MID) EFN Mailer (MID) Payment Account Number
IMpb Compliance Quality Requirements
Federal Register Notice Timeline Draft Proposed Rule Circulated Internally – 3/21 Comments incorporated – 4/21 Internal Clearance – 5/5 Draft Proposed Rule available on PostalPro – 5/6 Published in Federal Register – 5/18 Comment period usually ends 30 days after publication date Final Rule usually published in Federal Register within 21 days after comment period close
Secure File Transfer Protocol
USPS is working with customers who currently send and receive files through FTP to move to a secure file transmission method Several applications currently use FTP as shown below For customers submitting/receiving data through the Product Tracking & Reporting system there are 3 secure transmission options
Secure File Transmission Protocols – Progress
April 3, 2017 Disabled 16,530 inactive FTP Accounts as of March 2017 FTP accounts disabled after 30 days after successful conversion to secure connectivity FTP Discontinuance Notification letters mailed to customers with active FTP accounts on April 6, 2017 April 26, 2017
Secure File Transfer Protocol Options for eVS/PTR
What it does? How do I start? What is Parcel Data Exchange (PDX)? Web Services Application that interfaces between the USPS’s PTR system and Customers to provide data transfer services. Allows customers to upload and download files, keep track of all transmitted files. } Contact Help Desk to enable Access to PDX } Access PDX via “Shipping Services” tab on the BCG } To send files, navigate to “Manifest Files” tab. To view the received files, navigate to “Customer Outbound File” tab } You can choose to use testing or production environments as needed Reference: PDX Web Application User Guide PDXOnlineUserGuide.pdf PDX Application Programming Interface (API) File transfer method in which mailers build an API into their software to directly send requests to USPS servers. } Review the PDX API User Guide to find the various URLs and sample code needed to configure API } For assistance in editing your software, there are many third-party external applications available to help businesses use APIs (ex. POST-MAN) } To send or retrieve files, mailer opens the appropriate URL and submits requests using cURL, JSON, or JavaScript code. Reference: PDX API User Guide Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) Secure connectivity option available to exchange files using USPS’s SFTP server (or if the customer prefers, their own SFTP server). Authenticated and encrypted channel for sending and/or receiving shipping files and data through the USPS Product Tracking & Reporting (PTR) System and the customer’s server } Notify USPS of your decision to use SFTP } Work with USPS DTS group to complete FTP transition form } Allow at least 30 days to complete this setup } USPS supports SFTP login using Key Authentication or username/password } USPS prefers AES or 3DES algorithms if you choose to encrypt your data using PGP (Pretty Good Privacy). USPS also supports key login using OpenSSL keys username/ password } Send files to USPS using “”receive” directory and pick up files using “transmit” directory Reference: PUB 199 Sect. 6 Electronic Data Interchange-AS2 Direct file transfer between mailer and USPS servers using AS2 protocol to encrypt transmitted data } Notify USPS of your decision to use AS2 } Aquire EDI AS2 software } Work with USPS DTS group to complete FTP transition form } USPS provides required file transfer settings, IP addresses, and AS2 identifiers for production (PROD) and testing (TEM) environments } USPS validates your file transfer information (URL, port #, AS2 IDs, IP addresses, certificates) } Send/retrieve files directly to USPS servers using PROD or TEM environment Reference: Pub 199 Sect. 6
Discussion Topics
Discussion Topics Confirm that shipping partner data is being utilized by operations What is the status to reconvene a workgroup in July 2017 focused on thresholds for address quality metric? New residence exclusion, how to filter data out of IMpb Address Quality Compliance errors Mapping ACS event codes to PTR event level Follow-up MEPT detailed info on Entry Facility ZIP Code data in IMpb quality metrics
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