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Leadership for the Delivery of Better Public Services

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1 Leadership for the Delivery of Better Public Services
DAVID ALBURY Director, Innovation Unit Ltd Associate, Institute for Government Design and Development Director, Global Education Leaders Program (GELP) Wellington, 3rd May 2013 Reprise this morning’s workshop and actions arising Cuts, efficiency and innovation One program’s approach to supporting transformation Fiscal constraints

2 “Delivering better public services poses a challenge for leaders across the State sector. The Prime Minister’s ten result areas require us to do things differently and to do different things” Iain Rennie, State Services Commissioner

3 What do we know about “doing things differently, doing different things”?

4 Four key prerequisites for successful management of major change projects
Shared and understood pressures for change: reasons why change is necessary, and potential benefits prevents slipping to bottom of the in-tray Clearly articulated and co-developed vision avoids haphazard and uncoordinated efforts Planned and realistic first steps – an action plan – for all major players avoids false starts Capacity and capabilities to implement necessary changes and operate within new system mitigates anxiety and frustration Interactive discussion

5 Pressures and drivers for radical innovation: not just $$$
sustainability technologies demographics + globalisation 20 mins on this and next slide Importance of the case for change Particularities of context: what are key challenges Highly diversified demands/needs of citizens and service users – consumerism plus diversity Public expectations: 24/7, decline of defence Health service: hospital centric, good for infectious and acute – but now need community-based, integrated health and social care Not reform, not incremental innovation but radical innovation and transformation financial constraints public expectations

6 Characteristics of sectors and organisations that are consistently and radically innovative
CULTURE and LEADERSHIP SUPPORT and INVESTMENT (PUSH FACTORS) REWARDS and RECOGNITION (PULL FACTORS) REGULATION & OPENNESS (SUPPLY) We know a lot about the characteristics of high-performing and consistently innovative organisations and sectors CITIZEN and USER ENGAGEMENT

7 passionate about outcomes, flexible about means
CULTURE and LEADERSHIP passionate about outcomes, flexible about means encouraging experimentation, and well-managed risk-taking externally and front-line oriented, embracing diversity focused on limited number of priorities and challenges maintaining ‘split-screen’ narrative Importance of misfits, rebels and trouble-makers, especially in big organisations/systems

8 Leading transformational change: ‘split screen’
Managing continuous improvement and reform of the current system: ‘business as usual’ Building the capacity, models and practices to address deep current and future challenges One metaphor for this is ‘split screen’

9 System transformation
Performance New system improvement paradigm 2 INNOVATION ZONE transformation dilemma What’s needed for improvement and universalising best practice is different from what’s required for radical innovation and transformation improvement paradigm 1 Old system Time

10 passionate about outcomes, flexible about means
CULTURE and LEADERSHIP passionate about outcomes, flexible about means encouraging experimentation, and well-managed risk-taking externally and front-line oriented, embracing diversity focused on limited number of priorities and challenges maintaining ‘split-screen’ narrative Importance of misfits, rebels and trouble-makers, especially in big organisations/systems

11 Putting the public into public services
extreme and leading edge users beyond consultation: co-creation and co-production mobilising demand: strengthening and empowering user networks and organisations comparative performance information choices and resources CITIZEN and USER ENGAGEMENT




15 design fertiliser pruning …….

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