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7th Grade TIP Parent Night

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1 7th Grade TIP Parent Night

2 Due Date OCTOBER 9, 2017

3 T.I.P Team Interdisciplinary Project
The project incorporates the Florida Standards in all content areas. This project will count for 15% of students quarterly grade in each of your 5 classes. Students are expected to follow the project rubric for your grade level. Teachers will discuss the project, materials needed, and the rubric in class. Teachers may choose to have parts of the project due prior to the final project due date. This will keep each child’s project in line with the suggested timeline.

4 Math Portion of T.I.P.-Grade 7
Look at all 7 careers listed as well as the Yearly Salaries for each We will be calculating the weekly salary for all careers at a 40-hour work week We will then need to calculate from weekly to hourly salary (or rate of pay)

5 How do you go from a Yearly Salary to a Weekly Salary?
How many weeks are in one year? How many hours per week does that person work for each career (use chart in T.I.P. packet) Take the Yearly salary and divide it by the number of weeks in a year (52 total) That answer gives you the weekly salary Then divide that answer by 40 (the total hours worked each week) That answer gives you the hourly salary

6 Let’s try an example career similar to your T.I.P. Packet list:
Dentists made a yearly salary of $2,566 in the 1930’s To find the weekly salary, divide $2,566 by 52 This calculates to $49.35 per week To find the hourly salary, considering the dentist works 40 hours per week, divide $49.35 by 40 Rounded to the nearest hundredth: $ rounds to $1.23 per hour

7 Let’s Check: Yearly Annual salary=$2566
If the weekly salary is $49.35 this is the hourly salary You can type into google, Paycheck Calculator and do any example like this Note* The salaries in the table are quite low, since it is from 1930’s but they can still round to the nearest hundredth of a dollar. Yearly

8 Food Expenses at 15% of the Yearly Salaries
Multiply each of the yearly salaries by the decimal value of 15% (hint: move the decimal place value two spaces to the left, which leads to 0.15) Example Dentist’s Salary= $2,566 x 0.15 This equates to: $ to the nearest hundredth To determine the weekly amount budgeted for food by the doctor: divide $ by 52 (total number of weeks per year) This equates to: $7.40 per week for food To determine the food budget per day, divide $7.05 by 7=$1.06 per day!

9 Now go through these steps for the one of the other 6 careers!
Remember-this is from the 1930’s-things have gotten much more costly, but yearly salaries have also increased To create a balanced menu for one day for a family of four from the 1930’s you need to research the four food groups and crops or foods that were available Then look at some of the 1930 prices of those foods to see what would be reasonable to buy!

10 7th Grade Social Studies
Create a Scrapbook or Book of Instagram Postings About the History of the Civil Rights Movement. (*Sample templates of the Instagram hard copy page and Scrapbook page will be presented by your Social Studies teachers.)

11 7th Grade Social Studies
The book of Instagram posts or Scrapbook must include one page for each of the following events: Plessy v. Ferguson A school-related scene or a court-room related scene from To Kill a Mockingbird. Brown v. Board of Education Little Rock Nine A school-related scene from modern times

12 7th Grade Social Studies
Each page in the Instagram post or Scrapbook must include the following information: A visual representation related to the event The name and date of the event. A summary and outcome of the event. Related Constitutional Principles. Implications or impact for society.

13 7th Grade Reading Portion
You will receive this chart from your reading teacher. Complete the chart. Make sure to provide textual evidence.

14 7th Grade Language Arts During and after reading, take notes on your own regarding the setting, scenes, and characters in “To Kill a Mockingbird.” You will create a scene that did not take place in the novel but you will keep the characters, setting, and timeframe the same. In groups of 2-4, decide what you would like to act out in front of the class. Write out the script with characters, lines, and acting notes. Type the final script to be turned in.

15 7th Grade Science Portion
You will conduct a CSI experiment in class to discover who left the mystery note! Teacher Notes: The actual CSI lab will need to be completed in class, but the students can answer the two questions in your CARE class.


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