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Senior Leadership Rounding Flow

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1 Senior Leadership Rounding Flow
1. Identify Leader 2. Process owner meets with Leader to explain the process 3. Determine Frequency of Rounding 4. Create Individual Leader Rounding Schedule 5. Update Leader Rounding Matrix 10. Analyze data and communicate results 9. Review Leader Rounding 7. Prepare for Rounding 6. Embed Schedule in Leader’s Calendar 8. Complete Leader Rounding

2 Senior Leadership Rounding Flow
Identify Leader – Rounding Group identified(by sponsor(s)) and use the Leadership Rounding Matrix to identify Leader and area to be rounded on. Process owner meets with leader to explain process – Process owner sets up 30 minute meeting with leader to go through process flow and review powerpoint on importance of rounding(if necessary). Also provide ‘cheat sheet’ of standard intro questions. Determine frequency of rounding – Process owner and Leader or Leader’s admin determine frequency of rounding(1 hour, weekly/bi-weekly/ monthly), which is locked on Leader’s calendar. Create Individual Leader Rounding Schedule – Process owner and Leader(or admin) schedule out through the year and populate the Leader’s calendar. Update Leader Rounding Matrix – Process owner to populate matrix with dates, times and areas to be rounded on. Embed schedule in Leader’s calendar – Verify through Leader’s admin that the Leader Rounding Schedules are on the Leader’s calendar.

3 Senior Leadership Rounding Flow
7. Prepare for Rounding – Boiler Plate letter to go out to Area Leader(see attachment). Leader and process owner(if needed) meet to discuss area to be rounded and discuss any data or projects that may be of interest to drive discussion during the rounding process. 8. Complete Leader Rounding – Leader to use cheat sheet(if necessary) to drive conversation. Try to see if there is a ‘story’ in the area. Use informal survey questions at end to gauge effectiveness of the engagement. 9. Review Leader Rounding – Leader documents data from rounding in central agreed upon location. (this includes but is not limited to ‘success story’ from the area, data from end of rounding informal survey, etc…) 10. Analyze Data and Communicate Results – Process owner reviews Stories(for use in upcoming rounding, and other purposes) and also collects and analyzes survey data to see if ‘the needle is moving’ for engagement by Senior Leaders.

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