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“New” things Discussed in London

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Presentation on theme: "“New” things Discussed in London"— Presentation transcript:

1 “New” things Discussed in London
Detailed planning for 4/08 demo Backtrack rehearsals, setups, … “Military Utility” Ops planning and data exchange scenario Useful results from exchange (ideas on later slide) Documentation Op Concept Doc AU started Model description Methodology (Data TWG could use too) Training on implementing data exchange (e.g., for federates, vendors) Model telecon’s between trips

2 1. Demo Preliminary Plan

3 2. Military Utility Contrast “as-is” way that Coalition Ops Planning is done with “to-be” Need to show relevant to procedures, tools, methods, … planners would actually use May not look like classic “architecture”

4 “As-is” We need to document how the Coalition Ops Planning scenario would be done today Manual? (paper, , faxes, phone calls, meetings, …) Discovery of issues in the field (on-the-job interoperability)

5 “To-Be” Military Utility Scenario
Visualization Environment Decision Environment “To-Be” Military Utility Scenario Relational DB Query Environment SQL Query OWL/RDFS DB Data Mining Environment RDFS Database IDEAS Data Exchange Format (RDFS)

6 How to compare? Process A Process B Activity 3 Activity 5 Activity 1

7 How to compare? Similarities in process flow … Process A Process B
Activity 3 Activity 5 Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 6 Activity 4 Process B Activity 3 Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 6 Activity 4

8 How to compare? Differences in process flow … Process A Process B
Activity 3 Activity 5 Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 6 Activity 4 Process B Activity 3 Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 6 Activity 4

9 How to compare? What about the information exchanged? Process A
Activity 3 Activity 5 Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 6 Activity 4 Process B Activity 3 Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 6 Activity 4

10 How to compare? What about the information exchanged? Process A
IE-03 IE-04 IE-05 IE-06 Process A IE-01 IE-02 IE-08 Activity 3 Activity 5 Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 6 Activity 4 IE-07 IE-09 IE-06 IE-07 IE-03 IE-04 IE-05 Process B IE-01 IE-02 Activity 3 IE-08 IE-09 Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 6 Activity 4

11 How to compare? Differences … What about the information exchanged?
IE-03 IE-04 IE-05 IE-06 Process A IE-01 IE-02 IE-08 Activity 3 Activity 5 Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 6 Activity 4 IE-07 IE-09 IE-06 IE-07 IE-03 IE-04 IE-05 Process B IE-01 IE-02 Activity 3 IE-08 IE-09 Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 6 Activity 4

12 How to compare? TOOLS? Process A Process B Activity 3 Activity 5
IE-03 IE-04 IE-05 IE-06 Process A IE-01 IE-02 IE-08 Activity 3 Activity 5 Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 6 Activity 4 IE-07 IE-09 IE-06 IE-07 IE-03 IE-04 IE-05 Process B IE-01 IE-02 Activity 3 IE-08 IE-09 Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 6 Activity 4

13 How to compare? TOOLS?

14 How to compare? TOOLS?

15 How to compare? TOOLS?

16 How to compare? TOOLS?

17 How to compare? TOOLS?

18 How to compare? TOOLS?

19 Plan Mock-up some CA-US casualty mgmt process comparison displays (started): Highlight different processes, sequences, information flows, event triggers* Maybe side-by-side Post on IDEAS FTP site for review US review with Joint Forces Command Once OK, see what tool gets us close *truly different, names assumed aligned or mapped

20 3. Documentation Need some preliminary documentation available at conference

21 Need to revisit scope and structure

22 NOT EA-generated document; rather key information
IDEAS Model (prelim) Sections for each layer: Foundation Common Patterns Domain Within each: For each package/diagram: Narrative description, diagram walkthru and items of special note Standard data dictionary information Examples NOT EA-generated document; rather key information

23 IDEAS Methodology (prelim)
How IDEAS differs from other methodologies, e.g., “view from nowhere” approach BORO Methodology Set Theory The Naming Pattern Incremental Experimentation BORO overview “Sausage grinders”: Walk thru diagram Examples

24 IDEAS Usage Guide OWL/RDFS Specification
Walk thru Special notes Examples Guidance from experimentation on: Generation from tools and databases Ingestion into tools and databases i.e., “lessons learned” Querying and “data mining”

25 4. Bi-weekly telecons More modeling, less stausing
Track “critical path” issues for 4/08 demo and make sure management team is well aware of Track team action items

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