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TROTAK Update.

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1 TROTAK Update

2 Reviews Two previous reviews completed (2013-14):
Social services: deliver social services – health, education, education, prisons, abuse, youth Environmental: provide a collective response to issues and maintains a liaison with the local government. Leadership: high level leadership on a collective basis: Local leadership body, Central government relationships, working with local providers, conduit for relationship with Iwi groups, ensuring Iwi are working together and information sharing.

3 Tāmanuhiri Trust Board discussions:
The need for political power and collective influence will always remain significant. TROTAK is no longer the lead decision maker for Tūranga Iwi, as it was when it was established. Collective voice to protect Tūranga interests was thus the key driver behind TROTAK’s formation. Ngāi Tāmanuhiri and Rongowhakaata have shown by our Post Settlement Entity, a move away from TROTAK, albeit by necessity (government imposition) and choice (on-going investment). Board discussions: Constitutional change to existing TROTAK Trust Deed required. A ‘blue skies’ paper developed.

4 Steps to change Step 1 The Trustees need to satisfy themselves there is a case for changing the current collective model that is TROTAK. This should clearly spell out the substantiated reasons for change based on facts, in keeping with the Trustees fiduciary responsibility to make evidence-based decisions that are in the interests of Ngāi Tāmanuhiri according to the Trust Deed.

5 Steps to change Step 2 The Trustees need to establish whether they seek a new collective structure and determine its purpose. Do the benefits of working collectively outweigh the benefits of working independently?

6 Steps to change Step 3 Come up with an alternative.
If a collective structure is needed to advance the interests of the Trust and more importantly, the beneficiaries of the Ngāi Tāmanuhiri, the Trust need to: identify different options and choose one. The options should form a part of the Trustees case to the beneficiaries, for change. There will be some opposition to a change, but there will also be supporters for change. The Trustees will need to refer to their Iwi Trust Deed for guidance on decisions of any monetary significance. For each option or model, identify the benefits, risks and challenges for the Trust. The beneficiaries are entitled to a well thought out plan whereby every stone possible, has been turned.

7 Steps to change Step 4 What is the transition plan? If a decision is made to exit TROTAK what is our plan to do so? Decision would then be tabled before the TROTAK Board as a mandated, majority decision of Ngāi Tāmanuhiri in accordance with its Trust Deed.

8 Option: Tūranga a Muri Status quo

9 Option: Tūranga a Mua This model primarily vests interests in the leadership of Tūranga as political influencers to advance the interests of Tūranga Iwi.

10 Option: Taumata Tairāwhiti
This model vests interests in the collective power of Tairāwhiti Iwi. The model already operates informally at Iwi Chairs Forum, and Fisheries, but there is potential to formalise arrangements.

11 Changes to date Chairs: Iwi board members:
Previously assigned to single Iwi Chair Now shared role across three Iwi Iwi board members: Meeting post TROTAK hui collectively

12 Te haerenga Begin the kōrero with our Iwi (Hui-a-Iwi)
Wānanga Hui – leading up to Hui-a-Tau Formalise decision on a Tāmanuhiri position re TROTAK Table position at TROTAK Board hui

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