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Login The Login prompt provides access to the files located on the server.

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Presentation on theme: "Login The Login prompt provides access to the files located on the server."— Presentation transcript:

1 Login The Login prompt provides access to the files located on the server.

2 Root Directory The “ls” command is important because it shows the root directory file that can be accessed on the server

3 Change Directory The “cd” command is important to change to a different directory other than the root directory.

4 List Directory The “ls” command is important because it allows the user to move in and out of different directories and return to the previous menu, eventually ending back to the root directory, if one so desires.

5 New Directory The “mkdir” command is important because it allows the user to create a new directory on the server where additional files can be placed.

6 Moved into New Directory
Using the command “cd test47” allows the user to change directories and move into the newly created file

7 History Directory Typing “history” displays the last 10 commands that were access within the server.

8 Date Directory Typing “date” on the command line will display the current date and time that the server is being accessed.

9 Who is using the server Typing the word “who” on the command line shows the names of other people using the server at that time.

10 Calendar Typing the word “calendar” will allow the user access to be able to make appointments if necessary for that month.

11 Deleting a Directory Using the “rmdir” command is an important function that allows the removal of a file that was previously created.

12 Long List Using the “ls –l” command is important because it allows the user access to the privileges of a file, the date it was created, and the size of files on the server.

13 What do the letters d r w x r mean?
D- In the Unix command, the letter “d” represents “directory.” R- In the Unix command, the letter “r” represents the “read” permission. W- In the Unix command, the letter “w” represents the “write” permission. X- In the Unix command, the letter “x” represents the “execute” permission. R- In the Unix command, the second “r” represents rather or not the reader has “read” permission.

14 Grep Directory Using the Grep command is important because it allows the user to find specific words within a directory or file. If someone wants to know how many external files there are, they can use the Grep command.

15 Exit The “exit” command is used to allow user to log out of there present session.

16 The Importance of a Unix Command Line
We live in the age of information technology. Obtaining general knowledge and mastery of a command line in Unix is an important skill for information professionals simply because it allows the creation, transferring and updating of webpages that will be conducive to accuracy for the public viewing.

17 Who Am I The “whoami” command is important to Unix because it allows one to see the username of the person that is logged onto the system.

18 WC Command Using the “wc” command allows the user to see how many lines, words, and characters are in a particular file.

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