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Planning for a Healthy Lifetime

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Presentation on theme: "Planning for a Healthy Lifetime"— Presentation transcript:

1 Planning for a Healthy Lifetime

2 Essential questions How do I know if I am healthy
What do I need to do to be healthy What level of health should I aim for

3 Student Expectations Identify habits that will help you stay physically, mentally, emotionally and socially healthy Explain how to develop a positive self concept Describe the steps that should be followed to make healthy decisions Explain how to set and meet goals

4 Use your journal!

5 Journal entry 1 Do you feel that you are healthy? why do you feel that way?

6 Journal entry 2 What is your view of yourself? How do you think others view you?

7 Journal entry 3 Do you feel the decisions you make are good for your health and well being? Give examples.

8 Journal entry 4 What goals do you have? give specific examples.

9 Define Health Health- is a combination of physical, mental / emotional, and social well being.

10 Elements of physical health
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

11 Elements of mental health
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

12 Elements of Social Health
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

13 Use your journal!

14 Journal Entry 5 Review the elements of physical, social and emotional health in this lesson. In your journal, make a list of the elements you think you practice. Make a second list of the elements you think you need to work on.

15 Maintain your health balance
Nobody's health triangle is perfectly balanced all the time. Healthy people are aware enough to know that they must make a change when one side stgarts to get out of balance.

16 Health Triangle Personal Inventory Worksheet

17 Wellness Wellness- the achievement of a high level of overall health

18 Wellness Key to wellness is PREVENTION- prevent illness and injury by
1. 2. 3. 4.

19 Degrees of Wellness High- Feeling of wellbeing, High energy
Average- Moderate energy level, Some aches and pains Low- Lack of energy, disease, disablility

20 Review Define Wellness.
Give examples of how your level of health in one area could affect your level of health in another area. What are 2 ways to prevent illness and injury? Name 3 health habits you can practice to reach a high degree of wellness. Why do young people take unnecessary risks with their health? How can positive social relationships promote good health?

21 Use your journal!

22 Journal Entry 6 Make a time line of your activities for a full 24 hr period. Next to each activity, state which side of the health triangle you are working on. Are your activities balanced to take equal care of your physical, social, and emotional health?

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