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1 14/02/1396

2 TUBERCULOSIS in children
Prepared by: Dr. Mostafavi SN Department of Pediatric Infectious Disease Isfahan University of Medical Science 14/02/1396

3 Epidemiology 1/3 of the world infected Poor income
Greatest mortality 1/3 of the world infected Poor income Africa, south east Asia,east Mediterranean Afghanistan, Pakistan & Iraq High resistance: MDR & XDR 14/02/1396

4 Characteristics Weekly G+ bacilli, acid fastness
Slow growth( Prolonged courses, culture) Obligate aerobe (Lung, lymph node, bone involvement) Low infectivity (Close contact, Prolonged contact, Low ventilated area) Sensitive to sun light( 5 min) & drying Intracellular( cell mediated immunity) 14/02/1396

5 Transmission Cough( 5000 particle), Talk, Sneeze
Large droplet, Small droplet, droplet nuclei From adult smear positive respiratory type disease 14/02/1396

6 Pathogenesis Replication Local spread Dissemination Cellular immunity
Resolution or disease Reactivation 14/02/1396

7 Clinical Outcome No infection 80% Primary infection 20%
Asymptomatic infection( LTBI) 18% Progressive Primary disease 1% Reactivation disease 1% 14/02/1396

8 Pulmonary Clinical findings( 70-85%)
Chronic cough( > 21 days) Prolonged fever( > 14 days) Weight loss or failure to thrive 14/02/1396

9 Extra-pulmonary Clinical findings ( 15-30%)
Highly suggestive: Gibbus deformity Cervical lymphadenopathy with fistula Suggestive: Sub -acute not responding meningitis with hydrocephalus Pleural effusion Pericardial effusion Ascites Lymphadenopathy Non-painful arthritis Signs of tuberculin hypersensitivity (e.g. phlyctenular conjunctivitis, erythema nodosum). 14/02/1396

10 Phlyctenular conjunctivitis

11 Erythema nodosum 14/02/1396

12 Diagnosis Groups at high risk of infection and disease
Suspecting clinical finding Confirmatory tests 14/02/1396

13 Groups at high risk of infection
Close contact of TB Residence in high risk countries Low income populations High risk settings(injection drug users, correctional institutions, nursing home, homeless persons, drug treatment centers) 14/02/1396

14 Groups at high risk for disease once infected
Immunosuppression( HIV, cancer, malnutrition, injection drug users,< 4 yr. old ) Certain medical conditions( silicosis, DM, ESRD, gastrectomy) 14/02/1396

15 Diagnostic confirmatory tests
CXR Microbiologic tests( sputum, induced sputum, gastric lavage) Tuberculin Skin Test and IGRA tests Pathology in extra-pulmonary disease 14/02/1396

16 Suggestive CXR findings
Children Persistent opacification with hilar or subcarinal lymphadenopathy Miliary pattern of opacification Adolescent Large pleural effusions Apical infiltrates with cavity formation Infiltrate with hilar adenopathy Collapse lesions 14/02/1396

17 Persistent opacification with hilar or subcarinal lymphadenopathy

18 Miliary pattern of opacification

19 Large pleural effusions

20 Apical infiltrates with cavity formation

21 Infiltrate with hilar adenopathy

22 Collapse lesions 14/02/1396

23 Tuberculin skin test Heat killed TB bacilli( PPD)
0.1 ml, ID, volar of forearm 48-72h later, induration Specificity % Interpretation based on risk of TB 14/02/1396

24 Interpretations of TST
>5 mm in: Contact with infectious cases Abnormal CXR Immunosuppresion like HIV >10 mm in: Age< 4 yr Close contact with a high risk adult Residence in endemic country Residence in high risk setting Medical risk factors like DM, ESRD >15 mm in: All 14/02/1396

25 Microbiologic exam( stain, culture)
Mycobacterial staining: ziehl- neelson or auramine - rodamine Mycobacterial culture: PCR… not standardized, on CSF useful 14/02/1396

26 Interferon-gamma release assays (IGRAs)
In vitro blood tests Measure TB-T cell release of IFN-gamma Not affected by BCG Results in 24 to 48 hours Specificity >95 percent, sensitivity 80-90% for LTBI Low sensitivity in < 2-5 yr 14/02/1396

27 Diagnosis Pulmonary: Extrapulmonary: symptoms+ 2 sputum smear positive
symptoms+ 1 sputum smear positive+ suggestive CXR symptoms+ 1 sputum culture positive symptoms+ no sputum positive+ suggestive CXR+ expert opinion Extrapulmonary: symptoms+ positive culture symptoms+ positive staining+ expert opinion symptoms+ positive pathology+ expert opinion 14/02/1396

28 Diagnosis in children History of exposure Suggestive finding
3 of the following: History of exposure Suggestive finding Positive TST Suggestive CXR Suggestive pathology/microbiologic finding 14/02/1396

29 Management Isolation Treatment Prevention in close contacts 14/02/1396

30 14/02/1396

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