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Published byBetty Rogers Modified over 6 years ago
Lecture On the Origin of Galaxy Bi-modality: Cold Flows, Clustering and Feedback Observed bi-modality Shock heating vs cold flows Cold filaments in hot halos -- clustering scale Feedback Processes Origin of the bi-modality
1. Observed Bimodality
Observed Scale M*~3x1010Mʘ ~L* Mhalo ~6x1011Mʘ
• bi-modality/transition at M*~3x1010Mʘ ~L* Mhalo ~6x1011Mʘ below: disks, blue, star forming, low Z, LSB, M/L decreasing with M along a “fundamental line”, in field (small halos), … above: spheroids, red, old-pop, high Z, HSB, M/L increasing with M, “fundamental plane”, clustered (massive halos), AGNs, … • very blue galaxies → bursty star formation • big blue galaxies at z~2-3 (e.g. SCUBA) → early star formation in big objects • luminous red galaxies at z~0-1 (e.g. EROs) → early star formation, then shut off
Bi-modality in color, SFR, bulge/disk
M*crit~3x1010Mʘ 0.65<z<0.75 E/S0/Sa Disks and Irregulars Bell
Luminosity function: Red vs Blue
M*crit~3x1010Mʘ M* SDSS Baldry et al. 04
Transition Scale Bulge/Disk Surface Brightness HSB spheroids LSB disks
M*crit~3x1010Mʘ M*crit~3x1010Mʘ SDSS Kauffmann et al. 03
Transition in Metallicity
M*crit~3x1010Mʘ SDSS Tremonti et al.
Bi-modality: Age vs Stellar Mass
young old young old M*crit~3x1010Mʘ SDSS Kauffmann et al. 03
Bi-modality in Color-Magnitude
SDSS Baldry et al. 04
Color-Magnitude-Morphology in SDSS
Color-Magnitude bimodality & B/D depend on environment ~ halo mass
environment density: low high very high disks spheroids Mhalo<6x1011 “field” Mhalo>6x1011 “cluster” SDSS: Hogg et al. 03
Color - Environment
Age & Color bi-modalily correlated with environment density, or halo mass
Mhalo<6x1011 “field” Mhalo>6x1011 “cluster” spheroids, old disks, young Kauffmann et al. 2004
Color-Magnitude Bimodality depends on B/D and Environment
density: low high very high disks spheroids SDSS: Hogg et al. 03
Bi-modality at high z Combo-17
Mass versus Light Distribution
halo mass galaxy stellar mass 40% of baryons
<M/L> vs M for halos in 2dF assuming ΛCDM
M Using conditional luminosity function: Van den Bosch, Mo, Yang 03
Emission Properties vs. Stellar Mass
low-mass emission galaxies are almost all star formers high-mass emission galaxies are almost all AGN Kauffmann et al. 2004
Observed Characteristic Scale
bi-modality / transition M*~3x1010Mʘ Mvir~6x1011Mʘ Vvir~120 km/s discs, blue star-forming, low Z, LSB M/L∝M-1, fundamental line, small halos (field) spheroids, red old-pop, high Z, HSB M/L∝M, fundamental plane, massive halos (clustered), AGNs
Consider a spherical cow…
Standard Picture of Infall to a Disc
Rees & Ostriker 77, Silk 77, White & Rees 78, … Perturbed expansion Halo virialization Gas infall, shock heating at the virial radius Radiative cooling Accretion to disc if tcool<tff Stars & feedback M<Mcool ~ M⊙
Cooling rate T-1 Line emission Bremsstrahlung
Cooling vs Free Fall tcool<tff upper bound too big galaxies
Rees & Ostriker 77, Silk 77, White & Rees 78 Blumenthal, Faber, Primack & Rees 86 T +3 +1 -1 -3 -5 galaxies Brems. log gas density CDM clusters tcool<tff H2 upper bound too big He H virial velocity
2. Shock-Heating vs Cold Flows
Formation of a Cluster – Different Components
Growth of a Massive Galaxy
T °K 1012Mʘ 1011Mʘ shock-heated gas “disc” Spherical hydro simulation Birnboim & Dekel 03
Spherical hydro simulation Birnboim & Dekel 03
A Less Massive Galaxy T °K 1011Mʘ cold infall shocked “disc” Spherical hydro simulation Birnboim & Dekel 03
Hydro Simulation: ~Massive M=3x1011
Kravtsov et al. z=4 M=3x1011 Tvir=1.2x106 Rvir=34 kpc virial shock
cold infall Less Massive M=1.8x1010 Kravtsov et al. virial radius z=9
Tvir=3.5x105 Rvir=7 kpc
Mass Distribution of Halo Gas
adiabatic infall shock-heated cold flows disk density Temperature Analysis of Eulerian hydro simulations by Birnboim, Zinger, Dekel, Kravtsov
Shock Stability (Birnboim & Dekel 03) : post-shock pressure vs
Shock Stability (Birnboim & Dekel 03) : post-shock pressure vs. gravitational collapse stable: adiabatic: Birnboim & Dekel 03 with cooling rate q (internal energy e): Stability criterion:
Gas through shock: heats to virial temperature
compression on a dynamical timescale versus radiative cooling timescale Shock-stability analysis (Birnboim & Dekel 03): post-shock pressure vs. gravitational collapse
Spherical Simulation vs Model
γcrit=1.42 time
A virial shock in a 3D cosmological simulation: at Mcrit – rapid expansion from the inner halo to Rvir d(Entropy)/dt Libeskind, Birnboim, Dekel 08
Critical mass for shock heating:
Approximate cooling: Apply tcool ~tcompress with ρ, V, R at the virial radius for ΛCDM halos ~coincides with the bi-modality scale Vvir~140 km/s [ (Z/0.1)0.7 (fb/0.05) (ρr/v)0.1Rv (1+z)3/2 ]1/4 Mhalo~7x1011 M⊙ [ (Z/0.1)0.7 (fb/0.05) (ρr/v)0.1Rv (1+z)-1/2 ]3/4 T ~ 1.6x106 K [ (Z/0.1)0.7 (fb/0.05) (ρr/v)0.1Rv (1+z)3/2]1/2
Shock-Heating Scale 6x1011 Mʘ Mvir [Mʘ] 300 100 Vvir [km/s] 120 250
Shock-Heating Scale stable shock Mvir [Mʘ] 6x1011 Mʘ unstable shock
Dekel & Birnboim 06 stable shock Mvir [Mʘ] 6x1011 Mʘ typical halos unstable shock
Fraction of Cold Gas in Halos: Cosmological simulations (Kravtsov)
hot Birnboim, Dekel, Neistein 2007 Zinger, Birnboim, Dekel, Kravtsov
Fraction of cold/hot accretion
SPH simulation Keres, Katz, Weinberg, Dav’e 2004 Z=0, under-estimating Mshock sharp transition
Fraction of cold gas in halos: Eulerian simulations
Birnboim, Dekel, Kravtsov, Zinger 2007 shock heating z=4 z=3 z=2 z=1
Hot Gas in Elliptical Galaxies
Mathews & Brighenti 04; O’Sullivan et al. 01
Shock Radius in the Halo
1013 1012 1011 r=Rv Z0=0.03 r=0.1Rv Z0=0.1 Mvir [Mʘ] shock heating redshift z
Cold Flows in Typical Halos
1013 1012 1011 M* of Press Schechter shock heating Mvir [Mʘ] 2σ (4.7%) at z>1 most halos are M<Mshock 1σ (22%) redshift z
Shock-heating Scale M~6x1011Mʘ cold infall into discs log gas density
Birnboim & Dekel 03 T +3 +1 -1 -3 -5 M~6x1011Mʘ cold infall into discs Brems. log gas density shock heating H2 CDM tcool<tff He H virial velocity
3. Filaments in Hot Medium
At high redshift, in relatively isolated galaxies Relation to the universal clustering scale 16
Clustering Scale Cooling vs dynamical time scales?
or/and gravity + fluctuation amplitude? 16
Dark-Matter Halo Occupation Distribution
fit angular correlation function <N> <N> M r =-18 M r =-21 Kravtsov et al. 04, N-body simulations Zehavi et al. 04, SDSS at z=0 ~1013Mʘ at z=1 ~1012Mʘ M~M*(t) → group M<<M*(t) → early formation, satellites decay by dynamical friction
At High z, in Massive Halos: Cold Streams in a Hot Medium
in M>Mshock Totally hot at z<1 shock no shock Cold streams at z>2 cooling
Cold, dense filaments and clumps (50%) riding on dark-matter filaments and sub-halos
Birnboim, Zinger, Dekel, Kravtsov
הגברת הפלקטואציות ויצירת המבנים (ביחס ליקום המתפשט)
Fraction of cold/hot accretion
cold streams in a hot medium M>Mshock SPH simulation Keres, Katz, Weinberg, Dav’e 2004
Cold Streams in Big Galaxies at High z
1014 1013 1012 1011 1010 109 M* all hot cold filaments in hot medium Mvir [Mʘ] Mshock>>M* Mshock~M* Mshock all cold redshift z
high-sigma halos: fed by relatively thin, dense filaments – cold flows
typical halos: reside in relatively thick filaments, fed spherically – no cold flows the millenium cosmological simulation
Origin of dense filaments in hot halos (M≥Mshock) at high z
At low z, Mshock halos are typical - residiing in thicker filaments of comparable density Ms~M* At high z, Mshock halos are high-σ peaks - fed by a few thinner filaments of higher density Ms>>M* Large-scale filaments grow self-similarly with M*(t) and always have typical width ~R* ∝M*1/3
Origin of dense filaments in hot halos (M≥Mshock) at high z
At low z, Mshock halos are typical: they reside in thicker filaments of comparable density Ms~M* At high z, Mshock halos are high-σ peaks: they are fed by a few thinner filaments of higher density Ms>>M* Large-scale filaments grow self-similarly with M*(t) and always have typical width ~R* ∝M*1/3
Dark-matter inflow in a shell 1-3Rvir
Seleson & Dekel M~M* M>>M* density temperature one thick filament several thin filaments radial velocity
Gas Density in Massive Halos 2x1012Mʘ
high z low z M=1012Mʘ M=1012Mʘ Ocvirk, Pichon, Teyssier 08
Temperature in Massive Halos 2x1012Mʘ
high z low z Ocvirk, Pichon, Teyssier 08
Flux Weighted Temperature Distribution
Ocvirk, Pichon, Teyssier 08 Halo Mass hi z cold hot cold low z cold hot log T log T log T
Cold Fraction of Inward Flux
z>3 z<3 Ocvirk, Pichon, Teyssier 08
Critical Mass in Cosmological Simulations
Ocvirk, Pichon, Teyssier 08 Mstream cold filaments in hot medium DB06 Mshock
4. Feedback Processes and the shock-heating scale
Below the Shock-Heating Mass
photo-ionization cold hot 1 UV on dust SN feedback Mvir [Mʘ]
Supernova Feedback time Mori et al.
Supernova Feedback Fragile, Murray, Lin 04
Supernova Feedback Scale (Dekel & Silk 86, Dekel & Woo 03)
Energy fed to the ISM during the “adiabatic” phase: Energy required for blowout:
Shock-Heating vs Supernova Scale
1013 1012 1011 shock heating Mvir [Mʘ] supernova 300 100 Vvir [km/s] redshift z
Supernova Feedback Scale
Dekel & Silk 86 T +3 +1 -1 -3 -5 SN feedback effective SN feedback ineffective dwarfs/LSB Brems. log gas density CDM H2 tcool<tff He H virial velocity
Model: fundamental line of LSB/Dwarfs
(Dekel & Woo 03) Energy: <<1 Virial halo: metallicity surface brightness “Tully Fisher”
“Fundamental Line” of LSB/Dwarfs
SDSS Dekel & Woo 2003 Surface Brightness * * M*0.6 Local Group dwarfs M*crit~1010Mʘ * M*/Mʘ M*/Mʘ
Metallicity Z∝M*0.4 SDSS Tremonti et al.
Local Group Dwarfs: Metallicity
Z M*0.4 SDSS data model
LG Dwarfs: Velocity TF V M*0.2 data model
Summary: SN feedback Could be partly responsible for the transition scale at M*=3x1010, and the “fundamental line” of LSB/dwarf galaxies, M*/M∝V2.
Shock Heating Triggers AGN Feedback
M>Mshock More than enough energy is available in AGNs Hot gas is vulnerable to AGN feedback, while cold streams are shielded →Shock heating is the trigger for AGN feedback in massive halos Kravtsov et al.
AGN Feedback in Perseus
Fabian et al.
AGN Feedback jets – very hot bubbles – buoyancy – horizontal spread
Ruszkowski, Bruggen, Begelman 03 jets – very hot bubbles – buoyancy – horizontal spread
AGN Feedback in a Merger
Emission Properties vs. Stellar Mass
low-mass emission galaxies are almost all star formers high-mass emission galaxies are almost all AGN Kauffmann et al. 2004
Above the Shock-Heating Mass
photo-ionization cold hot AGN + hot medium 1 UV on dust SN feedback dynamical friction in groups groups Mvir [Mʘ]
Dynamical-Friction Heating
- M<Mcrit→cold flows - a single-galaxy halo → no effect - M>Mcrit→ hot gas - a multi-galaxy halo → dynamical-friction heating of hot gas heated gas El-Zant, Kim, Kamionkowski 04
5. Origin of the Bi-modality
Dekel & Birnboim 04 cold vs hot ungrouped vs grouped SN feedback vs AGN feedback 25
Scales Roughly Coincide
1013 1012 1011 shock heating Mvir [Mʘ] supernova groups M* redshift z
Key Ideas: Cold flows → star burst Hot medium → halt star formation
supersonic stream collides with disk efficient cooling behind isothermal shock → dense, cold slab → star burst Hot medium → halt star formation dilute medium vulnerable to AGN fdbk + slow cooling because of two-phase medium + dynamical-friction in hot groups → shock-heated gas never cools → shut down disk and star formation
M<Mcrit: The Blue Sequence
Origin of bi-modality While halos grow by mergers and accretion M<Mcrit: The Blue Sequence cold gas supply → disk growth & star formation SN-fdbk regulates star formation →long duration bursts → very blue mergers & bar instability → bulges M>Mcrit: The Red Sequence shock-heated gas +AGN fdbk → no new gas supply +gas exhausted + AGNs especially in bulges → no disk growth, star formation shuts off passive stellar evolution → red & dead further growth of spheroids by gas-poor mergers
Shutdown above a critical halo mass does wonders
From blue to red sequence by shutdown Dekel & Birnboim 06
1014 1013 1012 1011 1010 109 cold hot in hot Mvir [Mʘ] Mshock all cold redshift z
In a standard Semi Analytic Simulation (GalICS)
z=0 data --- sam --- Cattaneo, Dekel, Devriendt, Guiderdoni, Blaizot 06 excess of big blue no red sequence at z~1 color not red enough too few galaxies at z~3 star formation at low z color u-r magnitude Mr
With Shutdown Above 1012 Mʘ color u-r magnitude Mr
Standard color u-r magnitude Mr
With Shutdown Above 1012 Mʘ color u-r magnitude Mr
Environment dependence via halo mass
Bulge to disk ratio
Environment Dependence
M>Mshock →high HOD groups (at low z) →red sequence in dense environment cold streams harassed in groups but survive in isolated galaxies even for M>Mshock Mgroup~M*(t) age bulge/disk red & dead spheroids →big blue disks form at high z SFR groups become big red spheroids later c o l o r isolated blue, SFR, disks Mcrit M
Downsizing: epoch of star formation in E’s
Thomas et al. 2005
Downsizing due to Shutdown
Cattaneo, Dekel, Faber 2006 bright intermediate faint central central/satellites satellites z=0 in place by z~1 z=1 turn red after z~1 z=3 z=2 z=1 color magnitude
Downsizing by Shutdown at Mhalo>1012
The bright red & dead E’s are in place by z~ while smaller E’s appear on the red sequence after z~1 z=1 z=2 Mhalo>1012 Mhalo>1012 small satellite central big small z=0
Downsizing by Shutdown at Mhalo>1012
1014 1013 1012 1011 1010 109 M* big big red & dead already in place by z~1 all hot cold filaments in hot medium Mvir [Mʘ] small satellite merge into big halo small central small enter the red sequence after z~1 Mshock all cold redshift z
Downsizing by Feedback and Shutdown
cold hot 1 SN AGN + hot medium feedback strength Regulated SFR, keeps gas for later star formation in small halos Shutdown of star formation earlier in massive halos, later in satellites Mvir [Mʘ]
Is Downsizing Anti-hierarchical?
Merger trees of dark-matter halos M>Mmin z=2 z=1 Upsizing of mass in main progenitor Downsizing of mass in all progenitors >Mmin Neistein, van den Bosch, Dekel 2006 z=0 big mass small mass
Natural Downsizing in Hierarchical Clustering
Neistein, van den Bosch, Dekel 2006 Formation time when half the mass has been assembled EPS all progenitors downsizing main progenitor upsizing
Conclusions 2. Disk & star formation by cold flows riding DM filaments
1. Galaxy type is driven by dark-halo mass: Mcrit~1012Mʘ by shock heating (+feedback & clustering) 2. Disk & star formation by cold flows riding DM filaments 3. Early (z>2) big halos (M~1012) big high-SFR galaxies by cold flows in hot media 4. Late (z<2) big halos M>1012 (groups): virial shock heating triggers “AGN feedback” …→ shutdown of star formation → red sequence 5. Late (z<2) small halos M<1012 (field): blue disks M*<1010.5 6. Downsizing is seeded in the DM hierarchical clustering 7. Downsizing is shaped up by feedback & shutdown M>1012 8. Two different tracks from blue to red sequence
<M/L> has a minimum at Mcrit
Supernovafeedback Shock heating activates AGN feedback M Using conditional luminosity function: Van den Bosch, Mo, Yang 03
A Sharp knee in the luminosity function
photoionization halo mass supernova feedback galaxy stellar mass 40% of baryons shock heating activates AGN feedback log
Cold infall history → Star formation history
SFR SPH simulation Keres, Katz, Weinberg, Dav’e 2004
Shock-Heating vs SN Feedback at high z
1013 1012 1011 shock heating Mvir [Mʘ] low Mstar/M at Mcrit high Mstar/M at Mcrit supernova redshift z
History of Star Formation
Most-efficient star formation near Mcrit evolution of halo mass function evolution of star formation rate maximum SFR Mcrit
The Angular Momentum problem
hydro simulations fail to produce large disks, over-produce bulges (Navarro, Steinmetz, …) → should get rid of low j tail M<Mcrit SN blowout from dwarf halos, which enter as minor mergers (Maller & Dekel 02) M>Mcrit AGN blowout of the low j hot medium high j comes with cold streams
Angular Momentum: Cold vs Hot Gas
J MRV cold flows hot log T [K] Zinger, Birnboim, Dekel, Kravtsov
Summary: Magic Scale M* ~ 3x1010Mʘ, Mvir~6x1011Mʘ
M<Mcrit M>Mcrit cold infall → disks star bursts, field hi-z progenitors < Mcrit → disks SF stops when >Mcrit → red, old, spheroids in groups hot gas (+ cold flows at z>2) SN feedback regulates SFR → blue, young pop M*/M∝V2 →LSB fundamental line starves AGNs AGN feedback prevents cooling of shock-heated gas Ly-α emitters X-ray
Origin of the Observed Features
Blue sequence & FL: Cold flows in M<Mshock halos (+mergers); SFR regulated by SN fdbk Big reds & no big blues at z<1: Shutdown SFR in M>Mshock~1012 due to coupling of hot gas with AGN fdbk; Mergers in groups --> spheroids help shutdown Big blues at z>2: Cold streams in hot M>Mshock before zcrit~2 Color bimodality gap: Abrupt shutdown of SFR; Spheroids get red; Satellites Environment dependence: HOD -- halo mass, Mgroup~Mshock Bulge/Disk bimodality: Disks by cold flows in M<Mshock~Mgroup; Merger rate in groups --> spheroids + BH --> AGN fdbk Minimum in M/L Mshock: Minimum in feedback efficiency SFR peaks near z~1: Maximum cold flow, minimum feedback Angular momentum: By cold flows
To do (partial list) : Cold flows: fate? star formation, SN feedback
Hot medium: two phases, AGN feedback X-ray, Lα emission , external ionizing flux Angular momentum Star formation history Implement in semi-analytic models Theory vs. simulations
Re-engineering SAMs M<Mshockt: efficient early star formation by cold streams hitting disks M>Mshock but z>1.5 (low HOD?): further star formation by cold streams M>Mshock at z<1.5 in groups: shut off disk growth and star formation due to shock-heating + AGN feedback, preferably if big bulge no “cooling radius”; heating (not cooling) from the inside out
Characteristic Scales
big blue disks blue disks, isolated dark-dark halos red spheroids in groups
Thank you
Talks Jan 2005, Lyon Oct 03 Venice 30 min Dec 03 IAP EARA workshop 30
Dec 03 Meudon 45 Dec 03 IAP 45 Dec 03 ETH Zurich 45 Jan 04 Oxford ddh+vf 30 and bimodality 45 Feb 04 DM Marina del Rey bimodality30 Apr 04 Texas A&M bimodality30 (45) Apr 04 Berkeley colloq bimodality Apr 04 LNLL May 04 U of Arizona May 04 CfA colloq May 04 UCSB physics colloq May 04 Caltech colloq May 04 UCSC astronomy colloq June 04 KIPAC Stanford colloq July 04 Plumian 300 IoA bi30 (30) August 04 UCSC workshop bi30 (30) August 04 UVic bi50 Oct 04 KITP bi50
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