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U.S. sea scallop Placopecten magellanicus

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1 U.S. sea scallop Placopecten magellanicus
US Atlantic Region; Georges Bank and Mid-Atlantic Photo courtesy: D. Blackwood, USGS Photo courtesy: August 19th, 2012 Wendy Norden, Senior Fisheries Analyst

2 Table of Sustainability Ranks
Species/ Stock Gear/ Region Impacts on the Stock Impacts on other Species Manage-ment Habitat and Ecosystem Overall Rank Score Lowest scoring species Rank*, Subscore, Score Recommendation Score Sea Scallops Mid -Atlantic Green 4.28 Loggerhead sea turtle Red, 1.92,1.82 Green 4.47 Yellow 2.6 GOOD ALTERNATIVE 3.12 Georges Bank Yellowtail flounder Yellow, 2.71,2.57 Red 2.12 GOOD ALTERNATIVE 3.24 Overall Seafood Recommendation: Good Alternative

3 Report Scope/Regions/Gear -Types
Georges Bank Mid-Atlantic Photo: Fee-Sloan 2007 NEFMC 2012 Draft Framework 24 ~ 97% of landings caught with NB Dredge

4 Limiting Factor – Georges Bank
Habitat and Ecosystem Impacts Fishery Gear type and substrate Rank (Score) Mitigation of gear impacts Rank (Score) EBFM Rank (Score) Criterion 4 Score Criterion 4 Rank Georges Bank Severe impact (1) Moderate mitigation (0.5) Moderate (3) 2.12 Red Sand = approximately 62% of the sea floor; gravel = approximately 38% (Harris and Stokesbury 2010; SMAST 2012) = Severe Some EFH closures to all bottom tending gear since 1994 (Stokesbury 2002). Of the total estimated scallop distribution (approximately 60, 000 km2), approximately 28% is closed to fishing and 21% are permanent closures (SMAST 2012; Stokesbury 2002; Stokesbury et al 2010). = Moderate No exceptional species; EBM planning, but no efforts at this point to fully assess = Moderate Harris and Stokesbury 2010

5 Limiting Factor- Mid-Atlantic
Loggerhead sea turtle bycatch Stock Inherent Resilience Rank Stock Status Rank (Score) Fishing Mortality Rank (Score) SubScore Discards Criterion 2 Score Criterion 2 Rank (based on Subscore) Loggerhead sea turtle Low Endangered or threatened (1) Moderate (3.67) 1.92 20-40% (0.95) 1.82 Red May 1, 2013, all scallop vessels fishing W of 710W.long. have to use a TDD for part of the scallop fishing year in the Mid-Atlantic. Finkbeiner et al (2011) annual bycatch mortality events between = 579 loggerheads before regulated gear mitigation (chain mats), effective in 2004 and 2006 that decreased average annual mortality to 67.5 loggerheads. Murray (2011) most recent estimates = 20 per year. Continuous bycatch reductions expected in 2013 with implementation of new regulations Date Issued: 4/5/2012

6 Table of Sustainability Ranks
Species/ Stock Gear/ Region Impacts on the Stock Impacts on other Species Manage-ment Habitat and Ecosystem Overall Rank Score Lowest scoring species Rank*, Subscore, Score Recommendation Score Sea Scallops Mid -Atlantic Green 4.28 Loggerhead sea turtle Red, 1.92,1.82 Green 4.47 Yellow 2.6 GOOD ALTERNATIVE 3.12 Georges Bank Yellowtail flounder Yellow, 2.71,2.57 Red 2.12 GOOD ALTERNATIVE 3.24 Overall Seafood Recommendation: Good Alternative

7 Weathervane scallop Patinopecten caurinus
Alaska: Gulf of Alaska, Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands August 19th, 2012 Wendy Norden, Senior Fisheries Analyst Photos courtesy: NOAA Fisheries

8 Table of Sustainability Ranks
Species/Stock Gear/Region Impacts on the Stock Rank Score Impacts on other Species Lowest scoring species Rank*, Subscore, Score Management Rank Score Habitat and Ecosystem Rank Score Overall Recommendation Score Weathervane Scallop Scallop Dredge Green 3.32 Tanner Crab Yellow, 3.16,3 Green 4.47 Yellow 3.16 BEST CHOICE 3.49 Overall Seafood Recommendation: Best Choice

9 Report Scope/Regions/Gear -Types
Alaska: Gulf of Alaska, Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Photo: Fee-Sloan 2007 100% Dredge

10 What is driving the score?
Figure from National System of Marine Protected Areas 2012 Habitat and Ecosystem Impacts Fishery Gear type and substrate Rank (Score) Mitigation of gear impacts Rank (Score) EBFM Rank (Score) 4.1 Score 4.2 Score 4.3 Score Criterion 4 Score Criterion 4 Rank Scallop Severe impact (1) Strong mitigation (1) Effective (5) 1.00 5.00 3.16 Yellow Figure from: Witherell and Woodby 2005 Strong Mitigation Fishery footprint is very small (149 square nautical miles) ~ 0.1 % of the EFH Extensive closures to fishing with scallop dredges in State and Federal waters Effective EBM No exceptional species caught and substantial portion area is in MPAs; GOA - 140, 200km2 and the Bering Sea encompassing 25% of the shelf Management regulations include ecosystem-based fishery management measures such as: control of directed and incidental catches; a prohibition on fishing of forage species (on which other fish, seabirds, and marine mammals depend); protection of habitat for fish, crabs and marine mammals; and temporal and spatial controls of fishing (Witherell and Woodby 2005; Pikitch et al 2004). Since 1995, FMPs have contained ecosystem consideration sections

11 Table of Sustainability Ranks
Species/Stock Gear/Region Impacts on the Stock Rank Score Impacts on other Species Lowest scoring species Rank*, Subscore, Score Management Rank Score Habitat and Ecosystem Rank Score Overall Recommendation Score Weathervane Scallop Scallop Dredge Green 3.32 Tanner Crab Yellow, 3.16,3 Green 4.47 Yellow 3.16 BEST CHOICE 3.49 Overall Seafood Recommendation: Best Choice

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