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Ecstasy By Destiny Vernon.

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1 Ecstasy By Destiny Vernon

2 What is Ecstasy (MDMA)? An overwhelming feeling of great happiness or joyful excitement. OR an emotional or religious frenzy or trancelike state, originally one involving an experience of mystic self-transcendence.

3 History of Ecstasy 1912 – There was a German pharmaceutical company that first synthesized MDMA in an attempt to create an appetite suppressant. 1970's – Ecstasy was rediscovered by a small group of U.S. therapists wishing to utilize it in psychotherapy. 1988 – Became illegal and was categorized as a Schedule I drug.

4 How Does Ecstasy Work In The Brain?
Ecstasy affects the brain by increasing the activity of at least three neurotransmitters which are serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. MDMA causes neurotransmitters to be released from their storage sites in neurons, resulting in increased neurotransmitter activity.

5 How Does Ecstasy Affect The Body?
Arrhythmia - improper beating of the heart, whether irregular, too fast, or too slow. Renal Failure - a condition in which the kidneys lose the ability to remove waste and balance fluids. Hyperthermia - a dangerously overheated body, usually in response to prolonged, hot, humid weather.

6 5 Acute Effects Clouded Thinking Jaw Clenching Elevated Mood
Reduced Appetite Heightened Perceptions

7 How Does Ecstasy Effect Ones Oral Health?
Xerostomia Bruxism

8 5 Chronic Effects of Ecstasy
Memory Loss Depression Anxiety Psychosis Convulsions

9 Taking Ecstasy with Other Drugs
The chances of an overdose are increased if ecstasy is taken with other stimulant drugs such as amphetamines or cocaine. This can increase effects such as heart rate, blood pressure and anxiety. Alcohol - can lead to dehydration and overheating Antidepressant Medication - increased heart rate, loss of coordination, nausea and vomiting. Benzodiazepines - can lead to a cycle of dependence on both drugs. Diet Drinks - avoid diet drinks as they may increase the neurotoxicity of MDMA.

10 Forms Of Ecstasy MDMA is a white powder, but most ingested ecstasy comes in a colorful pill form. Parachute - place the pill in a napkin, crush it, and then swallow the piece of napkin in an attempt to speed up the drug's onset. Plugging – ingesting anally. Some people also snort it and occasionally smoke it.

11 How Does It Feel To Use Ecstasy?
It makes users experience a rush of good feelings and makes someone's feelings much more intense, whether they're good or bad. It can make some users feel anxious, confused, and paranoid, like someone is trying to hurt them or is plotting against them. The drug's effects usually last up to 6 hours.

12 How Much Does Ecstasy Cost?
One pill in the United States cost about $ ten years ago. Today because its so popular its about $10.00 for one pill.

13 What Is Ecstasy Made Of? Safrole – It is a colorless or slightly yellow oily liquid typically extracted from the root-bark or the fruit of sassafras plants in the form of sassafras oil. Solvent - A solvent is a substance that dissolves a solute, resulting in a solution. A solvent is usually a liquid but can also be a solid or a gas. MDMA - It is chemically similar to both stimulants and hallucinogens, producing feelings of increased energy, pleasure, emotional warmth, and distorted sensory and time perception.

14 What Are Some Street Names For Ecstasy?
Candy Dancing Shoes Disco Biscuits E-bomb Love Drug Molly Scooby Snacks Thizz Hug Drug Happy Pill

15 Behavioral Effects of Ecstasy?
When MDMA first was developed it was used in marriage counseling. Ecstasy is also called the love drug because people feel the need for intimacy while under the influence of this drug. Out of a group of twenty Ecstasy users 80% reported a decrease in defensiveness.

16 Where Ecstasy Is Most Used?
Parties Music Festivals Raves

17 Can Ecstasy Be Dangerous?
If a person takes Ecstasy, his or her body can dangerously overheat during dancing or other physical activities, which can lead to death. MDMA is typically found to contain a combination of dangerous synthetic and other drugs, including the same ingredients found in the drug called “bath salts.” The synthetic drugs found in MDMA can cause hallucinations, psychotic and violent behavior, dehydration and, in several instances, death. Molly samples have also been found to contain addictive drugs, such as methamphetamine, heroin, ketamine, PCP and amphetamines.

18 Is There Treatment Options?
As of right now there aren't any FDA approved medications because it is a conflicting debate on whether or not MDMA is addictive. Behavioral therapies have been used to treat someone who uses but hasn’t been proven to work. Drug abuse support groups also might be affective. More research needs to be conducted on the drug.

19 Penalties For Having Ecstasy
Manufacturing or Distributing 50 grams = 10 years to life and/or be required to pay a fine of up to $4 million. Possession of 5 grams or more carries a penalty of 5-40 years in prison. Where death or serious injury results from the DISTRIBUTION of the drug, the penalties increase to 20 years to life in prison and/or a fine of $8 million.

20 Does Ecstasy Effect How One Sees Time?
Many people describe feeling and altered feeling of time. Time was described as: “Compressed” “Dilated” “Expanded” “Slowed Down” “Sped Up”

21 Bibliography ecstasy/section-ii/5-short-term-acute-effects-ecstasy ecstasy/section-ii/6-short-term-adverse-effects j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

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