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Matisse What: To discuss and consider how artwork is made.

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Presentation on theme: "Matisse What: To discuss and consider how artwork is made."— Presentation transcript:

1 Matisse What: To discuss and consider how artwork is made.
To look at work from other times. Why: To complete levels on the NC. How: Through discussion and experimentation.

2 Henri Matisse, born in 1869. Died in 1954.
He was born in France. He did not plan on being an artist. When he was ill his mother gave him his first art supplies and he fell in love with painting. He studied art in Paris where he painted mostly landscapes and still lifes. Matisse discovered impressionism which completely changed his style and colour took centre-stage in his paintings. This love of colour evolved into Fauvism, in which natural scenes are portrayed in unnatural, usually extremely bright, colours. By the end of his life Matisse was thoroughly interested in patterns and from this interest came his collages. Made from boldly hand-painted paper cut into shapes. Look at the text above. Pick 5 words key words from the points above. Copy Neatly into your sketch book the first 2 sentences.

3 Paintings

4 What are the main formal elements used in this painting.
Blue Nude Why do you think he painted her blue? Copy the Blue Nude in your sketch book and label. Design Faculty My standard of work today was? Art Date B G A R

5 How Many Differences can you spot?
Lesson Objective To Look at art from other times and cultures. To Use other art materials.

6 Lesson Objective To Look at art from other times and cultures
Lesson Objective To Look at art from other times and cultures. To Use other art materials. Must: Should Could Even Better If Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Create Icarus image using scissors with some resemblance. To present work neatly. To make basic comments. Create Icarus image using scissors with reasonable resemblance. To present work neatly and label. To describe Icarus. Create Icarus image using scissors with good resemblance. To present work neatly and label using subject specific language. To describe and explain Icarus. Create Icarus image using scissors with excellent resemblance. To describe and evaluate Icarus.

7 Cut Outs Cut outs What is this cut out supposed to be?
How big do you think it is? Lesson Objective To Look at art from other times and cultures. To Use other art materials.

8 He called it Drawing with scissors.
Lesson Objective To Look at art from other times and cultures. To Use other art materials.

9 Icarus When asked about this picture, Henri Matisse said it was inspired by resistance fighters in World War Two. Matisse was also inspired by Jazz music. It looks a bit like Icarus is dancing to Jazz in this picture. Lesson Objective To Look at art from other times and cultures. To Use other art materials.

10 Painting with Scissors Icarus
You will be given blue black yellow and red paper. Try replicating Icarus. Try painting with scissors like Matisse. Do not draw any outlines. Take a risk and just cut the shapes. Lesson Objective To Look at art from other times and cultures. To Use other art materials.

11 Answer the following questions
Did you find it easy or hard to paint with scissors? Do you think your Icarus looks as good as Matisse’s? What do you think Icarus represents? Art Date Level Design Faculty Today I have What Have I Learned Today? Use a what have I learned today sticker. Lesson Objective To Look at art from other times and cultures. To Use other art materials.

12 Lesson Objectives Lo: To design and create a Matisse inspired cut out painting based on a given theme. Why: To experiment, take risks and be creative with media. How Through development drawings and collage. Lo: To design and create a Matisse inspired cut out painting based on a given theme.

13 Jazz Matisse created a book of paper cuts called Jazz
What do these images make you think of? Lo: To design and create a Matisse inspired cut out painting based on a given theme.

14 Matisse Inspired Cut Outs
Look at the images supplied.

15 Look at two images. Title and date page - Matisse Cut Out Composition Designs Divide a page into 2. On each half plan a Matisse style cut out based on each image. Simplify the image thinking about Colour, shape and layers.

16 Evaluate your designs Art Which composition works best and why?
Design Faculty Art Date Self Assessment Level Teacher Assessment Which composition works best and why? Which composition most represents Matisse’s style? How could you improve your designs? Give your designs a level based on the following descriptors: ; Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Simple basic shapes. No layering. No thought to colour. Medium variety of shapes reflecting some aspects of image. Some thought to colour minimal layering. Good shapes highly reflecting design image. Thought to colour and composition. Interesting layers. Highly complex shapes and design. Reflecting image. Interesting layers. Well worked composition.

17 Lesson Objectives What: To design and create a Matisse inspired cut out painting based on a given theme. Why: To experiment, take risks and be creative with media. How: Through development drawings and collage.

18 Paint with scissors Look at this example…
LO: To design and create a Matisse inspired cut out painting based on a given theme. Look at this example… What Level would you give it using the levelling descriptors? What could the artist do to improve the work? Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Simple basic shapes. No layering. No thought to colour. Medium variety of shapes reflecting some aspects of image. Some thought to colour minimal layering. Good shapes highly reflecting design image. Thought to colour and composition. Interesting layers. Highly complex shapes and design. Reflecting image. Interesting layers. Well worked composition.

19 What Level do you think these examples would be?
Look at your 2 designs and answer the following questions. Which design best represents Matisse's style? Do you need to make any changes to the design? LO: To design and create a Matisse inspired cut out painting based on a given theme.

20 Paint with scissors Art
Use sugar paper to cut out and create your scissor painting. Remember: Create Layers. Take Risks. Consider colour. Add a border. Use interesting shapes Reflect starting Image Look at your work so far. Put a what can Improve sticker on the back. Consider the assessment grid and note 2 ways which you can improve your design next lesson. Design Faculty To improve my work today I could? Art Date LO: To design and create a Matisse inspired cut out painting based on a given theme.

21 Evaluation Look at your work.
What materials have You used? What techniques have you used? What artists have you learnt about? Name, Country, Dates, Key works. What formal elements have you used? WWW What went well? EBI Even better if? Look at progress chart-Give yourself a level. Comment on what you enjoyed or disliked about the unit Look at your work. You are going to consider what you have achieved and what we have covered in the lessons. Complete the evaluation sheet on the back of your work. Teacher Feedback To Improve Level Level

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