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A Teen's Personal Guide to Music on the Web

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1 A Teen's Personal Guide to Music on the Web

2 Personal Musical Interests
I have been exposed to many different genres of music from my brothers and my mother Country from my mother, Rock from my younger brother, and Rap/Hip Hop from my older brother This has led to my appreciation for all music genres I started playing the tuba in middle school but switched to the alto saxophone (which I still play) after I moved to a school that didn’t have access to a tuba I listen to all different kinds of music on Pandora, and change stations in relation to my mood and what I am doing at the time

3 3 Favorite Groups/Composers

4 Stevie Wonder Current favorite artist
Favorite album: Songs in the Key of Life Main genres are: Soul Pop R&B Funk Jazz Some top hits are: Superstition, Sir Duke, Isn’t She Lovely, and As Like to listen to his music when I am just chilling at home

5 Earth Wind & Fire Current favorite band Favorite song: September
Main genres are: Soul Pop R&B Funk Jazz Rock Disco Like this music when I am in a good mood and want to listen to some songs

6 D.R.A.M. Favorite song: Broccoli Favorite album: Big Baby D.R.A.M.
Main genres are: Hip hop Trap Contemporary R&B Some top hits are: Broccoli, Cash Machine, Cha Cha, and Cute I listen to the D.R.A.M. Pandora station when I go on walks or when I am with friends

7 Music From Different Cultures

8 German Folk Music Very upbeat and lively
Interesting choices in instrumentation Fun music to listen to German Folk Music Video

9 French Music Very moving emotional music Can bring a tear to your eye
Extremely complex and intricate Link to emotional music

10 Creating Music With A Computer

11 App 1: Figure App 2: Ninja Jamm Website 1: Soundtrap
- An app to create electronic loops using drums, bass and lead melodies, with no prior knowledge required Link To App Store Info App 2: Ninja Jamm - You can buy “packs” of sounds from individual artists, then remix or create new tunes as you like. Link To App Store Info Website 1: Soundtrap - It allows you to start, edit and collaborate on your recordings wherever you are. Website 2: AudioTool - In-browser cloud-based music editing software with its own publishing system

12 In Summation

13 I had previously never known about the apps and website and I can anticipate using them soon
The plethora of royalty-free tracks and built in publishing systems can be very useful if I want to get an easy way to make music Insight into other cultures has broadened my horizons of music to listen to

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