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TAC Report to the ERCOT Board

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Presentation on theme: "TAC Report to the ERCOT Board"— Presentation transcript:

1 TAC Report to the ERCOT Board
July 15, 2003 July 15, 2003

2 Summary Retail Market Issues 2004 CSCs and zones - update
Competitive Metering 2004 CSCs and zones - update PRRs 382, 402, 405, 408, 411, 415, 419, 423, 424, 429 July 15, 2003

3 Retail Market Issues TAC approved Load Profiling Guide revision request related to Direct Load Control implementation. TAC approved version 1.0 of Retail Market Guide TAC approved revisions to the Market Testing Timelines for Flights 0703 and 1003 July 15, 2003

4 Competitive Metering Statute allows competitive metering for large customers on January 1, 2004. PUC Rule related to Competitive Metering effective June 19 July 15, 2003

5 Actions to date RMS has recommended an initial list of qualified meters, which has been endorsed by TAC. Bring for Board approval next month RMS has developed proposals for meter approval process, issue resolution process and competitive meter standard, which have been endorsed by TAC. PRRs to implement are being initiated July 15, 2003

6 2004 CSCs and zones Reviewing North to Houston situation
ERCOT has withdrawn PRR418 Secondary CSC concept TAC has approved concept for exemption criteria WMS to submit PRR to implement No recommendation from TAC at this time for 2004 July 15, 2003

7 PRR 382 – Settlement Statement Suspension
Allows the Board to direct ERCOT to suspend the issuance of any Settlement Statement to address unusual circumstances with TAC review and comment No impact to ERCOT computer systems Effective August 1, 2003 July 15, 2003

8 PRR 402 – Delete Good Friday Holiday
Conforms Protocols to ERCOT operations (i.e., Good Friday is not an observed holiday) No impact on ERCOT computer systems Effective August 1, 2003 July 15, 2003

9 PRR 405 – Underscheduled Replacement Reserve Capacity
Conforms Protocols to reflect implementation of PIP 132 and PRR 394 No impact on ERCOT computer systems Effective August 1, 2003 July 15, 2003

10 PRR 408 – High Voltage Direct Current Tie Schedule Data
Requires ERCOT to provide HVDC Tie information to TDSPs PRS added the data provided to the TDSP to the list of protected information Impact on ERCOT staffing Effective August 1, 2003 July 15, 2003

11 PRR 411 – Protocol Clarification Request
Provides a clarification process for the interpretation of the Protocols No impact on ERCOT computer systems Effective August 1, 2003 July 15, 2003

12 PRR 415 – Modify Limit for LaaRs Responsive Service
Helps to maximize the amount of load that can participate in the Responsive Reserve market without jeopardizing reliability or increasing costs Impact on ERCOT business practices & potentially staffing Effective August 1, 2003 Approved by TAC July 15, 2003

13 PRR 419 – Transfer of Balancing Up Load (BUL) Qualification Testing to QSEs
Transfers BUL testing responsibility from ERCOT to the QSE representing the BUL. If the BUL does not respond when dispatched, the QSE does not receive any capacity payment and the qualification testing responsibility is transferred back to ERCOT. No impact on ERCOT systems Effective July 17, 2003 July 15, 2003

14 PRR 423 – Dispatch of Qualifying Facilities Below Minimum Generation Levels
Provides that ERCOT shall use other Resource Dispatch options to maintain system reliability prior to Dispatching a Generation Resource below its Low Operating Limit Impacts ERCOT computer systems and may impact staffing Effective upon system change July 15, 2003

15 PRR 424 – Elimination of Resource Specific Deployment Used for Energy Balance Purpose
Eliminates the Resource specific deployments for energy balance purposes (Category 4) and will reduce the cost of Local Congestion that is currently uplifted to all Loads Impacts ERCOT computer systems Priority 1.1 Effective on system implementation July 15, 2003

16 PRR 429 – Disclosure of TDSP Information
Make it clear that ERCOT will disclose and share with a TDSP any confidential information it has received or has knowledge of that would affect the operation and security of the TDSP No impact on ERCOT computer systems; may impact staffing Effective August 1, 2003 July 15, 2003

17 July 15, 2003

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