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Menu Planning Grade 9 Camping.

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1 Menu Planning Grade 9 Camping

2 Things to Remember NO NUTS Nut Substitutes Other ideas?
Or nut products Nut Substitutes Quaker Chewy Granola bars (marked on box with red “Made in a nut free facility” logo) SunRype fruit bits (also come in fruit bars) Seeds (sunflower are my favourite) Dried fruit (apples, banana chips, pineapple, apricots etc.) Crackers (Stoned Wheat Wafers are my personal fave) Cheeses (not the soft ones like brie) Dried salami (lasts much better than the vacuum packed stuff) Nut free energy bars (they usually specify this on the label, if they don’t say nut free assume they aren’t) Other ideas?

3 Menu Plan Snack while waiting for food to cook (We all know how hungry you can be!) Main Course Quick cooking times NOT ready made e.g. KFC Combines various ingredients Dessert (optional)

4 Think About while Planning
Taste Appealing to all members of your group Variety Plain oatmeal everyday will test the patience of everybody Slow to rot or “go bad” Durable (will not break, squash, or leak in your pack) High in Energy Packaging Small in packed size Lightweight Avoid bringing: Cans, glass, Tupperware Raw meat/fish/chicken (ALL MEAT MUST BE PRE-COOKED)

5 Menu Considerations Allergies Cooking time Fuel required
Water required Ease of Clean Up

6 Cooking Set-Up Utensils, food & water within easy reach
Room for group members Insure there is no need to reach over stove Delegate tasks Get water Chop ingredients etc. Cook dispenses food Keep things from getting ‘schmozled’

7 When Packing Day Night Separate smaller lunch bag from main meals
Easily accessible Night To avoid any animal encounters at night, all food, garbage, and smelly things (toothpaste, deodorant) should be stored in your nylon stuff sac FOOD BAG, in the Bear locker. Do not use the tent bag or your sleeping bag stuff sac for food storage; the food scent will make these items attractive to animals. NO FOOD IN THE TENTS, If YOU CHOOSE TO SURVIVE THE TRIP!!!

8 Breakfast Suggestions
Instant Oatmeal Hot Chocolate Fruit/ Granola Bars Cold cereal Bagels Some sort of topping Breakfast Burrito Eggs (precracked) Flour tortillas Salsa

9 Lunch Suggestions Think of foods that don’t require cooking! Bag Lunch! Munchies Easy to eat on trail while walking Dried fruit, energy bars, chocolate bars, cookies, crackers, dried salami, jerky, food from bulk bins… Bagels Cream Cheese Sandwiches Pitas Hummus

10 Dinner Suggestions Pasta, rice, beans, lentils, couscous, bulgar, instant potatoes, ramen noodles, tortillas, pitas with a balance of protein (meat or plant based) and vegetables/fruit Desert A small sweet Oreo cookie (2/ person) Dark Chocolate

11 What to Do in Class In food groups...
Brainstorm menu ideas Use web or other resources Fill in Menu Plan Will require out-of-class time Cook & cook’s assistant for each meal (initials next to meal) Fill in To-Buy list Who will do the buying? Initials next to meals you’re buying Teachers to circulate and offer help/advice Copy of whole-group menu plan must be handed in before trip No snacks or lunches listed Marked for credit IF NOT ATTENDING, FIND OTHER MEMBERS THAT ARE ATTENDING THE TRIP WHO YOU CAN WORK WITH, IT IS FOR MAKRS!

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