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Objective 7.01: Classify animal feeds

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1 Objective 7.01: Classify animal feeds

2 Nutritional Information
Nutrient Chemical element or compound that aids in the support of life. Different kinds of nutrients are needed by animals Nutrient requirements vary by species, age, production level Nutrients must be balanced in order to provide the most benefits to the animal Ration The amount and kind of feed given to an animal on a daily basis

3 What are some fad diets? Weight Watchers- moderation and low fats
Atkins- protein based Nutri-system- carbohydrates

4 Nutrients There are 5 categories of nutrients that an animals body needs in order to survive. By utilizing each of the categories in moderation or based on animal specifics (production stage, age, etc) we can produce highly advantageous animals (higher producing, shiny fur, etc). 

5 5 Classifications of Nutrients
Energy Nutrients (Carbohydrates, fats, and oils) Protein Vitamins Minerals Water

6 Nutritional Information
Roughages High in Fiber Forage Crops Silage Hay Pasture Grass

7 Nutritional Information
Concentrates High in Nutrient Value Grains Corn Barley Wheat

8 Nutritional Value Total Digestible Nutrients
Concentrates are high in TDN Roughages are low in TDN

9 Nutritional Information
Smaller producers will used commercially bagged feed ration. Larger producers will make their own feed rations. A ration should fit the amounts and kinds of nutrients needed based on the status of the animal.

10 Functions of a Ration Maintenance Growth Production Reproduction
Fattening Work


12 Groups of Nutrients

13 Carbohydrates Composed of sugar, starches, cellulose and lignin
Provide energy and heat Make up the largest quantity of livestock feed Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen

14 Fats and Oils 2.25 times the energy value of carbohydrates
At body temperature fat are solids and oils are liquid Example: cooking lard Extra carbohydrates are stored as fats Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen Carriers fat-soluble vitamins

15 Organic Proteins Major component of muscles, tissues, as well as horns, hooves, hair, internal organs and skin. Made up of amino acids Continuously needed to replace dying body cells Young animals need large amounts for growth

16 Vitamins Organic Needed in small quantities
Helps regulate body functions Designated by letters A,B,C,D,E,K Sources: Naturally found in feed Feed additives made from animal by-products Made by the body itself Organic

17 Vitamins Trace organic compounds – needed in small amounts only
Two groups: Fat Soluble: A, D, E, and K Help with healthy eyes, conception rate, and disease resistance Water Soluble: C and B-Complex Helps with teeth and bone formation, increased energy, increased appetite, growth, and reproduction Sources of Vitamins: Green leafy hay, milk, cod liver oil, fish soluble, certain animal proteins

18 Minerals Needed in small amounts Regulates body functions
Calcium, phosphorus, sodium, etc. Regulates body functions Provide growth for: Bone Teeth Tissue Example: calcium is needed in poultry for eggshell development

19 Minerals Inorganic materials needed in trace amounts
Provide for bone growth, teeth, and tissue, aid in muscular activities, repair of body tissue, digestion of feed, other body processes, immunity to diseases Sources: Mineral blocks or milled into feeds Two types Macro minerals – Needed in larger amounts Sodium, chlorine, calcium, phosphorus Micro minerals – Needed in smaller amounts Iron, iodine, sulfur, magnesium, iodine, copper, cobalt, zinc, boron, manganese, selenium, and fluorine

20 Water Makes up 40% to 80% of the animals body Controls temperature
Dissolves nutrients Acts as a carrier in blood for nutrients Certain chemical reactions in the body

21 Sources of Nutrients Carbohydrates Cereal grains corn wheat oats rye
barley sorghum

22 Sources of Nutrients Proteins Plant sources Animal sources
Soybean meal Cottonseed meal Alfalfa meal Animal sources Meat meal Fishmeal Dried milk Synthetic nitrogen source called urea

23 Sources of Nutrients Fats and Oils Vitamins and Minerals
Grains and protein concentrates Vitamins and Minerals Most feed ingredients Supplements Pre-mixes Mineral blocks

24 Sources of Nutrients Other sources and exceptions:
Alfalfa (roughage) can be used to provide energy and fiber Molasses Improve taste (palatability) Reduce feed dust

25 Feedstuffs in Livestock Nutrition
Student Instructions: Create a presentation on the different types of feed we provide to animals. You will create a PowerPoint slide for each of the following categories of feed. Provide 1-2 pictures of each category and examples of feeds that provide the nutrient category. Use the following website to gather your info: Roughages Proteins Feeds Concentrates aka High Energy Feed Vitamins & Minerals Water Using the same website, create 1 slide that summarizes 5 different ways feed is processed. Rubric 5 Types of Feed (8pts each) 5 types of Feed Processing (4pts each) Pictures (2pts each, at least one/slide) Neatness (not cluttered 10pts) Completeness (10 pts)

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