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The IECEE Global Motor Energy Efficiency Programme

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1 The IECEE Global Motor Energy Efficiency Programme

2 The IECEE Global Motor Energy Efficiency Programme

3 Background Electric motors driving pumps, fans, compressors and other machines use 45% of global electricity Through higher efficiency motors, 20 – 30% savings could be achieved According to an IEA Working Paper from 2011, 20-30% savings could be made with more efficient motors (Paul Waide, Conrad U. Brunner, et al.: Energy-Effi ciency Policy Opportunities for Electric Motor-Driven Systems, IEA Working Paper, 2011, Paris.)

4 National regulations Many countries have mandatory Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) for electric motors with efficiency requirements. More countries are likely to introduce MEPS for motors as well.

5 MEPS are now most often based on:
Motor efficiency classification in IEC Efficiency test method IEC The process and requirements for certification and compliance vary greatly from country to country, including test standards, laboratory accreditation, sampling, test process and labelling.

6 Answering the global demand
Electric motors and their driven equipment are manufactured and shipped across many countries worldwide to satisfy global demand Differences in national regulations and customs import requirements can create technical barriers to trade. Also, the lack of effective MEPS enforcement and verification processes weaken trust in motor markets and quality products.

7 IECEE GMEE globally harmonized programme offers:
1 recognized motor efficiency test method (IEC ) 1 test report format Common certification process based on IECEE CB Scheme The GMEE programme was established to address these issues of differences in national regulations and customs import requirements. It is based on the IECEE Certification Body (CB) Scheme, which is based on IEC International Standards. The main objective of the Scheme is to realize the concept of “one product, one test, one certificate” through promoting the harmonization of national standards with International Standards.

8 IECEE GMEE Brochure Available at:

9 Participating Member Countries
06/05/2018 Participating Member Countries 53 participating countries Argentina Australia Austria Bahrain Belarus Belgium Brazil Bulgaria Canada China Colombia Croatia Czech Rep. Denmark Malaysia Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Nigeria Norway Pakistan Poland Portugal Russian Federation Saudi Arabia Serbia Singapore Slovakia Slovenia South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Thailand Turkey Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Viet Nam Finland France Germany Greece Hungary India Indonesia Ireland Israel Italy Japan Kenya Korea Rep. of


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