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Japan Karate Presenter: Ernie Hwaun ( president)

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Presentation on theme: "Japan Karate Presenter: Ernie Hwaun ( president)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Japan Karate Presenter: Ernie Hwaun (2016-2017 president)
Pavel Zuloaga ( vice president)

2 Budget request 2015-2016 funding: $750 ($950 requested)
Asking for $1,250 Increasing cost Travel expense for belt tests in Dallas Hosting seminars Equipment fees Team building activities

3 Recognized expense

4 Additional expense

5 Income Dues Fundraising Total income Membership dues :$40/semester
Total: $1,300/year Fundraising UT Football games: $150/year Total: $150/year Total income $1,450/year

6 Membership

7 Community services Clean up Eastwood Neighborhood Park and San Jacinto Blvd after Longhorn Run

8 Goals 1) Hold a Karate Seminar with a guest Sensei from AAKF
2) Have an average promotion of  two positions in the belt rank of members 3) Improve the group binding by hosting social and team building activities

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