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FMS Choir Program Mrs. Huber Per 2.

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Presentation on theme: "FMS Choir Program Mrs. Huber Per 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 FMS Choir Program Mrs. Huber Per 2

2 A note about me… CSUS Grad, BMuE, Credential
Mom of 3 Jaguars, Proud wife Director with the Sacramento Children’s Chorus.

3 Choir Goals

4 Composed for success On time, prepared, positive attitude
Pencil, folder Educational use of cell phone/tablets Water bottle No food /gum Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe

5 Celebration of Knowledge
80% Summative Definition: Evaluate student learning. Examples: student performances 20% Formative Definition: monitoring student learning. Examples include singing in quartets, in class assessments, active participation in class

6 Concert Attire Girls: Black pants/skirt; black tights; black, closed toe shoes, preferably low heel; white top/blouse; light make up, hair back from face. Boys: Black dress pants (no jeans); black dress shoes (black sneakers don’t count); white button up shirt with solid tie.

7 Concert Attire cont…

8 Concert Dates Autumn Serenade : November 3rd
Winter Concert: December 14th Folsom High Invitational: Feb 23rd Spring Concert: May 17, 2017 Other dates TBD: Golden Empire, Music in the Park, 8th grade promotion

9 How can I help? Concert parent volunteers Music in the Parks
Autumn Serenade


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