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Tim walters, November 29, 2016, Wonder factory group a

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1 Tim walters, November 29, 2016, Wonder factory group a
Project Description Project: The Wonder Factory, a science center in Flagstaff Design an interactive exhibit Promote STEM centered subjects  Interactive Engaging Fun INTRO -The Wonder Factory -a science, engineering, art and technology center in Flagstaff  -like the science museum in Phoenix, there will be hands on, interactive exhibits for the young and young at heart -founded by Jackee and Steve Alston (husband and wife) -goal is to lead the next generation of young minds to stike an interest in STEM -funded by the city eventually and fundraising currently  -location is not set yet (possible an already existing building) -put in slide--> "Our goal with The Wonder Factory is to create a fun and engaging exhibit that not only appeals to a younger audience, but sparks an interest in STEM centered subjects." OUR JOB Tim walters, November 29, 2016, Wonder factory group a

2 Design Description Implementation Details: D = 3”
(1) Single Fixed Pulley (2) Single Floating Pulley -story of how the Wonder Factory came about -no science center in Flagstaff -"why not here?" -community support and involvement( fundraising and outsourcing ideas from community) -Exploratorium in San Francisco  -pictures and ideas that inspire us  -discovery science center in california L x H x W = 36” x 26” x 24” (3) Double Pulley (4) Block and Tackle Tim Walters & aaron ake , November 29, 2016, Wonder factory group a

3 Ahmad alowais, November 29, 2016, Wonder factory group a
Design Requirements Simple:  Pulley System that has been created to show how pulleys can be used. Feels Smart  Child will be using the different pulley systems and will be able to feel the difference in the force required. Interactive: Child is able to test each system themselves Project Themselves It is Interesting, the kid can link it to real applications, sailing, construction cranes, etc. Mobile Fully assembled exterior dimensions are 36 in wide by 26 in tall by 24 in deep Multiple People : 3-4 children can use the display.  Design 1 Pulley Wall Simple (4) 9 Feels smart 7 Interactive  (3)  10 Project themselves 6 Mobile (2) Multiple people (1) safety (5)  186 Scale:1-10 Ahmad alowais, November 29, 2016, Wonder factory group a

4 Schedule & Budget Schedule: Budget: Questions?
mohammed aldossai and Mohammed Alqahtani, November 29, 2016, Wonder factory group a

5 References [1]Written and J. Greiner, "The museum science industry invites visitors to experience interactive exhibits and artifacts relating to science, technology and industry," [Picture]. Available: Accessed: Sep. 27, 2016. [2]"Exhibit ideas from other science Centres/museums," Pinterest. [Picture]. Available: Accessed: Sep. 27, 2016. [3]A. Sullivan, "Build a generator bicycle with inexpensive materials | make:," in Bikes, Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers, [Picture]. Available: Accessed: Sep. 27, 2016. [4]New World Encyclopedia, "Pulley," MediaWiki, [Online]. Available: [Accessed 15 November 2016].

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