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Thanks for these nice welcoming words!

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Presentation on theme: "Thanks for these nice welcoming words!"— Presentation transcript:

1 First Project-Meeting „Developing Quality in Mathematics Education II DQME II“ in Bratislava
Thanks for these nice welcoming words! I am very happy to meet you all again here in Bratislava. It is good to see that so many people are interested in the work of our old project and want to join the continuation of the already done work, but also start something new. A european Network for Developing Quality in Mathematics Education. Unfortunately working in a EU project does not only mean working on the content, but, as you all already noticed, also some administrational things. I want to clarify those now, at the beginning of this meeting, and then start working on the content Developing Quality in Mathematics Education DQIME University of Dortmund Institute for Development and Research in Mathematics Education

2 Structure Project Agreement „Your Grant“ Communication Platform
Summary of Application - Workpackages The first part, until lunch, will concern the project agreement. After lunch I want to explain how the Communication Platform works and after that giving you a really short summary of the application and explain with this the programme structure of our meeting. Developing Quality in Mathematics Education DQIME University of Dortmund Institute for Development and Research in Mathematics Education

3 Project Agreement Wolfgangs, Célines and my role between the project and the administration of the University of Dortmund and the EU First of all I want to explain the role of Wolfgang, Celine and me between the project, the administration and the EU. We are also more interested in working on the content of the project and want to support every partner in this work! All administrational rules coming up during the project are not made by me, Wolfgang or Celine, but by the EU or the University of Dortmund. E.g. if I ask you for a contract for translations or estimations of costs for a laptop… Please keep that in mind! Developing Quality in Mathematics Education DQIME University of Dortmund Institute for Development and Research in Mathematics Education

4 Project Agreement Article 1 Article 2 and 3 Article 4
Annex A will be the contract between the EU and the University of Dortmund Article 2 and 3 Obligations of the coordinator Obligations of each partner Article 4 Copyrights The easiest thing to clarify most of the administrational things is on the basis of the Project Agreement. Not everyone has a copy in the folder but most of you, because only one Agreement per institution is necessary… This Agreement is a modified version of the old agreement. I will tell you what is modified… Developing Quality in Mathematics Education DQIME University of Dortmund Institute for Development and Research in Mathematics Education

5 Project Agreement Article 5 The mentioned reports shall contain:
Project Activities Personnel Costs; workdays Travel Costs incl. all receipts Costs for Equipment incl. all receipts and justification ANNEX B (Project Handbook) Developing Quality in Mathematics Education DQIME University of Dortmund Institute for Development and Research in Mathematics Education

6 Project Agreement Article 6
The University of Dortmund will get the project grant in three parts This is why you will also get your grant in three parts Developing Quality in Mathematics Education DQIME University of Dortmund Institute for Development and Research in Mathematics Education

7 Project Agreement Article 7 and 8 Article 9 Article 10
These articles are necessary to protect the project and all its partners for financial loss. Article 9 Article 10 Article 11 (Annexes) Developing Quality in Mathematics Education DQIME University of Dortmund Institute for Development and Research in Mathematics Education

8 „Your Grant“ Some things to consider
„Your grant“ means: 1000 Euro for Equipment per each institution and 2600 Euro for each travelling person. Some things to consider If you safe money for travels you can spend this money for equipment (if this equipment is necessary to reach the project aims!). (Direct Costs) Translations will be coordinated by the University of Dortmund. (Doing translations yourself?!) Money for Teacher Training etc. coordinated by UoD You need 3 estimations of costs, if you spend more than 500 Euro for something! The project-handbook for the „old“ project is available on the communication platform. Developing Quality in Mathematics Education DQIME University of Dortmund Institute for Development and Research in Mathematics Education

9 Travel Costs Will be payed for everyone here in Bratislava
Rule for next meeting: One from the University, two from the schools Overview for each Meeting and Exchange (Hotel will be payed by University of Dortmund): Developing Quality in Mathematics Education DQIME University of Dortmund Institute for Development and Research in Mathematics Education

10 Communication Platform
The platform shall be a central place where all project materials can be placed for every project participant It shall help communicating It shall give everyone the chance to see what is happening in the whole project. I will show you how it works! Developing Quality in Mathematics Education DQIME University of Dortmund Institute for Development and Research in Mathematics Education

11 Communication Platform
Working Structure for the Network Coordinator Coordinating all workgroups named on the last sheet of the PPP Being informed about all important news from the other workgroups Head of Group Coordinating the work in the workgroup (timetable, tasks etc.) Being contact person for everyone who is interested in the work of that workgroup Informing the coordinator Group Member Informing the Head of the group about everything necessary Developing Quality in Mathematics Education DQIME University of Dortmund Institute for Development and Research in Mathematics Education

12 Summary of Application - Workpackages
Developing and modifying learning material and teaching methods Testing learning materials and teaching methods Teacher Training Workshops and Materials (pre- and in-service) Cooperation with national projects Developing quality criteria for use in the project Developing Quality in Mathematics Education DQIME University of Dortmund Institute for Development and Research in Mathematics Education

13 Summary of Application - Workpackages
Dissemination (Lectures on Conferences, articles in journals, Homepage etc.) Organisation of the yearly conferences Yearly Publications Developing Quality in Mathematics Education DQIME University of Dortmund Institute for Development and Research in Mathematics Education

14 Summary of Application - Workpackages
Quality and evaluation plan Evaluation of the Teacher Training Workshops and learning materials External Evaluator for the Meetings Download frequencies including questionnaires for feedback Developing Quality in Mathematics Education DQIME University of Dortmund Institute for Development and Research in Mathematics Education

15 Summary of Application - Workpackages
Yearly Project Meetings Exchange of Teachers and Researchers Implementation of the Communication Platform Translation of the Results Monitoring of progress and budget Contact with Brussels Exploitation of Results Developing Quality in Mathematics Education DQIME University of Dortmund Institute for Development and Research in Mathematics Education

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