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Inter-regional Schemes across the Mediterranean

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1 Inter-regional Schemes across the Mediterranean
Sotiris Petropoulos University of the Peloponnese

2 Source: WTO, 2013



5 Inter-regionalism: cooperation between regions
Definitions Inter-regionalism: cooperation between regions Trade Finance Political Parliamentary.. √ the issue of geographical proximity is more complex √ Increased level of exchanges

6 Issues Region-to-region or Regional Integration Scheme to Regional Integration Scheme Issue of asymmetry Issue of culture


8 Wippel 2005


10 EU-Med Relations Phase A: 3 periods: a to 1972 bilateral relations – partnership agreements b to 1985 Med Policy c to 1995 Revitalized Med Policy

11 General Characteristics
General Characteristics Not fully integrated EU policies European South Trade Agreements

12 General Characteristics
General Characteristics Trade Finance Democracy

13 General Characteristics
General Characteristics Bilateral Finance Protocols March 1995 – Greece lifted its veto for the 4th financial protocol to Turkey

14 Τι είναι η ΕΠΓ; European Neighborhood Policy (ENP)
The EU-Med Framework European Neighborhood Policy (ENP) A framework for dealing with EU’s neighbors Those in the East and South for which the EU has not given the prospect of accession Aim: closer ties Τι είναι η ΕΠΓ;

15 Γενικά Στοιχεία για την ΕΠΓ
ENP Initiated during 2003/2004 (notion of Greater Europe) 16 countries 10 in the South/Med (Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria and Libya) Both bilateral and multilateral framework Γενικά Στοιχεία για την ΕΠΓ

16 Multilateral – the South
The Barcelona Process Initiated in 1995 Seeking to create a Mediterranean region of peace, security and shared prosperity. Three Pillars: Political and Security Dialogue (sustainable development, rule of law, democracy and human rights) Economic and Financial Partnership (free-trade area leading to sustainable and balanced socio-economic development) Social, Cultural and Human Partnership (understanding and intercultural dialogue)

17 2005 – added migration as a 4th pillar EC earmarked €16 billion
Multilateral – the South 2005 – added migration as a 4th pillar EC earmarked €16 billion EIB to channel €2 billion per year Re-launched as the Union for the Mediterranean (2008) why? 10th anniversary – low participation by heads of states


19 Multilateral – the South
Union for the Mediterranean More members (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mauritania, Monaco, Montenegro and Turkey) Issues: Med de-pollution Establishment of maritime and land highways to facilitate movement of people and goods Prevention, preparation and response to natural and man-made disasters Mediterranean solar energy plan Euro-Mediterranean University (Slovenia) Mediterranean Business Development Initiative – supports small businesses

20 Union for the Mediterranean
Multilateral – the South Union for the Mediterranean Permanent secretariat – 2010, Barcelona, SG being non-EU Co-presidency – 1/1 basis (France/Egypt, EU/Jordan) Biennial Summits of Heads of State and Government

21 Phase B: 1995- The ENP continues to promote bilateral relations The UfM operates in a more technocratic fashion and not politically Enhances the partnership component (co-presidency) More role to third Med countries, the private sector and cross border cooperation

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