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Brian Johnson and Doug Young

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1 Brian Johnson and Doug Young
NSIDC Jupyter Hub prototyping Part of the Cross-DAAC Cloud Analysis Toolkit to Enable Earth Science (CATEES) Brian Johnson and Doug Young

2 CATEES Overview – cloud prototyping activity
Objectives Provide easy-to-use tools for working with EOSDIS data Provide tools in a convenient package to users Show users how to access EOSDIS API via scripts Show users how use analytics optimized cloud storage for analysis Demonstrate cross-EOSDIS development Approach Python Software + Other Materials Library routines (open-source and DAAC-contrib) Interdisciplinary Use Case examples Data (links + local) Sample IPython Notebooks Deploy to cloud for usage Develop Process for joint development

3 CATEES Roadmap

4 Status – NSIDC example in GHRC Jupyter Hub
Sample Code: Visualize the digital SAR mosaic and elevation map of the Greenland icesheet (Bruce Raup, Paul Madden, Doug Young; NSIDC)

5 Cross-DAAC example Goal:
Provides a “science” analytics” example that integrated data sets from more than on DAAC and extensible to other data sets, analyses and larger domains (i.e. analytics at scale) Approach: Build a Jupyter notebook that contains 5 fundamental “building blocks” (or functional elements) that address a common science workflow, e.g. Get data from 3 differnet sources (“connectors”) Access the data (“extract”) Prepare the data (subset, regrid, bin, …) Run a simple correlation analysis Display the results

6 Science use case How do different vegetation communities respond to long-term changes in water availability in Colorado? Expect vegetation productivity (growth) to respond to long-term trends in soil moisture Want to evaluate spatial and temporal relationships between: Soil moisture Vegetation greenness Ecoregions

7 Data products SMAP soil moisture (SPL2SMP)
NSDIC DAAC: HDF 5, OPeNDAP access MODIS Veg. Indices (MOD13A2) LP DAAC: HDF-EOS, OPeNDAP Precipitation (Daymet) ORNL DAAC: netCDF-4, HTTP or THREDDS Ecoregion map for Colorado SMAP 36-km soil moisture MODIS NDVI composite DAYMET daily precip map

8 Data prep • Re-gridded the four data sets; user specified projection
• Extract Same extent (state of Colorado) • Integrated data with different resolution

9 Analysis

10 Benefits for users

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