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Chapter 15 Section 1.

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1 Chapter 15 Section 1

2 Focus Question What was the Connecticut compromise?

3 Functions Laws are Rules that allow people to live peacefully
Nation, state, and local Laws set the peace and prevent violence Set punishments Discourage certain actions Laws must be fair, equal, and just Hammurabi Code- First system of written laws 1779 Adams wrote the Massachusetts constitution

4 Early Law Law began in prehistoric times
First laws were passed down by word of mouth and by pictures Code of Hammurabi Written in 1760B.C. Babylonia 282 laws Harsh punishment Ten Commandments Hebrews

5 Roman Law Jurisprudence(study of law) Edicts-commands Napoleonic Code
450 B.C. Harsh penalties Cursing (clubbed to death) Edicts-commands Made by the government or ruler Napoleonic Code French Law

6 English Common Law Law based on Common law
Law based on courts decisions Precedents Previous court cases Statues Written laws We use the English Common law today

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8 Criminal and Civil Law Civil Law Criminal Law International Law
Regulate noncriminal behavior Criminal Law Regulates criminal behavior International Law Regulate law between nations Public Laws Regulates the public

9 Criminal Law Seek to prevent people from deliberately or recklessly harming each other or property Advisory system Courtrooms serve as an arena in which lawyers fight Critics Encourages lawyers to ignore certain evidence Supporters Beings the facts of the case to light Plaintiff The government is always the plaintiff in criminal cases Defendant Person, group, company, who is being sued

10 Civil Law Disputes between people or groups of people in which no criminal laws have been broken Not a threat to society Lost something or suffered damages Plagiarism, torts, family law(custody battles) Felonies More than $1,000 and more than 1 year jail sentence Misdemeanor Less than $1,000 and more than 1 year jail sentence

11 Public and International Law
Constitutional Law Rights that people have and protections under the law Administrative law (executive branch) Supautory Law (legislative branch) International Law Laws that exist between nations Treaties, customs, agreements NAFTA UN Usually over fishing rights, or water use

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13 Legal Protections in the U.S. constitution
The constitution is the law of the land Each branch has their own powers Base decisions on statutes, precedents, and written laws Article I of the Constitution State decisis Write of Habeas Corpus Bill of attainder Ex post facto law

14 Rights of People Accused of Crimes
4th Amendment Unreasonable search and seizures Fundamental rights Search warrants Mapp v. Ohio (exclusionary rule) 8th Amendment Punishment and Bail have to fit the crime No cruel and unusual punishment Bail

15 Rights of People Accused of Crimes
5th Amendment Self Incrimination Miranda v. Arizona Must be informed of a crime No Double jeopardy Federal crimes must be brought before a grand jury Group of 12-12 Indictment

16 Rights of People Accused of Crimes
6th Amendment Legal council and Trials Right to a lawyer Informed of the nature and cause of all accusations 100 day trial Plea and bargains Bench trial Trial in front of a judge only 14th Amendment Due process Equal protection of the laws

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