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Chapter 9. Optoelectronic device

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1 Chapter 9. Optoelectronic device

2 Optoelectronic Diodes
9. Optoelectronic device Optoelectronic Diodes PD (PhotoDetector)   photo-to-electrical conversion to detect or determine   Information about the photo-energy Solar cell   photo-to-electrical conversion to produce electrical power LED (Light Emitting Diodes) and LD (Laser Diodes)   electrical energy into photo-energy ⇒ Applications   - bar code reader   - digital disk reader   - laser printer   - optical communications   - communication satellites   - display

3 9. Optoelectronic device
What is the LED LED (Light-emitting Diode) Typical pn-junction device used under forward bias Depending on the semiconductor material used in the light emitting layer(active layer), the wavelength of the emitted light can be anywhere within the range from visible to infrared

4 Three requirements for LEDs
9. Optoelectronic device Three requirements for LEDs ⅰ) direct semiconductor ⅱ) To be visible, 0.4μm<λG<0.7μm     → 1.77 eV< EG<3.10 eV ⅲ) easy to form pn junction diode

5 Energy bandgap Semiconductor with direct bandgap : GaAs, InP, ZnSe …
9. Optoelectronic device Energy bandgap Semiconductor with direct bandgap : GaAs, InP, ZnSe … Semiconductor with indirect bandgap : Si, Ge, GaP … recombination center, phonon emission some photon emissions are possible

6 9. Optoelectronic device
Spectrum of Light

7 9. Optoelectronic device
LED with pn junction - +

8 Mechanism of Light Emitting
9. Optoelectronic device Mechanism of Light Emitting When the junction is biased in forward direction

9 9. Optoelectronic device

10 9. Optoelectronic device

11 9. Optoelectronic device

12 9. Optoelectronic device
Structures of LEDs

13 9. Optoelectronic device

14 Table of LED materials 9. Optoelectronic device Semiconductor
Substrate D / I Wavelength (nm) External efficiency Color GaAs Direct 10% Infrared AlxGa1-xAs (0 < x < 0.4) 5-20% Red to IR InGaN alloys GaN or SiC saphire 2% 3% Blue Green Sic Si; SiC Indirect 0.02% In0.49AlxGa0.51-xP 1-10% GaAs1-yPy (y<0.45) <1% Red (N or Zn, O doping) GaP Red, Orange GaP (Zn-O) 700 2-3% GaP(N) 565

15 Applications Indicator lights LCD panel backlight
9. Optoelectronic device Applications Indicator lights LCD panel backlight Fiber optic data transmission

16 9. Optoelectronic device

17 9. Optoelectronic device
Research is the transformation of money to knowledge. Innovation is the transformation of knowledge to money.

18 Paris Motor Show : Solar Car
9. Optoelectronic device Paris Motor Show : Solar Car

19 9. Optoelectronic device
Paris Motor Show

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