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Knee Injury Evaluation

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Presentation on theme: "Knee Injury Evaluation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Knee Injury Evaluation

2 History: M: Mechanism of Injury A: Acute or Chronic? P: Pain
P: Previous Injury? S: Sounds S: Signs & Symptoms

3 Inspection: Discoloration Deformity Dislocation Swelling

4 Palpation: Anterior Structures: Tibial Tuberosity Patellar Tendon
Joint Line Quadriceps Tendon 3 Superficial quad muscles

5 Palpation Cont.: Medial Structures: Joint Line Medial Meniscus
Medial Femoral Condyle MCL

6 Palpation Cont.: Lateral Structures Joint Line Lateral Meniscus
Lateral Femoral Condyle Fibular Head Biceps Femoris Tendon & Muscle LCL IT Band

7 Palpation Cont.: Posterior Structures: Popliteal Fossa
Popliteus Muscle Hamstring Tendons & Muscles Medial & Lateral Heads of Gastrocnemius

8 Special Tests: AROM, PROM, RROM: Flexion Extension
External Rotation of Foot (Popliteus) Plantar Flexion w/ Knee Extended (Gastroc)

9 Special Tests Cont.: Ligamentous Tests: Valgus Stress Test: Tests MCL
Varus Stress Test: Tests LCL Anterior Drawer: Tests ACL Lachman’s Test: Test ACL

10 Special Tests Cont.: Ligamentous Tests Cont.:
Reverse Lachman’s Test: Tests ACL Posterior Sag: Tests PCL

11 Special Tests Cont.: Other Structures: McMurray’s Test: Tests Meniscus
Noble’s Test: Tests IT Band Ober’s Test: Tests IT Band Compression/Distraction: Tests Collateral Ligaments & Meniscus

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