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Bell Ringer What is the temperature danger zone?

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1 Bell Ringer What is the temperature danger zone?
PPA1.01n_Foodborne Illness 5/7/2018

2 “Used with permission”
Foodborne Illnesses Foods 1 Mrs. Ridenhour “Used with permission”

3 76 million people become ill
It is estimated that 5,000 Americans die each year due to foodborne illnesses. 1.01 Foodborne Illness

4 Common Signs and Symptoms
Fever Upset stomach and Diarrhea Dehydration Vomiting 1.01 Foodborne Illness

5 Severe Signs and Symptoms
Paralysis Meningitis Death PPA1.01n_Foodborne Illness 5/7/2018

6 Don’t Count on These to Test Food:
PPA1.01n_Foodborne Illness 5/7/2018

7 10: The number of bacteria that need to be present to cause foodborne illness. Half an hour to 6 weeks is how long it may take to become ill from contaminated foods. PPA1.01n_Foodborne Illness 5/7/2018

8 People at a higher risk of contracting a foodborne illness:
Pregnant women Young children and older adults Infants People with weakened immune systems and individuals with certain chronic diseases 1.01 Foodborne Illness

9 E-Coli Sources: raw/undercooked beef, especially hamburger and unpasteurized milk. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, severe bleeding diarrhea and abdominal cramps; usually lasting days. Can cause death in children and the elderly. Prevention Thoroughly cook ground beef Avoid unpasteurized milk Wash hands carefully Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly, especially those that will not be cooked. PPA1.01n_Foodborne Illness 5/7/2018

10 Salmonellosis: Salmonella
Sources: Raw meats, poultry, milk and other dairy products. Raw eggs Symptoms start 8-12 hours after eating and include abdominal pain, diarrhea, and sometimes nausea and vomiting; usually lasting hours in mild cases. Prevention Cook poultry products to internal temperature of 165° F Don’t eat raw eggs Don’t drink unpasteurized milk PPA1.01n_Foodborne Illness 5/7/2018

11 Listeriosis Sources: Found in soft cheese, unpasteurized milk, and shell fish. Resistant to heat – they survive and grow at low temperatures. Symptoms are reported hours after eating contaminated foods and include fever, headache, nausea and vomiting. Can cause fetal and infant death. Prevention Wash your hands after using the restroom. Do not drink unpasteurized milk. Wash vegetables or fruits thoroughly. Wash your hands after handling raw meat, seafood, or poultry. Make sure all meat, poultry and fish products are well cooked. Re-heat leftover foods thoroughly. PPA1.01n_Foodborne Illness 5/7/2018

12 Four key recommendations for food safety
Clean Separate Cook Chill Source: 1.01 Foodborne Illness

13 Recommendation 1: CLEAN
Wash hands and food-contact surfaces often. 1.01 Foodborne Illness

14 Hand washing is the most effective way to stop the spread of illness.
Wash your hands! Hand washing is the most effective way to stop the spread of illness. 1.01 Foodborne Illness

15 How to wash hands Wet hands with WARM water.
Soap and scrub for 20 seconds. Rinse under clean, running water. Dry completely using a clean cloth or paper towel. 1.01 Foodborne Illness

16 Wash hands after … Handling pets Sneezing, coughing
Using bathroom or changing diapers Sneezing, coughing or touching face and hair Touching a cut or open sore 1.01 Foodborne Illness

17 Clean during food preparation
Wash and sanitize cutting boards, knives, dishes, utensils and counter tops. Use hot soapy water after preparing each food and before going on to the next. 1.01 Foodborne Illness

18 Avoid spreading bacteria
Use paper towels or clean cloths to wipe up kitchen surfaces or spills. Wash cloths often in the hot cycle of your washing machine and dry in a hot dryer. 1.01 Foodborne Illness

19 Dirty dishcloths spread bacteria
Wet or damp dishcloths are ideal environments for bacterial growth. Have a good supply of dishcloths to avoid reusing them before laundry day. “There are more germs in the average kitchen than the bathroom. Sponges and dishcloths are worst offenders.” Research by Dr. Charles Gerba 1.01 Foodborne Illness

20 Clean Foods Rinse fresh fruits and vegetable under tap water, including those with skins and rinds that are not eaten; rub firm skinned fruits and vegetables with a vegetable brush. Keep books, backpacks and shopping bags off the surfaces where food will be prepared or served 1.01 Foodborne Illness 5/7/2018

21 Recommendation 2: SEPARATE
Separate raw, cooked, and ready-to-eat foods while shopping, preparing or storing foods. 1.01N Foodborne Illness 5/7/2018

22 Use different cutting boards
Use one cutting board for raw meat, poultry and seafood … … and a separate one for fresh produce. 1.01N Foodborne Illness 5/7/2018

23 Separate foods while shopping and storing
Never bag or store raw meats with ready to eat foods. Raw meats should be stored on the bottom of the refrigerator to keep juices from leaking onto ready to eat foods. 1.01N Foodborne Illness 5/7/2018

24 Use clean plates NEVER serve foods on a plate that previously held raw meat, poultry or seafood unless the plate has first been washed in hot, soapy water. 1.01N Foodborne Illness 5/7/2018

25 Recommendation 3: COOK Cook foods to a safe temperature to kill microorganisms. 1.01N Foodborne Illness 5/7/2018

26 Recommendation 3: COOK! Use a food thermometer
Cook beef roasts and steaks to a 145 ° F minimum internal temperature. Pork should be 160 ° All poultry to a minimum temperature of 165° for the prevention of salmonella And ground beef to a minimum temperature of 160 °for the prevention of e-coli. Keep hot lunches in an insulated container. 1.01N Foodborne Illness 5/7/2018

27 Recommendation 4: CHILL
Chill (refrigerate) perishable foods promptly and defrost foods properly. 40° for personal/home use and 41°F for or lower for food service 1.01N Foodborne Illness 5/7/2018

28 Defrost properly Never defrost at room temperature! Thawing methods:
In the refrigerator Under COLD water In the microwave 5/7/2018

29 Chill Marinate food in the refrigerator
Divide large volumes of food into small shallow containers to chill Include frozen gel packs in lunches 5/7/2018

30 Bacteria multiplies rapidly between 40 – 140°F!!
DANGER ZONE Bacteria multiplies rapidly between 40 – 140°F!! 1.01N Foodborne Illness 5/7/2018

31 What is the best way to thaw frozen foods?
Depending on time – use one of the following methods: Refrigerator – 1-3 days depending on the size of the product defrosting being thawed. Microwave Cold water, changing the water every 30 minutes. **If you use the microwave or cold water, use the meat immediately.** PPA1.01n_Foodborne Illness 5/7/2018

32 What is Cross Contamination?
Cross contamination is the physical movement or transfer of harmful bacteria from one person, object or place to another. It is a key factor in food poisoning, and it has four common sources: food, people, equipment and work surfaces. PPA1.01n_Foodborne Illness 5/7/2018

33 Where should foods be stored in the refrigerator?

34 Writing Assignment Using a computer, write a 2 page research paper on any topic within foodborne illness. Topics may include: prevention, causes, a specific foodborne illness, the cost to society, etc. Paper must be typed in Word, MLA format: 12 pt. Times New Roman font, double spaced with 1 inch margins. All work must be original, plagiarism is NOT allowed. Paper is due Tuesday, September 13 by the end of class. PPA1.01n_Foodborne Illness 5/7/2018

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