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Other Walls How many other walls can you name? Write a list with a partner. K McLachlan.

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Presentation on theme: "Other Walls How many other walls can you name? Write a list with a partner. K McLachlan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Other Walls How many other walls can you name? Write a list with a partner. K McLachlan

2 Walls Israel Spain/Morocco Belfast, N. Ireland Cyprus Hadrian’s Wall India Great Wall of China Homs, Syria US/Mexico border Brazil Western Sahara N/S Korea Western Wall Atlantic Wall etc., etc. K McLachlan

3 Serbia/Hungary Border 2015
K McLachlan

4 Calais, France, August 2015 K McLachlan

5 Bulgaria/Turkey Border 2016
K McLachlan

6 Refugees stranded on Serbia-Hungary border amid winter
(Aljazeera, 13 Jan. 2017) Nearly 500 African migrants storm border with Spain (CNN, 2 Feb. 2017) Donald Trump’s Mexico wall: Who is going to pay for it? (BBC, 6 Feb. 2017) K McLachlan

7 K McLachlan

8 K McLachlan

9 Take a thought for a walk
K McLachlan

10 Find a Perspective history – past and present
immigration/internal segregation memorials tourism space/isolation inclusion/exclusion security/politics/economics physical and mental barriers K McLachlan

11 Think outside the box K McLachlan

12 Positive Walls K McLachlan

13 Another idea The Wall Street where workers are paid just $1: Inside the Bangladeshi city where labourers produce 15 BILLION bricks a year  K McLachlan

14 The 0ther ‘Wall Street’ 
Berlin Wall  legacy  culture new ‘walls’  Europe today other ‘walls’  Green Wall of Africa Wall Street  The 0ther ‘Wall Street’  Bangladesh and worker exploitation K McLachlan

15 K McLachlan

16 Your task Topic Perspective Research Independent thinking
You will need to … K McLachlan

17 Topic Leave your comfort zone K McLachlan

18 Research Stand on the shoulders of giants K McLachlan

19 Independent thinking Stand up and be counted K McLachlan

20 Remember K McLachlan

21 […] Before I built a wall I’d ask to know
What I was walling in or walling out, And to whom I was like to give offence. Something there is that doesn’t love a wall, That wants it down.[…] Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914) K McLachlan

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