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Road to Revolution “ No Taxation without Representation” - James Otis.

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1 Road to Revolution “ No Taxation without Representation” - James Otis

2 British Taxation Policies
Sugar Act 1764 – small tax on sugar, mild protest Stamp Act tax on all legal documents, boycotts organized and act repealed

3 Quartering Act 1765 – required colonist to house British soldiers provide them with supplies

4 Writs of Assistance 1767- British could search ships and houses at will
Townshend Acts Taxes placed on various household items, boycotts led to repeal Each new Act led to more and more discontent, hostility and anger

5 Sons of Liberty Organization created to oppose British policies
Used protests, boycotts and violence

6 Samuel Adams was the leader of the Boston Sons of Liberty
Samuel Adams was the leader of the Boston Sons of Liberty.. “We will destroy every soldier that dares put his foot on our shore” One British official said “Every dip of his pen stings” Others leaders of the Sons of Liberty were Paul Revere, John Hancock and Patrick Henry

7 The Sons of Liberty would rally under a large tree which became known as "The Liberty Tree".



10 Boston Massacre On March 5, 1770…..A rioting mob confronted British soldiers at the Boston Customs House 5 Colonists were killed, among them was African American Crispus Attucks Paul Revere made a famous engraving that portrayed the event as a Massacre….Sam Adams used the incident to spread Anti-British propaganda


12 Lawyer John Adams defended the British soldiers in court
Lawyer John Adams defended the British soldiers in court. Adams argued the soldiers acted in self-defense. Criticized for taking the case, Adams replied “that law should be deaf to the clamors of the populace” The soldiers were acquitted and sent home

13 Committees of Correspondence.
Samuel Adams helped create the Committees of Correspondence. They exchanged letters about colonial problems and spread news about the British laws

14 Mercy Otis Warren also participated in the Committee of Correspondence
Mercy Otis Warren also participated in the Committee of Correspondence. She writes a series of pamphlets and satires against the British from her personal notes and correspondences

15 Boston Tea Party Tea merchants in the colonies were cut out of the tea trade because the British East India Company was given total economic control (monopoly) over the American tea trade with the Tea Act 1773. British East India Company

16 On December 16, 1773, the Sons of Liberty dumped 90,000 pounds of tea into Boston Harbor.
Britain would make the people of Boston pay for what they had done


18 First Continental Congress
Intolerable Acts 1774 Britain passed the Acts to punish the colonist for supporting the Tea party Closed the port of Boston (economic) Shut down the Massachusetts Assembly (political) First Continental Congress 12 colonies sent delegates to try to find peaceful solution Voted to ban trade with Britain But called on each colony to start training troops



21 Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death
Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! Patrick Henry’s speech inspired many to join the Revolution!!!

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