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Published byPhillip Goodwin Modified over 6 years ago
New Initiatives Subcommittee AIAA Annual Meeting 2016
Jeff Laube – Chair Presentation to TAC 15 June 2016
Attendees to 6/14/2016 NIS Meeting
Agenda Attendees to 6/14/2016 NIS Meeting TAC Newsletter Status - Peter Hartwich/Rob Vermeland NIS Action Items Guidelines and Forms for TC/PC Fundraising – Sophia Bright & team TC/PC “Clean Sheet” Review – Robbie Robertson & team Including 2017 TAC Workshop Planning Old/New Business ABPSI TC Name Change Status – Jim Kenyon NIS Wrap-up
Attendees to 06/14/2016 NIS Meeting
Jeff Laube Sophia Bright Robbie Robertson Richard Mange Joaquin Castro Tom McLaughlin Peggy Hayes Jeff Hamstra Betty Guillie* Dave McGrath Steve Rizzi – T David Dress – T John Schmisseur Dave Maroney Carlos Cesnik Karen Barker – T Jimmy Kenyon Mark Melanson T - Teleconference * AIAA Staff ** Visitor/Alumni
Attendees to 6/14/2016 NIS Meeting
Agenda Attendees to 6/14/2016 NIS Meeting TAC Newsletter Status - Peter Hartwich/Rob Vermeland NIS Action Items Guidelines and Forms for TC/PC Fundraising – Sophia Bright & team TC/PC “Clean Sheet” Review – Robbie Robertson & team Including 2017 TAC Workshop Planning Old/New Business ABPSI TC Name Change Status – Jim Kenyon NIS Wrap-up
Topics for 2016-Q2 TAC Newsletter
Message from Our VP, TAC [Riley] Message from Our Director, Programs [Scheidt] Betty’s Corner Meet Your TAC Team: Jim Keenan VP-Elect TAC Featured Region of the Quarter – Region VII [Mari] PC-of-the-Quarter – Transformational Flight [Moore] TC-of-the-Quarter – Jim Rankin’s choice Article(s) on Proposed Governance/Constitution Changes with links to more info [AIAA Staff] Standards Executive Counsel Activities [Kohl] Quick Look Report on 2016 CVD [Castro] – Check on Status All Inputs due in by July 8
Attendees to 6/14/2016 NIS Meeting
Agenda Attendees to 6/14/2016 NIS Meeting TAC Newsletter Status - Peter Hartwich/Rob Vermeland NIS Action Items Guidelines and Forms for TC/PC Fundraising – Sophia Bright & team TC/PC “Clean Sheet” Review – Robbie Robertson & team Including 2017 TAC Workshop Planning Old/New Business ABPSI TC Name Change Status – Jim Kenyon NIS Wrap-up
Attendees to 6/14/2016 NIS Meeting
Agenda Attendees to 6/14/2016 NIS Meeting TAC Newsletter Status - Peter Hartwich/Rob Vermeland NIS Action Items Guidelines and Forms for TC/PC Fundraising – Sophia Bright & team TC/PC “Clean Sheet” Review – Robbie Robertson & team Including 2017 TAC Workshop Planning Old/New Business ABPSI TC Name Change Status – Jim Kenyon NIS Wrap-up
NIS – TAC Policy for TC Fundraising Update
Sophia Bright, Jimmy Kenyon, David McGrath, Steve Rizzi June 2016
NIS Action Item for to Address Corporate Sponsorship
NIS will create a form for TC/PC Fundraising similar to the TAC Funding request form, which provides some do's and don'ts along with a form that lists the fundraising activity, amount, and company for Director/PCC signature. Current TAC Funding Request Form Basic Structure Descriptions of Funding Sources Basic do’s and don’ts Template Solicited suggestions and recommendations from NIS at-large
Approach Used Reviewed some of the Regional / Local Section processes for Corporate Sponsorship That was somewhat ad hoc Create a decision tree for funding sources that are available to TCs (e.g. TAC Operating Funds, Corporate, etc.) The decision tree should delineate the type of activity constitutes what type of funding (e.g. Corporate for major initiatives and TAC Operating for promotional shirts, etc.) The tree would also provide some guidance for the type of funding Created a new template specific for Corporate Sponsorship based on the decision tree criteria Delineated levels of funding that would determine what level of approval would be needed One level only requiring TAC leadership approval Another level requiring both TAC leadership approval and approval/vetting via Corporate Sponsor Member Same overall guidance would be applied to the TAC approval for the requests Recommend adding guidance around Approval/Denial Timeframe Receipt of decision to requestor within 30 days of receipt of the request for Operating Funds and for Corporate Sponsorship requiring TAC Director Approval lower than TBD $$ threshold Receipt of decision to requestor within 60 days for the Corporate Sponsorship approvals that are higher than the TBD $$ threshold
Sponsorship / Funding Decision Tree
Sponsorship / Funding Needed Operating Funds PC Requesting PC Funding Available Not Available VP Tech Funds TC Requesting TC Funding Corporate Sponsorship Request See Corporate Sponsorship Decision Tree
Corporate Sponsorship Request Decision Tree
Promotional / Recruitment Recurring Monetary A B In-Kind Donation (Material / Facility) C One-Time Use TAC Operating Funding Workshop / Event Endowment / Awards / Others A More Than TBD $$ – TAC VP Approval Pending Coordination with AIAA Corporate Liaison B Less Than TBD $$ - TAC Director Approval and Notification to TAC Leadership /AIAA for Awareness C Notification to TAC Leadership / AIAA for Awareness
Current Form with Modifications in Red Font Page 1: TAC/TC/PC Funding
Utilize the Request for Sponsorship / Funding Decision Tree to determine what type of funding and corresponding approval will be required. Corporate Sponsorship Requests In-Kind Donations of materials or facilities do not require approval, only notification to TAC Leadership and AIAA for awareness. Monetary sponsorship of less than TBD $$ only requires Technical Director approval and notification to TAC Leadership and AIAA for awareness. Monetary sponsorship of more than TBD $$ requires Vice President-Technical approval pending coordination with AIAA Staff Liaison These requests can be both recurring and one-time Operating Funds Operating funds are set aside for Technical and Program Committees to use to fund special projects. Requests may be made at any time, and need to be used by the end of the fiscal year. Allotments are made on a first-come, first-served basis at the discretion of the Directors/Program Committee Coordinator (PCC) and the Vice President-Technical. Funds not allocated by the end of the fiscal year will revert to the general operating fund – they may not be cached to use at a later time. There are several types of Operating funding: Technical Committee Funding from Directors Each Technical Director is given a specific allotment of funds. TCs apply to the Technical Director for funding (request form is below). If the Technical Director approves the request, he or she sends it to headquarters for fulfillment. The money will be held for the TC at AIAA headquarters until reimbursement or payment is made. The money is not placed in the individual TC account. The Directors may fund all or only part of a request, at their discretion. Program Committee Funding from Program Coordinator Program Committee Chairs may submit a request to the Program Coordinator to apply for funding. If the Program Committee Coordinator approves the request, he or she sends it to headquarters for fulfillment. The money will be held for the PC at AIAA headquarters until reimbursement or payment is made. The money is not placed in the individual PC account. Vice President-Technical Funds These funds may be used after the Technical Director has allocated all of the funds for his or her technical group. Requests must go through the Technical Director to the VP-Technical and the VP sends an approval form to the Staff Liaison for fulfillment. The Vice President may elect to fund all or only part of the request. The same process should be followed if the Program Committees are interested in applying for these funds. Eligibility Any TC/PC is eligible to apply for these funds, regardless of whether or not it has other sources of funding or whether or not it has other funds on hand. However, any committee applying must have an up-to-date roster on file with AIAA staff. Final Review A final review will be done by the AIAA Staff Liaison for Technical Activities to ensure that the request does not violate any AIAA rule or procedure that may be unknown to the TCs or Directors. Utilize the Request for Sponsorship / Funding Decision Tree to determine what type of funding and corresponding approval will be required. Corporate Sponsorship Requests In-Kind Donations of materials or facilities do not require approval, only notification to TAC Leadership and AIAA for awareness. Monetary sponsorship of less than TBD $$ only requires Technical Director approval and notification to TAC Leadership and AIAA for awareness. Monetary sponsorship of more than TBD $$ requires Vice President-Technical approval pending coordination with AIAA Staff Liaison These requests can be both recurring and one-time Operating Funds
Current Form with Modifications in Red Font Page 2: Guidance on Obtaining Funding
Requests will generally be approved if: it is an event that supports/promotes: the mission of the committee aviation/aerospace in general student-committee interaction student-industry interaction it is an outreach aligned with the Strategic Plan/Vision. it is an enhancement/improvement to an activity or event that requires funding beyond what is budgeted for that year Requests will be turned down if: the funding is of personal benefit to any member or close relative of a member of the committee any activity that would violate the AIAA Code of Ethics funding requests for capital equipment (computers, projectors, etc.) funding requests for travel reimbursement will not be considered No change to Page 2 except the title. Please change the title to “Guidance on Obtaining Funding”.
Current Form with Modifications in Red Font Page 2: Guidance on Obtaining Funding (Page 1 of 2)
Definitions: Promotional / Recruitment: intended to promote AIAA and increase/retain membership Workshop / Event: as part of Forums or separate activities (e.g. STEM, outreach) Endowment / Awards / Other: corporate contributions to AIAA Foundation, awards, or others that do not fall into the above definitions Requests will generally be approved if: it is an event that supports/promotes: the mission of the committee aviation/aerospace in general student-committee interaction student-industry interaction it is an outreach aligned with the Strategic Plan/Vision. it is an enhancement/improvement to an activity or event that requires funding beyond what is budgeted for that year No change to Page 2 except the title. Please change the title to “Guidance on Obtaining Funding”.
Current Form with Modifications in Red Font Page 2: Guidance on Obtaining Funding (Page 2 of 2)
If AIAA Logo will be used then it must be approved prior to proceeding Draft of the Request must be included for consideration Requests will be turned down if: the funding is of personal benefit to any member or close relative of a member of the committee any activity that would violate the AIAA Code of Ethics funding requests for capital equipment (computers, projectors, etc.) funding requests for travel reimbursement will not be considered No change to Page 2 except the title. Please change the title to “Guidance on Obtaining Funding”.
Current Form with Modifications in Red Font Page 3: Template
Add field between first and second line to indicate if Operating Funds or Corporate Sponsorship is being requested. [Type of Sponsorship Requested] For In-Kind Donations, write “In-Kind Donation”. Correspondingly, the “Please disperse” amount will be zero. Attach a copy of the Funding Request Proposal to ensure that it meets the AIAA intent.
Attendees to 6/14/2016 NIS Meeting
Agenda Attendees to 6/14/2016 NIS Meeting TAC Newsletter Status - Peter Hartwich/Rob Vermeland NIS Action Items Guidelines and Forms for TC/PC Fundraising – Sophia Bright & team TC/PC “Clean Sheet” Review – Robbie Robertson & team Including 2017 TAC Workshop Planning Old/New Business ABPSI TC Name Change Status – Jim Kenyon NIS Wrap-up
Clean Sheet Analysis Robbie Robertson
Technical Activities Committee Special Working Group 14 June 2016
Clean Sheet Analysis Team
Lawrence “Robbie” Robertson Air Force Research Lab David Dress NASA Betty Guillie AIAA Wayne Hurwitz Northrop Grumman James A. Keenan US Army Jeffrey R. Laube Aerospace Corporation Thomas E McLaughlin Air Force Academy John D Schmisseur UTSI Huge Thanks to Betty for Pulling Together the TC/PC Data
Overview of Clean Sheet Analysis
SciTech 2015 TAC Meeting Asked to look at look at a “Clean Sheet” of the TC/PC structure “We need to look at the problem from the standpoint of what the new model SHOULD be to best serve the members and the Institute. I fear that if we spend too much time gathering information from the TC Chairs on what IS, we will regress to what was.” – Dave Riley Monthly team telecons Initial Way Forward (lots of scope concern) Identified initial questions and issues Collected current data on TCs/PCs - not spending too much time on this task, but still is a necessary step toward understanding the problem Anticipate periodic vector checks with TAC Possible SciTech Workshop on subject TAC Health Assessment worksheet??
Initial Questions and Issues
Potential Issues and Questions TC/PC Bureaucracy Dynamics No mechanism to eliminate TCs or PCs AIAA has not received an annual report from some TCs/PCs (~10 out of 71) in a while Membership: Anecdotal evidence that more young people want to be on the TCs Feeling that there is no room for people to move up Time limits not enforced, but cases where “corporate knowledge” is necessary (e.g. History TC) Purpose: Are TC’s and PCs meeting the needs of the AIAA membership? Process: Processes very stovepiped Value to the Institute: One size metric does not fit all – some have lots of papers (easy to track metrics) (Fluids TC), some provide valuable documentation of what we have done (more difficult metrics) (History TC) PC-Specific Issues Current not tied into multiple TCs Doing their own thing Original concept was to cover areas such as UAVs (multiple conference sessions, key notes, panel sessions to attract first and second level managers) Need to be more application oriented. Notable exception is Green Engineering PC, Hypersonics PC NIS at one time reviewed PCs to determine if they needed help or were inactive. Initial Investigation – what do the TCs/PCs do for the membership What do they need to do that they are not doing? How can we help industry people justify attendance? How can we help the TCs be more efficient (best practice)? Should we have a new model and what should it be? Initial Look – What do the TCs/PCs do or not do – data to follow
TC/PC Trends Membership Awards (Across 71 TC, very few PC awards)
TCs Current Membership: people total (76% members, 7% associate, 13% int’l, 4% alumni) Size: Average 35 people per TC, (16 out of 71 TCs at or close to max membership level, 10 are below 25 members) Turnover: Roughly 10% - High as 16% (Applied Aero), Low as 0% (Aircraft Ops, Info & C2, Legal, Mircogravity, Sensors and Info Fusion, Software, Robotics, Space Logistics) New Member Rejections (Sorry letters): 65 out of 422 requests (15 %), 82 out of 422 accepted to other TCs (19%) PCs Current Membership: 387 people total (82% members, 1% associate, 17% int’l), (68% are AIAA members) Size: Average 35 people per PC, (Big as 64, Small as 13) No New Member Data Available Awards (Across 71 TC, very few PC awards) ~40 National-level awards ~31 Best paper awards ~10 Student awards Papers ~4500 TC-papers, plus ~350 PC papers Biggest: 522 Astro, 475 Applied Aero, 471 Fluids, 234+* GNC, 224 Life Sciences, 224, Space Environmental Systems PC, 228 (44% of the papers done by 6 TCs/PCs) * Does not include Joint AIAA/IEEE Aerospace Controls Conference
Low Activity (Numbers of TCs or PCs)**
Trends by Groups Papers* Awards** Low Activity (Numbers of TCs or PCs)** Aerospace Design & Structures 9% 16% Aerospace Sciences 53% 32% Aircraft and Atmospheric Systems 6% 11% 2 Information Systems 3% 7% 1 Engineering and Technology Management 1% 5% 3 Propulsion and Energy 15% 22% Space & Missiles 10*** Program Committees *Only able to validate SciTech Paper numbers – did not have final programs for AVIATION or SPACE ** Based on notes in spreadsheet and “no papers or awards” sections *** Missing data??
Other TC/PC Trends Process Other Activities (Examples) Working Groups
Used extensively by Applied Aero, Ground Test, Fluids and GN&C “Friends of the TC” used by Structures, Structural Dynamics and others to help with paper review workload Each TC does things very differently Other Activities (Examples) Adaptive Structures: Involved with ASME; produced education kits as outreach to local students Air Breathing Propulsion Systems Integration: Published standards Design Engineering: Involved with Design/Build/Fly competitions Hybrid Rocket: Short Course Intelligent Systems: Roadmap for Intelligent Systems in Aerospace is a major initiative Society and Aerospace Technology: Booth at Tucson Comic Con. Space Architecture: Book being published by Springer Spacecraft Structures: Launched a Wiki page on High Strain Composite's; 2 AIAA books * Does not include Joint AIAA/IEEE Aerospace Controls Conference
Data Incomplete, Need Assistance of Group Directors
Initial Conclusions Health TC “One-third” Trend Very Healthy (33%): TCs are highly-active supporting papers, awards and TC-unique activities Good Health (33%): TCs are in good health and providing good support to the Institute at a moderate level No data (33%): TCs have not submitted report in awhile or are struggling PCs: Seem to be either active or with no data on activity Data Incomplete, Need Assistance of Group Directors
Possible SciTech Workshop – team will look at these as well
Task One: What Should TCs/PCs be Doing “Requirements” step What do they do now Brainstorm on what could be done Task Two: What Should be the Structure to Support Activities Other professional organizations Technical structure Governance of these group (start-up and sunset of organizations) Agility of different models Are these the right tasks?
Attendees to 6/14/2016 NIS Meeting
Agenda Attendees to 6/14/2016 NIS Meeting TAC Newsletter Status - Peter Hartwich/Rob Vermeland NIS Action Items Guidelines and Forms for TC/PC Fundraising – Sophia Bright & team TC/PC “Clean Sheet” Review – Robbie Robertson & team Including 2017 TAC Workshop Planning Old/New Business ABPSI TC Name Change Status – Jim Kenyon NIS Wrap-up
Proposal To Change The Name Of The “Air Breathing Propulsion Systems Integration” Technical Committee Presented By Jimmy Kenyon Originally Developed By Chen Chuck and Eric Loth* Air Breathing Propulsion Systems Integration Technical Committee Soon to be Inlets, Nozzles, & Propulsion Systems Integration POC: Phone: June 14, 2016
Requested Action by Technical Activities Committee:
Proposed Name Change Current TC Name: Air Breathing Propulsion Systems Integration (ABPSI) Proposed TC Name: Inlets, Nozzles, & Propulsion Systems Integration (INPSI) Requested Action by Technical Activities Committee: ABPSI TC Name Change Approval to “Inlets, Nozzles, & Propulsion Systems Integration” TC
Current Overview of ABPSI
FOCUS: Integration of advanced and innovative propulsion systems, especially inlets, nozzle and thrust reverser systems for airframe concepts, engine technologies, and system level requirements. In addition to inlets and exhausts (about 85%), electric and thermal propulsion systems are of interest. Based on 2016, papers are typically received in following areas: Serpentine Inlets Supersonic and Hypersonic Inlets Nozzles, Thrust Reversers, aEjectors and other Exhaust Systems CFD and Optimization of Propulsion System Design and Integration Inlet Particle Separator Systems Emissions Turbo-electric Engines and Fuel Cells
Reasons For The TC Name To employing a name which clarifies that this TC and AIAA in general directly supports world-wide excellence in inlets and nozzles and to increase the number and engagement of active members and to increase the recruitment of future members in the TC: By making the TC more appealing and understood to a wider spectrum of people involved in the aerospace industry, so as to be on par with other successful TCs. By employing a new name that matches the current composition of the TC membership and is consistent with our two most popular session topics: inlets and nozzles By allowing for electrical propulsion for airplane technology area is growing, and retaining “Propulsion Systems Integration” is thus important
TC Approval Process The ABPSI members ABPSI TC meeting, 3rd Jan, 2016 and a motion to change the TC name from "Air Breathing Propulsion System Integration" to "Inlets, Nozzles, and System Integration“ was made to: Describe more accurately the TC activities and papers that primarily focus on inlets and nozzles Retain the system integrations aspect as that is an important and potentially growing field Recruit more papers, members, and funding based by having a more accurate description of the TC's activities The motion to change to "Inlets, Nozzles, & Propulsion Systems Integration” was unanimously approved by all members present. An was then sent to gather responses from ABPSI members who were not present, and the feedback was unanimously positive to support the name change. Comments from other TC’s in the Propulsion & Energy Group were solicited and all comments concurred or were without objection
Comments Summary 12 comments received Several “concur”; most “non-concur” related to dropping “Air Breathing” Key themes PSI important – includes PTMS and more electric – 3 Keep Air Breathing in front of PSI (not clear if only PSI) – 6 “Inlets” and “Nozzles” not necessary – 2 Scope not clear – propellers and hybrid electric?
Recommendation Proceed with name change to Inlets, Nozzles, and Propulsion Systems Integration (INPSI) TC Motion to proceed passed by NIS
Other Old/New Business
For Awareness: There is a developing effort to create a Digital Systems Program Committee ICAS conference is returning to US in 2022 Timing off to combine with Aviation What might be AIAA’s role?
Attendees to 6/14/2016 NIS Meeting
Agenda Attendees to 6/14/2016 NIS Meeting TAC Newsletter Status - Peter Hartwich/Rob Vermeland NIS Action Items Guidelines and Forms for TC/PC Fundraising – Sophia Bright & team TC/PC “Clean Sheet” Review – Robbie Robertson & team Including 2017 TAC Workshop Planning Old/New Business ABPSI TC Name Change Status – Jim Kenyon NIS Wrap-up
Next in-person meeting will be at Space 2016 Next telecon Adjournment
Wrap-Up Next in-person meeting will be at Space 2016 September in Long Beach, CA Next telecon Wednesday, July 13 Adjournment
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