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Talentlink Configuration exercise

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1 Talentlink Configuration exercise

2 Create Organisation You may use the ‘_Corporate Library’ templates but create at least one new from the template types listed below Templates Candidate communication= Rejection, Confirmation, Invitation, Cancellation, Automatic Reply, ... Selection process= Confirmation for Interviewer, Cancellation for Interviewer, Request for CV Review, ... Approval Workflow= Request for approval Profile Std External Profile Feedback report Hiring Manager Feedback relating to candidate cv review

3 Create Organisation Navigate to Organisation Properties for your new organisation

4 Create Organisation You will see the list of organisations you have access to

5 Create Organisation Right Click on the Level 1 organisation for which you want to create a Level 2 organisation. Select “Add”

6 Create Organisation Click on the “+” in front of your level 1 organisation. Your Level 2 organisation will be shown in the list

7 Create Organisation – Field Management
Navigate to Configurable Field Management

8 Create Organisation – Field Management
Define Fields for your new organisation – see next slide

9 Create Organisation – Field Management
1. Create a new LOV for ‘Job Grade’ It should have 3 values – Grade A, Grade B, Grade C. It is for permanent recruitment It is should be mandatory It is shown on the job requisition page for permanent recruitment 2. Create a FFF for Cost Centre Details It should have two fields – Cost Centre Manager, Cost Centre Code Only Cost Centre Manager is mandatory It is shown in both requisition and condition (offer) form Do not forget to edit the properties of the LOV and FFF by clicking on the ‘pencil’ in front of the field title.

10 Create Organisation – Field Management
Check that the fields are activated for the relevant areas by reviewing this section

11 Create Organisation – Organisation Properties
Go to Organisation Properties

12 Create Organisation – Organisation Properties
Click on “Assign Recruitment Context” (You may need to adjust the zoom on your browser to see these links)

13 Create Organisation – Organisation Properties
Define which “Contract Type” will use the Contractor Forms and which will use the Permanent Forms

14 Create Organisation – Organisation Properties
Define now in these 4 areas, which fields should be shown and set some default values. Don’t forget to checkmark your new fields! Don’t forget: If you defined that a field should be shown only in the Condition Form, you will not find it under the links for ‘ Define job requisition...’

15 Create Organisation – Organisation Properties

16 Create Organisation – Process Management
Navigate to Process Management

17 Create Organisation – Process Management
Go to Job Approval Process – Manage Models

18 Create Organisation – Process Management
Here you find existing approval processes from other organisations. You have the option to copy to your organisation (change the title to be relevant) Alternatively create a new single step approval process

19 Create Organisation – Process Management
Don’t forget the process must be enabled and not hidden Don’t forget to define the Business Rules per step AND at the end of the process

20 Create Organisation – Process Management
Go to Approval Process – Manage Assignment

21 Create Organisation – Process Management
Select the Approval Process that should be default in this organisation

22 Create Organisation – Process Management
For the Selection Process follow the same procedure as for the Job Approval process

23 Create Organisation – Process Management
Click here to define the Standard Application Process

24 Create Organisation – Process Management
Define the application process for your language – Please use English (UK) Define the pre-screening rules if required. (Remember you will need to include a questionnaire as part of the application process.)

25 Create Organisation – Process Management
Use this screen to define the required stages of the application process for candidates Remember the link to allow you to define a different process for Internal v. External applications

26 Create Organisation – Pool Management
Navigate to Pool Management

27 Create Organisation – Pool Management
Create 2 Pools for your organisation: 1 for High Potentials 1 for ‘Serial Applicants’ or ‘Candidates to avoid’

28 User Rights and Roles for new organisation
Ensure that for your own account you have the roles: -Functional manager -Template manager for your new organisation (You will already have LSA access)

29 Final Check !!!Please check what you have done!!!!
Create a new job in your new organisation – check the Fields in the Job Requisition Form 2. Approve your job – check the Approval Process 3. Post the job advertisement to your Agency and send it via to your account OR add a candidate to the system 4. If you sent yourself a link by apply as a candidate via the link you sent yourself in an – check the Application Process. 5. Start the selection process for this candidate – check the Selection Process. 6. Hire the candidate and set the offer as accepted – check the Fields in the Condition Form.

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