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Business Intelligence 2.0

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1 Business Intelligence 2.0
Review & Recommendations

2 Need for Project Existing system is based on 9 year old technology
Is becoming very slow Inconsistencies due to size of system and it’s organic growth Overly complex for most staff

3 Objectives To make technological recommendations of a future BI platform To make recommendations about the high level data model for reporting Increase system utilisation by making it easier to use for a wider range of staff Increase in quality of information Enable business process improvements & more informed decision making

4 Scope Re-evaluation of the current college reporting system
Evaluate modern BI technologies Plan for a ‘unified data model’ Develop a prototype data model & dashboard Develop guidance & procedures for future extension of data models

5 Findings: Feedback from Stakeholders
Curriculum To many reports Too much information Slow Confusing Technical Too many views Reports are often subtle variations on other reports, but the cant be reused Slow!!!!

6 Findings: Research Into Core Data Warehousing Technology
There are only really 2 possible technical methodologies: Introduce Tabular Modelling New Technology Lightning Fast (in memory model base on VertiPaq engine) Easier to use Not Mature due to newness & is missing functionality Multi Dimensional Modelling Very Fast Mature & Flexible Technology (KPIs, Query Level Security) Harder to learn

7 Findings: Research into Dashboards
There are many commercial products available: SharePoint SAP Cognos Many more… Most work the same way The data is what's important!

8 Proposed Solution To create a Multidimensional Cube based using Multidimensional Modelling Generate a range of KPIs based on cube data To implement role based dashboards using SharePoint 2013 for: CMT (Enrolment, Funding, Retention/Success, Register Marking) Head of School (Enrolment, Funding, Retention/Success, Register Marking) Lecturer (Retention/Success, Register Marking, Moodle Engagement) All Dashboards to be security trimmed to appropriate levels

9 Multi Dimensional Modelling For Beginners (0 Dimensions)
All Enrolment Data for all years 9000 Enrolments

10 Multi Dimensional Modelling For Beginners (1 Dimension)
Years 11/12 3000 Enrols 12/13 3000 Enrols 13/14 3000 Enrols

11 Multi Dimensional Modelling For Beginners (2 Dimensions)
Engineering 2000 1000 Art Students in 12/13 Dept Art 1000 Sport 1000 Years 11/12 3000 Enrols 12/13 3000 Enrols 13/14 3000 Enrols

12 Multi Dimensional Modelling For Beginners (3 Dimensions)
Engineering 2000 58 Art Students in 12/13 in HE Dept Art 1000 Sport 1000 FE Years HE TFS 11/12 3000 Enrols 12/13 3000 Enrols 13/14 3000 Enrols Course Type

13 Extract, Transform & Load Process (ETL)
Existing Model Proposed Model Send to Excel Query Data Send requested coordinates to Excel Process in Cube Save to Cache Query Data Processed In Advance

14 Advantages of solution
Very Fast Secure Easier to use end users We already have the necessary technology in house

15 Challenges Struggling with how to work with historical data (daily snapshots) Will require rewrite of old reporting Requires a more robust planning KPIs requires targets. We will need the organisational discipline to create and maintain Technical staff will need some retraining

16 Where Next? Arrive at a solution to deal with historical data
Ensure GIS datasets (pointer data) is stored in cube Explore Server to server data exchange with ArcServer Explore new product known as PowerMap for GIS integration Finish the prototype model Run a trial with a range or staff Use finding from trial to feedback into a production model

17 Questions?


19 Multi Dimensional Modelling For Beginners

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