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Southeast, Northeast, and Plains Regions 3rd Grade Georgia Standards

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1 Southeast, Northeast, and Plains Regions 3rd Grade Georgia Standards
American Indians Southeast, Northeast, and Plains Regions 3rd Grade Georgia Standards

2 Southeast Food Corn, beans, dried fruit, pumpkin, nuts, rabbits, opossums, deer, potatoes, turkeys Clothing Made of rabbit and deer skin, porcupine quills used for jewelry Shelter Beehive (Thatch) houses, chickees, waddle and daub houses Made of grass and dried mud, tree limbs

3 Northeast Food Squirrels, raccoon, deer, bears, beavers, corn, pumpkin, squash, beans, shellfish Clothing Skirt cloths in the summer, fur parkas in the winter. Made of deer skin, rabbit skin, and bear skin Shelter Longhouses - made of tree bark, mostly used by tribes who did not move around Wigwams - made of woven mats and birchbark, used by tribes who moved more frequently

4 Plains (Midwest) Food Buffalo, deer, elk, antelopes, wolves, corn, pumpkin, squash Clothing Animal skin leggings and cloths around their waists, women would wear dresses made of deer skin, in the winter they would wear buffalo skin to keep warm Shelter Teepees made of buffalo hide and wooden frame, used by tribes who moved more frequently grass houses made of wooden frame and prairie grass

5 Critical Thinking… How did the American Indian tribes in these regions use their environment, the land around them, and nature to survive? Be specific and use details.

6 Standards SS3H1 Describe early American Indian cultures and their development in North America. a. Locate the regions where American Indians settled in North America: Arctic, Northwest Southwest, Plains, Northeast, and Southeast. b. Compare and contrast how American Indians in each region used their environment to obtain food, clothing, and shelter. c. Discuss how American Indians continue to contribute to American life (e.g., arts, literature).

7 Credits Pictures from

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