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The person and teachings of Jesus

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1 The person and teachings of Jesus

2 What do you know about Jesus? Where and from whom did you get your information about Jesus?

3 Who is Jesus?

4 Jesus’ Passport Name: Yehoshua Place of birth: Bethlehem
Date of birth: 4BC (approximately) Religion: Jew Place of work: Nazareth Mother: Mary of Nazareth Step Father: Joseph Appearance: Dark complexion (brown eyes, black hair)

5 Social System of the Time
Upper Class – very wealthy such as families of the Herods, the high priests and rich nobility who owned most of the land (very small group). Middle Class – professional people such as shopkeepers, tradesmen, fishermen and educated people such as Scribes and Pharisees (small group). Lower Class – peasants such as tenant farmers and farm labourers (majority of the people). Poor – orphans, widows, blind, cripples, mentally ill, outcasts (tax collectors and sinners)

6 We celebrate the birth of Jesus with the special time we call Christmas.

7 Jesus was brought up in Nazareth with his mother Mary and step-father Joseph. Not much is known about the childhood of Jesus, but his life was probably much the same as other Jewish children of the time.

8 Joseph taught him to be a carpenter.

9 The only story we know of his childhood was when he was 12
The only story we know of his childhood was when he was 12. He went missing in Jerusalem after the festival of Passover. Mary and Joseph were desperate with worry. They finally found him sitting in the middle of a group of wise men and teachers, talking with them.

10 Jesus the Man

11 Jesus had friends from all walks of life – rich and poor, men and women, those who were both popular and unpopular.

12 When Jesus was about 30, the time had come for him to begin to teach and preach his message of ‘The Kingdom of God’.

13 ‘The Kingdom of God’ is present wherever people are faithful to the command that we love one another as God first loved us.

14 He chose twelve men to be his close disciples (followers)
He chose twelve men to be his close disciples (followers). They were a mixed bunch, among them fishermen, freedom fighters and tax collectors. These twelve were special. Jesus called them “apostles” or “messengers” because he sent them out to tell others about the Kingdom of God.

15 Jesus travelled the countryside and towns preaching, teaching, healing and performing miracles. The numbers who came to hear him were very great and he was building up a reputation as a great rabbi, a teacher of the Scriptures.

16 He often put over a point by telling a parable – a story with a particular point to it such as this one.

17 A man asked Jesus,"Whom should I love?"
Jesus told this story.

18 The Good Samaritan

19 Once a man walked down a lonely road.

20 Robbers came and beat him up and stole his things
Robbers came and beat him up and stole his things. They left him for dead.

21 A priest came by. He didn't stop. He passed by on the other side
A priest came by. He didn't stop. He passed by on the other side.He only cared about himself.

22 Next came a Levite, a man who assisted in the temple, he too gave a quick look and then passed by on the far side of the road.

23 But then a Samaritan came along
But then a Samaritan came along. He felt sorry for the man and stopped to help.

24 The Samaritan put the man on his donkey
The Samaritan put the man on his donkey. He took him to an inn, and arranged for him to be cared for.

25 Who showed love for the man?

26 Jesus said we should do the same. We should love everyone!

27 Jesus identified a number of ways we should treat others
Jesus identified a number of ways we should treat others. He suggested that in doing these, it was like doing it for Jesus himself. “Just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me”. Matthew 25:31-46

28 This is what Jesus asked us to do:
Feed the hungry Give drink to the thirsty Clothe the naked Shelter the homeless Visit the sick Visit the imprisoned Bury the dead

29 Jesus’s mission and vision of the Kingdom of God challenged the social system of the day. This made him very unpopular with the Jewish leaders who saw him as a threat to political stability. They wanted to get rid of him.

30 The Easter Story Featuring the art of Henry Martin Copyright © 2005
Henry Martin and Sermons4Kids

31 Jesus and his friends were having a meal together
Jesus and his friends were having a meal together. Jesus took bread, gave thanks and broke it. He gave it to them and said, “Take and eat; this is my body.”

32 Jesus took a cup and giving thanks he filled it with wine
Jesus took a cup and giving thanks he filled it with wine. He gave it to them and said, “Drink this. It is my blood given so that sins can be forgiven.”

33 Afterwards Jesus went with his friends to a garden called Gethsemane
Afterwards Jesus went with his friends to a garden called Gethsemane. He told them to wait while he went to pray. When he was on his own he prayed really hard, “My Father, if it’s possible, may I not have to face this but I will follow your will for me.”

34 Judas, a supposed friend of Jesus, had arranged a sign so that the soldiers who came to arrest Jesus would know which of the group of friends was Jesus. The sign was a kiss. When the soldiers came Judas went to Jesus and said, “Greetings, Rabbi!” and kissed him.

35 Jesus was taken to Pilate, who was not sure Jesus was guilty of any crime. Pilate wanted to release Jesus, but he was afraid that the religious leaders would report him to Rome if he didn’t go along with the plot against Jesus.  

36 “What shall I do with Jesus. ” Pilate asked the people
“What shall I do with Jesus?” Pilate asked the people. They answered, “Crucify him!” When Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere, he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd. “I am not guilty of this man’s death,” he said. Then he handed Jesus over to be crucified.

37 Jesus had a red robe put on him, and a crown of thorns put on his head.
They laughed at him saying, “Hail, king of the Jews!”

38 After making fun of him, they took him away and crucified him
After making fun of him, they took him away and crucified him. His cross was placed between two criminals.


40 At dawn on Sunday morning, two women, both called Mary, went to the grave where Jesus’ body had been laid. It was empty. The body was gone. An angel spoke to them and said, “Don’t be afraid. Jesus is not here. He has risen.”

41 The two women turned to go to tell their friends what had happened when suddenly Jesus was there. The women fell at his feet and worshipped him. Jesus told them to tell the rest of his friends that he had risen from the dead. The women ran as fast as they could with this good news.

42 Jesus – a summary Challenged people to look at their lives;
From Scripture stories we know that Jesus: Challenged people to look at their lives; To see with a new perspective; Taught Good News of God's Reign of life; Encouraged disciples to make the Faith their own Called them to decision to follow his "way" - of life and for life Luke 24:13-35

43 What can we do to follow Jesus?

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