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Presented by Jiyoon Chung

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1 Presented by Jiyoon Chung
Pacheco de Almeida, Goncalo, James E. Henderson, and Karel D. Cool (2008). Resolving the commitment versus flexibility trade-off: The role of resource accumulation lags. Academy of Management Journal, 51 (3): Presented by Jiyoon Chung

2 Overview Research question: How does time-consuming resource accumulation influence the classic strategy trade-off between commitment and flexibility? Resource accumulation lags favoring commitment Resource accumulation lags favoring flexibility

3 Theory and Hypotheses The opportunity cost of postponing investment can be substantially higher, including the profits forsaken while the firm is accumulating resources to enter the desired market. Hypothesis 1: Ceteris paribus, resource accumulation lags have a positive effect on a firm’s likelihood of investment. Longer resource accumulation lags increase the profit potential of an investment project more than its loss potential  a positive interaction effect between uncertainty and time lag Hypothesis 2: Ceteris paribus, resource accumulation lags reduce the main negative effect of uncertainty (the option value of waiting) on a firm’s likelihood of investment.

4 Theory and Hypotheses With very long resource accumulation lags,
The risk of widespread bandwagons is high, and Managers have more incentives to make smaller-scale investments because of short-term stock market pressures. Hypothesis 3: Ceteris paribus, very long resource accumulation lags have a negative effect on a firm’s likelihood of investment.

5 Research Design Dependent variable: Explanatory variables:
Investment Explanatory variables: Resource accumulation lag Demand uncertainty Control variables: Demand growth Excess capacity Investment lumpiness Market share Rivals’ expansion Estimation methods

6 Results H1 H3 H2 H1, H2, H3 are all corroborated

7 Conclusion In industries with lengthy resource accumulation lags, competitive advantage may be difficult to attain (but easier to sustain). The results contradict the view that uncertainty is always a strong disincentive for investment. An increase in uncertainty may encourage rather than dissuade commitment, owing to the positive moderating effect of resource accumulation lags on uncertainty. The non-linear inverted U-shaped effect of resource accumulation lags on commitment implies that flexibility is more valued in industries in which resource accumulation is either very time-consuming or virtually instantaneous.

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