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1 1960s

2 1960 Election Democrat – John F. Kennedy Republican – Richard Nixon
Had been a Senator Republican – Richard Nixon Had been the Vice-President for Eisenhower (made him the favorite in the eyes of the voters)

3 1960 Election The campaign came down to a TV debate
Nixon appeared to be tired Kennedy appeared healthy and confident Radio audience thought Nixon won TV audience favored Kennedy Kennedy wins the election TV played a huge role in deciding the outcome



6 JFK and the Cold War JFK differed from Eisenhower’s massive retaliation Wanted to make sure the US was prepared to fight any type of war Increased funding to all branches of the military

7 Bay of Pigs In 1959, Fidel Castro led an uprising that succeeded in overthrowing the Cuban government Castro quickly established a communist-style dictatorship with ties to the Soviet Union Huge problem because Cuba is 90 miles south of the US In October of 1960, Eisenhower placed an embargo (no trade) on Cuba Still on going but the U.S. started talks in December of 2014


9 Bay of Pigs The CIA was financing and training a group of anti-Castro Cuban refugees who were to invade Cuba while Eisenhower was in office JFK gave the approval for the plan to proceed The invasion was a disaster Took place at Cuba’s Bay of Pigs, 1500 rebels were quickly put down and the U.S. never sent the air strikes that were planned


11 Cuban Missile Crisis Khrushchev continued to test the U.S. commitment to containment To protect Cuba from other invasions, Castro asked the Soviet Union to provide him with defensive weapons The Soviets agreed and also offered offensive weapons Missiles that could reach the cities of the eastern U.S.

12 Cuban Missile Crisis After spy plane photos showed the launching pads for the missiles, JFK announced on national television that any armed ships bound for Cuba would be forcibly turned back by the U.S. navy He also demanded that the Soviets remove the missiles


14 Cuban Missile Crisis For 13 days nuclear war loomed
On October 24, 1962, Soviet ships going to Cuba stopped before reaching the U.S. blockade and turned to sail home


16 Cuban Missile Crisis Khrushchev agreed to dismantle the missile bases
JFK agreed to remove U.S. missiles in other countries Both leaders now sought to ease the tension between their nations and created a “hot line” telephone system between the 2 nations



19 Berlin Wall In August of 1961, the government of the GDR, or East Germany, began to build a barbed wire and concrete wall between East and West Berlin The official purpose of the Berlin Wall was to keep western “fascists” from entering East Germany and undermining the socialist state In reality, it was built to stop mass defections from East to West

20 Berlin Wall The Berlin Wall still is the most powerful and enduring symbol of the Cold War JFK was the 1st President to visit the Berlin Wall “Ich bin ein Berliner” He tried to say “I am a Berliner”


22 JFK’s “New Frontier” JFK promised his administration would blaze a “New Frontier” “New Frontier” described goals to improve Economy Healthcare Civil Rights Space program

23 Equal Pay Act Required equal wages for “equal work” in industries engaged in commerce While very weak, it was a crucial step in road to fair an equal employment practices

24 JFK and the Economy Much like FDR, JFK followed John Maynard Keyes and advocated deficit spending Government borrowing money in order to spend more than is received from taxes

25 Space Race On April 12, 1961, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the 1st human to circle the Earth In early May 1961, Alan Shepard became the 1st American in space Part of Project Mercury


27 Space Race President John F. Kennedy challenged the U.S. to put a man on the moon by the end of the 1960s and return him to Earth safely

28 Space Race On July 20, 1969, Apollo 11 became the 1st manned space craft to land on the moon Americans Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the 1st people to walk on the moon


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