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City of Edinburgh Modern Languages 1+2 Lead teacher meeting

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1 City of Edinburgh Modern Languages 1+2 Lead teacher meeting


3 Why 1+2? Estimated £48 billion per annum lost to UK economy due to lack of language skills. Need to change the English speaking mind-set Cognitive benefits Engage with and better understand the world around us Enhance own language skills

4 Timeline for implementation - 2020 Funding for 2014/2015
What is 1+2? Timeline for implementation Funding for 2014/2015

5 L2 A progressive experience for all of learning an additional language from P1 onwards (L2).

6 L3 A revisited and progressive experience of another language in addition to this from P5 onwards (L3) Scots Urdu Gaelic French German Polish Italian Spanish Mandarin

7 Developing our strategy
Convened a 1+2 strategy group Developed a 1+2 CEC strategy Developed a model of CPD delivery to ensure that language learning is embedded within the life of the classroom and the school Developed a thematic primary ML curricular model encompassing embedded language, skills development and topic based vocabulary Planned and launched a pilot CPD and learning and teaching programme in city schools/cluster Drawn on the support of a wide range of partners (e.g. FE and HE institutions, British Council, Education Scotland, French Institute, Goethe Institute, Consajeria de Educacion, Ufficio Scolastico de Italia, CISS, SCILT) Strategy paper developed and submitted to Scottish Government and Education Scotland

8 Developing our strategy
A cluster led model Focus on changing the expectation on the teacher Engaging staff in the process of language learning The teacher as a learner Lead teachers appointed in each school Development of an extensive resource framework to enable and support Native speaker input Links with schools abroad Extend and increase flexibility of provision of PLL courses Wide range of projects and initiatives to raise the profile of languages and support schools e.g. VLA, Spanish poetry workshops, Comenius Madrid project

9 Programa 9.00 Introduction to 1+2 and the rationale – Break – Introduction to Spanish resources – – Break out sessions – – Plenary and close

10 Support Framework Supportive Embedded Practical Accessible Engaging Flexible Progressive


12 Username: edinburghlanguages Password: edinburgh All lower case!!

13 French German Spanish Italian Mandarin Gaelic
Resource development in: French German Spanish Italian Mandarin Gaelic Training staff in using the resources and not in the language. Consistent format Supportive

14 Spanish Early Level Classroom Talk!

15 Early Level Significant Aspects of Learning
Use language in a range of contexts and across learning Develop confidence and enthusiasm to communicate using the language being learnt Begin to develop an awareness of other countries, cultures and languages Listen and join in with simple songs, stories and rhymes Explore and recognise patterns and sounds of language through listening, watching and playing Understand, respond to and say simple greetings and personal information (e.g. name) Repeat and understand simple familiar language from a familiar source Actively take part in simple daily routine language Participate in familiar games including outdoor learning Begin to explore resources to support my learning e.g. picture dictionaries

16 Vocabulary Classroom Talk! ¡Escuchad! Listen ¡Mirad! Look
Por favor Please (for use when pupil is talking to the teacher, or the teacher is talking to the whole class) !Haced la fila! Line up Sí Yes No No Gracias Thank you

17 ¡Escuchad! Por favor!

18 ¡Mirad! Por favor!

19 ¡Haced la fila!

20 Si

21 No

22 ¡Gracias!

23 Embedding the language
Using ‘Por favor, gracias, sí and no’ as part of everyday classroom language. You could do the register with ‘sí and no’ on some days. The language for the teacher e.g. ¡haced la fila!, listen and look are designed to be embedded in everyday classroom practice. For this topic, this would be the focus as opposed to the language being taught as such. There are example activities however to help teachers reinforce the language being used.

24 La palabra de la semana La palabra del mes
La palabra de la semana means word of the week. La palabra del mes means word of the month. As a way of building up classroom vocabulary gently, you could have a word of the week/month which everyone will use in class (or out of class too if they like!) Once you move onto your next word, keep the previous words going! This way the pupils will build up their language gradually!

25 The Big Buenos días Challenge!
Set pupils the challenge of saying Buenos días, hola, gracias, por favor and de nada (or whichever vocab you like) to everyone they speak to. You could get them to tally mark how many they do in a week and have an inter-class competition.

26 Sample activities You will find a bank of sample activities which you can use to practise the vocabulary in the classroom. This is not a prescriptive list of activities and you can use or adapt them to suit the needs of your class. You will find a set of more challenging activities in Level 1 Classroom Talk.

27 ¿ Por favor o No, gracias? Pupils look at the following slides and decide if they would like it or not by saying either ¿ Por favor o No, gracias? You could make this more active by having 2 sides of the room with each designated as the Por favor side and the other as the No, gracias side. Ask pupils to then choose a side which matches their opinion and say their opinion (¿ Por favor o No, gracias?) as a group. You could follow this up with asking them to choose pictures from cut outs or create their own drawings under the headings ‘Por favor o No, gracias’

28 Por favor o No, gracias ¡Mirad! las fotos decid sí y o Por favor

29 ¿ Por favor o No, gracias?

30 ¿ Por favor o No, gracias?

31 ¿ Por favor o No, gracias?

32 ¿ Por favor o No, gracias?

33 ¿ Por favor o No, gracias?

34 ¿ Por favor o No, gracias?

35 ¿ Por favor o No, gracias?

36 ¿Por favor o no gracias? Versión profesor ¿Por favor o No gracias?

37 ¿ Por favor o No, gracias?

38 ¿ Por favor o No, gracias?

39 ¿ Por favor o No, gracias?

40 ¿ Por favor o No, gracias?

41 ¿ Por favor o No, gracias?

42 ¿ Por favor o No, gracias?

43 Jacobo dice… ¡Jacobo dice escuchad! (pupils can cup hand to ear)
Jacobo dice… is Spanish for Simon says. It works exactly the same way whereby if you say Jacobo dice… (Jack said) at the start of a command then everyone has to do it. If you just say the command then pupils should stand still. If they do the action, they then sit down. Sample commands are below: ¡Jacobo dice escuchad! (pupils can cup hand to ear) ¡ Jacobo dice mirad! (mime searching) ¡ Jacobo dice haced la fila! (pupils get into a line) ¡Escuchad! ¡Mirad! ¡Haced la fila! ¡Sentaos! ¡Levantaos!

44 Songs and videos! You will find a bank of sample songs and videos which you can use to practise the vocabulary in the classroom. This is not a prescriptive list of songs and you can use or adapt them to suit the needs of your class.

45 ¡Haced la fila! (to the tune of farmers in his den)
¡Los alumnos de la clase, haced la fila! Los alumnos de la clase means, the children in the class.

46 ¡Buenos días song! Buenos días song

47 ICT Resources online You will find a bank of sample ICT activities which you can use to practise the vocabulary in the classroom. This is not a prescriptive list of activities and you can use or adapt them to suit the needs of your class. Each of the slides contains an image of the website page. If you click on the image it will take you to the page. Alternatively you can use a link address which you will find in the slide notes.

48 Languages Online On the languages online site, click games on the left hand side and you will see a list of Spanish vocabulary games below. There are set of games for numbers 1 – 20 and 20 – Once you’ve clicked on the set you would like, 4 links to games will appear along the top of the screen Jigsaw, Pairs, Speedword and Wordweb. Pairs and Jigsaw would work best at 1st level.

49 Languages Online Australia
There are various sets of games and activities within this site for numbers 1 – 20


51 ¡Adiós!

52 ¡Los dinosaurios! Raar!

53 Actividad 1 – Teacher’s notes
Modern Languages I gain a deeper understanding of my first language and appreciate the richness and interconnected nature of languages English and literacy I can use my knowledge of sight vocabulary, phonics, context clues, punctuation and grammar to read with understanding and expression. ENG 1-12a Activity Read and listen to the information about the different dinosaurs and then do the quiz in groups or as a whole class. Prior learning: 1. Where I live 2. Simple descriptions 3. Colours 4. Pets 5. Food and drink

54 ¡Este es Estegosaurio!

55 ¿De qué color es Estegosaurio?

56 ¡Estegosaurio es verde!

57 El Estegosaurio es grande…

58 …como un autobús…

59 ¿Estàs bien Tyranosaurio Rex?
No estoy muy bien! ¿Estàs bien Tyranosaurio Rex?

60 Hay un Tyranosaurio Rex en el Museo Nacional de Ecococia en Chambers Street.

61 ¡Buenos días! ¿Cómo te llamas?

62 ¡Me llamo Tricérotops!

63 7. ¿Cuál dinosaurio es grande como un autobús?
¡Quiz! 7. ¿Cuál dinosaurio es grande como un autobús?

64 Soy muy grande! ¡Si! ¡Es Estégosaurio!

65 8. ¿De qué dinosaurio está disfrazado el perro?
¡Quiz! ¡Rrrrr! co 8. ¿De qué dinosaurio está disfrazado el perro?

66 ¡Si, estupendo! ¡Es Tyranosaurio Rex!

67 9. ¿De que dinosaurio está disfrazado el perro?
¡Quiz! ¡Guau! co 9. ¿De que dinosaurio está disfrazado el perro?

68 ¡Si, fantástico! ¡Es Estégosaurio!

69 10. ¿De qué dinosarurio está disfrazado el perro?
¡Quiz! ¡Soy un dinosaurio, no soy un perro! co 10. ¿De qué dinosarurio está disfrazado el perro?

70 ¡Si, muy bien! ¡Es Tricérotops!

71 I am very excited to start using Spanish in the classroom
I am very excited to start using Spanish in the classroom. I have a P2 class and I am planning to use the resources straight away. Although I am not too good with French, I feel I have the resources necessary to get started and to motivate my learners. I feel more confident in French, with no experience, I now feel more comfortable taking it into my classroom and can’t wait to get started. As someone who doesn’t speak French, I think that the powerpoints and websites will greatly support me. 71

72 Consistently throughout the day practitioners commented on how well-prepared they feel to “get started”. This is testament to the time and thinking which has gone in to the resource development by the group and to the format of today’s training. As HT, I am delighted by the positive response from staff. This initiative will not place undue additional workload on staff which is a huge relief. 72

73 French student volunteers
Working with university to recruit French student volunteers to be placed in all 1+2 primary schools. Timescale – after October break until possibly Easter 3 hours per week Trained centrally Schools – PVG Transport paid by CEC Liaise with student to agree way of working

74 German Educaition Trainees (GETS)
4th year student teachers in Germany Studying 1 area + English Contracted from 15th Sept. until 2nd April 2015 Erasmus grant + £400 per month from council (£50 extra to cover bus) Can take a full class with teacher present

75 Spanish Large number of volunteer assistants apply from Spain
Prioritising 1+2 Spanish clusters Possible project with Universidad Rey Juan Carlos – Spanish trainee teachers

76 Further support Development Officer and ESO support – DO will be in touch to visit schools Laura Cassidy (Spanish) and Sarah Spiller (French) Financial support - £ per school. Secondary school links – senior student assistants, transition events Whole school/cluster events Lead teacher training day – Wednesday 2nd September 2015

77 Lead teacher role – pre-training!
Training day information All staff download and bring along examples of resources on tablet/laptop Venue and timings What to expect Build in time for planning back in school Touching base and supporting

78 Lead teacher role – post-training!
Leading implementation in your own school Liaising with your cluster Liaising with Sarah or Laura re. progress Gathering evidence Attending cluster/LA 1+2 lead teacher sessions Coordinating resource purchase!!

79 Group discussion


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