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Desk Based Preconstruction – Planning

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1 Desk Based Preconstruction – Planning
Oops. How could this have been avoided?

2 Scaled Site Layout Plan
Scaled Site Plans will be drawn up prior to the build and will show: location of access routes, Temporary roads. Accommodation Materials storage Welfare facilities for staff. Fixed plant equipment – Cement Silo’s, Generators etc Fire precaution measures

3 Programme of works A programme of works will be compiled which will detail every aspect of the build. This will give a clear timeline for all actions that need to be undertaken and how long they will take. The Project Manager will coordinate the build using this plan. Resources will be purchased – building materials, plant equipment etc Safety signs erected. Statutory notices to inform the public of road closures, footpath Closures. Road temporary road crossings and traffic management.

4 Legal Requirements Construction involves a lot of legal work before any building can start. The following are produced in the preconstruction phase. A Construction health and Safety Planfile:///C:/Users/pm/Downloads/10278.PDF See an actual H&S Plan The construction phase plan is prepared by the principal contractor, for notifiable projects, to outline the arrangements for managing health and safety on site during construction work. The health and safety file is prepared or revised by the CDM co-ordinator, for notifiable projects. Risk Assessments A risk assessment is a systematic examination of a task, job or process that you carry out at work for the purpose of; Identifying the significant hazards that are present (a hazard is something that has the potential to cause someone harm or ill health).

5 Method Statements A work method statement, sometimes called a "safe system of work", is a document that details the way a work task or process is to be completed. The method statement should outline the hazards involved and include a step by step guide on how to do the job safely. Informing the Health and Safety executive (HSE) Find out what the HSE is and what it does.

6 1. Explain the importance of a Scaled Site plan in construction.
2. Explain the purpose of a programme of works. 3. Explain the legal requirements to be considered during construction.

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