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Presentation on theme: "5.7A."— Presentation transcript:

1 5.7A

2 Sedimentary Rock rock made of layers of compressed sediments

3 Sediment small pieces of rock.

4 Pressure force of objects pushing on other objects.

5 Weathering Wind, water, and ice break down existing rocks.

6 Erosion Wind, water, ice, and gravity carrying the sediments away.

7 Deposition A process by which wind or water drops sediment in a new location.

8 Compaction More and more sediments are layered on each other. The weight of new layers compact or press the sediments together.

9 Cementation The layers become stuck or “glued” together, making sedimentary rocks.

10 Process a series of natural occurrences that produce change or development.

11 Fossil Fuels coal, oil, and natural gas formed over millions of years from deposition of organic materials in sedimentary rock layers.

12 Organic Matter the waste and remains of plants and animals.

13 Fossil preserved parts or traces of animals and plants that lived in the past

14 to rot and break down into small parts.
Decay to rot and break down into small parts.

15 Oil a flammable liquid produced from remains of marine organisms buried under layers of sediments for millions of years.

16 Imprint a mark or depression made by pressure

17 Coal a natural resource made from remains of swamp plants from millions of years ago.

18 Natural Gas a flammable material, without a definite form, produced from remains of marine organisms buried under layers of sediment found near oil deposits.

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