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EU: Supranational Organizations

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1 EU: Supranational Organizations
AP Comparative Government

2 Supranationalism As countries throughout the world interact with each other on a greater basis, globalism is supporting the idea of integration Integration is the process that encourage states to pool their sovereignty in order to gain political, economic, and social clout This has lead to the creation of supranational organizations These are unions of countries that work towards similar goals

3 Integration Integration is a major concept in the idea of the EU
States are encouraged to pool their sovereignty in order to gain political, economic, and social clout The EU is a supranational organization A supranational union is a type of multi-national confederation or federation where negotiated power is delegated to an authority by governments of member states.

4 Supranational organizations
The United Nations 49 nations were charter members of the UN in 1945 Membership has grown to 192 nations Membership is voluntary and has some power to force members to abide by organizational rules The UN helps with peacekeeping, geopolitics, and international relations The UN can request military peacekeeping force to go into areas where human rights are being violated The Security Council may veto a proposed peacekeeping action The U.S, Britain, France, China, and Russia are permanent members of the Security Council

5 Supranational organizations
The World Trade Organization This organization was established in 1995 and has members who have agreed to a set of rules regarding world trade The WTO helps negotiate and implement new trade agreements, settles disputes, and supervises members to make sure they follow the rules Most major traders are normally involved It can take 5 years to become a member, depending on the country and countries can be denied entry because of human rights abuses or other such issues China was originally denied entry because of human rights violations. Russia was denied entry until 2012 because of illiberal policies Iran is still not allowed to join the WTO because of illiberal policies

6 Supranational organizations
World Bank The World bang was created in 1944 to aid countries rebuild after WWII Its focus today is loaning money to low and middle-income countries with modest interest rates The main goals of the bank are to eliminate poverty and support economic development throughout the world The bank also provides funding for programs to help combat disease and complete AIDs research

7 Regional Organizations
NATO This is an organization composed of 14 European members, the U.S. and Canada. It is a mutual defense alliance. Organization of American States (OAS) This group was created to promote social, cultural, political, and economic links among members states The Arab League This group was founded to promote the interests of sovereignty of countries in the Middle East Organization for African Unity This has promoted the elimination of minority white-ruled governments in southern Africa

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