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From: Comparative Transcriptome and Network Biology Analyses Demonstrate Antiproliferative and Hyperapoptotic Phenotypes in Human Keratoconus Corneas Invest.

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Presentation on theme: "From: Comparative Transcriptome and Network Biology Analyses Demonstrate Antiproliferative and Hyperapoptotic Phenotypes in Human Keratoconus Corneas Invest."— Presentation transcript:

1 From: Comparative Transcriptome and Network Biology Analyses Demonstrate Antiproliferative and Hyperapoptotic Phenotypes in Human Keratoconus Corneas Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci ;52(9): doi: /iovs Figure Legend: Interaction network showing links between differentially expressed and differentially spliced genes. The network includes interactions retrieved from the STRING interactome database. HGNC (HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee) official names are given. The colors of interaction partners describe the modifications we observed between cases and controls in the dataset. Red: downregulated genes; blue: upregulated genes; yellow: differentially spliced genes; green: upregulated and differentially spliced genes; and orange: downregulated and differentially spliced genes. Colors of edges between partner nodes show the type of interaction. Blue line: binding; green line: activation; yellow line: modified expression; and pink line: posttranslational modification. For interactions inferred from text-mining (gray), the level of confidence is proportional to line thickness. Unlinked genes are represented by three rows at the top of the figure. First row: genes that would be linked by adding one intermediary connecting node; second row: genes that would be linked by adding two intermediary connecting nodes; third row: other genes. Date of download: 10/9/2017 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Copyright © All rights reserved.

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