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Starter for 5! Give one reason why some might argue that terrorism is justifiable. Give one reason for and one use against using imprisonment as a type.

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Presentation on theme: "Starter for 5! Give one reason why some might argue that terrorism is justifiable. Give one reason for and one use against using imprisonment as a type."— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter for 5! Give one reason why some might argue that terrorism is justifiable. Give one reason for and one use against using imprisonment as a type of punishment. Give two reasons why Jews, Christians and Muslims only see God in one form. Explain briefly how the story of Iblis explains the origin of evil. Give an example of a dream as a special revelation from God. Briefly explain it.

2 Starter for 5! Give one reason why some might argue that terrorism is justifiable. One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter – people feel like they cannot get their voice heard any other way, e.g. Nelson Mandela. Give one reason for and one use against using imprisonment as a type of punishment. It protects society and a good form of retribution but they are very expensive to run and prisoners often reoffend when they are released. Give two reasons why Jews, Christians and Muslims only see God in one form. Many forms would limit God, God revealed himself as one, e.g. there is no God but Allah Explain briefly how the story of Iblis explains the origin of evil. Iblis refused to bow down to Adam so was banished from paradise. He now goes around whispering in people’s ear to tempt them to disobey God. Humans then give in to this temptation and misuse their free will. Give an example of a dream as a special revelation from God. Briefly explain it. Pharaoh’s Dream of 7 fat cows and 7 skinny cows as a warning message from God that there is going to be a famine.

3 Global Concerns Revision Lesson
Learning Objective: I can revise the key content in the Global Concerns unit. I can explain and apply the key quotes in the Global Concerns unit. I can independently complete revision activities on key content and exam questions I can identify what makes a successful 6 mark exam answer.

4 Global Concerns Summary
The Environment Poverty Poverty – Causes and Effects Christian views on creation Christian Teachings on Helping the Poor Human Actions Affecting the Environment Ways of Helping the Poor How humans can help the Environment

5 Global Concerns Show these clips to introduce students to the two main themes in the unit – the environment and poverty. - watch clip on website – Christian Aid

6 What do these quotes mean?
Key Quotes The Environment Poverty What do these quotes mean?

7 Explain Christian views about the world as God’s creation. (4 marks)
Apply the Quotes! Explain how Christian teachings might make Christians want to help the poor. (4 marks) ‘Helping the poor is a Christian’s most important duty.’ What do you think? (3 marks) Explain Christian views about the world as God’s creation. (4 marks) ‘Everyone should give generously when Less Economically Developed Countries (LEDCs) need emergency aid.’ Do you agree? (6 marks) Ask students to select from the quotes at the bottom of the slide which ones they would use to help them answer the exam questions – they need to be able to explain why. ‘People should be able to use natural resources as they want.’ Do you agree? (6 marks) 2016

8 Global Concerns Revision Lesson
Learning Objective: I can revise the key content in the Global Concerns unit. I can explain and apply the key quotes in the Global Concerns unit. I can independently complete revision activities on key content and exam questions I can identify what makes a successful 6 mark exam answer.

9 Global Concerns Take Away!
You will be given a takeaway menu containing revision activities for the Global Concerns unit. For each activity you complete you will earn yourself points. It is up to you which ones you choose but you should focus on the ones you find more difficult. As a minimum this lesson you will need to complete one starter, one main and one desert. Points Allocation Starter and Desert Lemon & Herb = 1 point Mild = 2 points Hot = 3 points Extra Hot = 4 points Main Lemon & Herb = 2 point Mild = 4 points Hot = 6 points Extra Hot = 8 points

10 Global Concerns Revision Lesson
Learning Objective: I can revise the key content in the Global Concerns unit. I can explain and apply the key quotes in the Global Concerns unit. I can independently complete revision activities on key content and exam questions I can identify what makes a successful 6 mark exam answer.

11 A Successful Answer A2 (b) ‘The money spent on nuclear weapons should be used instead on protecting the environment.’ Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer, showing that you have thought about more than one point of view. Refer to Christian arguments in your answer. [6 marks] Some people may agree with this as illustrated through the quote ‘till and keep the land’, which means that we should look after the land because it was made by God and therefore we should respect it. This is known as stewardship. Consequently, the money could be used to plant more trees and to save the animals and furthermore, the use of nuclear weapons would do the exact opposite of protecting the land as they would destroy God’s creation which is sacred. However, some people may disagree and be in favour of nuclear weapons. This is demonstrated by the quote ‘an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth’, which means that if a country were to threaten us with nuclear weapons, we would have every right to threaten them back. This is nuclear deterrence. Therefore, if we do not have the weapons to threaten the other countries with, because we have instead spent the money on the environment, we are ill-prepared. As a result we have destroyed the environment anyway as other countries will be able to bomb us with no fear of being bombed back, which will destroy the land. In conclusion, I believe that the money should be spent on protecting the environment because developing nuclear weapons is not part of the Just War Principles. Thomas Aquinas states in these that proportionate force must be used and nuclear weapons are in no way proportionate. Furthermore, the likelihood of these weapons actually being used is slight so we may as well protect the environment for future generations. This answer would score 6/6 in the exam. Pick out the key features of what makes this such a good response.

12 Global Concerns Revision Lesson
Learning Objective: I can revise the key content in the Global Concerns unit. I can explain and apply the key quotes in the Global Concerns unit. I can independently complete revision activities on key content and exam questions I can identify what makes a successful 6 mark exam answer.

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