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Dataverse Integration with Open Science Framework (OSF)

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1 Dataverse Integration with Open Science Framework (OSF)
Sherry Lake Scholarly Repository Librarian, University of Virginia Library Dataverse Community Meeting, June 16, 2017

2 Road Map Introduce Center for Open Science
Brief Overview of Open Science Framework (OSF) Demo of how the OSF/Dataverse Addon “works” Generate Use Cases Photo Instagrammer ihugtrees05

Promoting openness, integrity, and reproducibility of scientific research INFRASTRUCTURE Center for Open Science is a non-profit tech startup located in Charlottesville, VA, dedicated to improving openness, integrity, and reproducibility of scientific research. three main areas of operation: Infrastructure, metascience, and community. The community arm of COS looks to build communities around open science and open source projects and increase the implementation of open and reproducible practices. Statistical and Methodological Consulting Badges to Acknowledge Open Practices Visual recognition that open practices have been followed allows researchers to see that others are engaging in open practices, helping to change the perceptions of norms in science and thus lead to changes in behavior Journals can offer badges to appear with articles to acknowledge and reward transparency practices --- Application for badges integrates with the peer review process. 3 badges currently: Open Data, Open Materials, Preregistered nudging scientists toward open practices through both the community and metascience efforts Metascience: The third arm of COS is metascience. The Metascience team studies the science of science - and what makes science reproducible. COS supports research on scientific practices. These efforts can inform best practices and serve as platforms to demonstrate reproducible research methods. METASCIENCE COMMUNITY

4 Infrastructure: The Open Science Framework
Free, open-source software that manages projects at all stages of the research lifecycle and connects the tools researchers use infrastructure - flagship product, Open Science Framework Infrastructure: major arm of COS OSF: Workflow software to help researchers organize, archive, and connect FREE, open source software Supports the entire research lifecycle Provides: automatic versioning & logging, collaboration tools, archiving, discovery, integration with other services The OSF is designed by researchers, for researchers - to manage research projects at all stages of the research lifecycle - from planning, to execution, to reporting, to archiving, and to discovery

5 OpenSesame OSF We try to meet researchers where they are, allowing them to make small changes to their workflow, rather than requiring them to do a complete overhaul. This makes the barrier to implementation lower and makes it easier for researchers to choose open and reproducible practices. We connect with other services - if there is already something out there, that researchers are using, that fills a need - why recreate it? Better to connect it with the OSF. Main take away: We try to meet researchers where they are, allowing them to make small changes to their workflow, rather than requiring them to do a complete overhaul. This makes the barrier to implementation lower and makes it easier for researchers to choose open and reproducible practices. With the OSF, you researcher can use the project management and storage aspects privately, and then when they choose make an entire research project, or parts of a research project, public with the click of a button.

6 Dashboard Project Organizer
You can navigate to something called the Dashboard by clicking on “My Dashboard” on the black navigation bar at the top of the screen. The dashboard is like a home screen on the OSF - it displays something called the Project Organizer, which lets you see all of your projects on the OSF. The Dashboard also displays a series of widgets on the right side of the screen, for quick actions.

7 Project Overview Page Projects are the largest form of categorization that the OSF supports. A project could be an experiment, a lab group, or a paper—anything that has contributing members and files or explanatory texts/images. When you click on a project to open it, you are taken to the Project Overview page. This page provides access to the features of the project via a gray navigation bar, as well as an overview of the components, files, tags, history, and wiki associated with the project.

8 Adding Components All projects start out with one main folder, but most people want to add some structure to their project. You can do this by adding components. Components break your project up into pieces which each have their own citations, set of files, contributor permissions, and privacy settings. Components are like sub-projects that help you organize different parts of your research. Components have their own privacy settings, contributors, wiki, add-ons, and files.

9 Files You can upload any type of file to the OSF. You can either drag and drop the file into a specific component of the project, or if you go to the files tab you can click on the ‘upload’ button associated with the component you want to upload files to and find the file of your computer you want to upload. Each project and component can have its own set of files. This allows you to organize your files into meaningful groups like datasets or background research. Each file is given a unique URL, meaning that it can be cited or linked to individually. drag the file from your desktop on to the screen to upload or the “upload” button (which would appear where “download” is if “OSF Storage” was selected.

10 Add Ons: AmazonS3 Dataverse Dropbox Figshare Github
Google Drive Mendeley ownCloud Zotero The OSF makes integrating your various research tools easy. We are always developing Add-On connections to services you already use. An add-on is a connection between the OSF to another, existing tool. Here you can choose which Add-Ons to apply. Other Add-Ons only apply to individual projects. Our storage options are one example of this. They can only be accessed and applied from your project's settings. Add-ons are authenticated for your entire account but then applied separately to individual projects. create an access token for the Add-On, this authorizes the Add-On for the entire OSF account. Then configure the Add-On and click submit to apply the Add-On to the individual project. Once you've authorized an Add-On, you never have to do it again. However, you always need to apply the Add-On to your individual projects.

11 APIs Written in Python API SWORD API Native API DataAccess API
File upload & delete (see waterbutler slide) Native API Get metadata (URL/type/name) DataAccess API File view & download Original python code was written for 3.6. But has been update for 4.0 Anytime the DV is access from the OSF, one of the APIs is used When you click "view", the file content is fetched from Dataverse using the Data Access API, the same way a download would be performed, and the OSF renders the file for viewing using the Modular File Renderer (MFR).

12 Waterbutler File Streaming
Python web application for interacting with various file storage services via a single RESTful API. Asynchronous, non blocking Files are not stored on OSF, but they are “cached”. Because the files are not stored on the OSF, any changes you make on the OSF will always be completely in sync with the Dataverse As files are uploaded to OSF that is connected to the add-on, auto sync Waterbutler wraps the file in dataverse “format” and ships it to dataverse

13 Dataverse Add-on Demo Enabling Dataverse for your project will allow contibutores to view, download, and upload files to and from a Dataverse study/dataset. All from your project's "Files" page. With Dataverse v 4.0, the OSF supports linking all Dataverses (published or draft) that have accompanying datasets

14 Initial setup – authenticate your dataverse account for the entire OSF account
Account settings. Select Storage option (dataverse) Submit Click “Get from Dataverse”


16 New browser window opens log in to dataverse, if not already
Click generate token Copy paste token to OSF save

17 Can authorize more than one dataverse account

18 To link a Dataverse study to a project/component, visit the project you want to add a Dataverse study to. Then go to "Settings" in the grey navigation bar. This is the settings for the top-level project or individual component.

19 ✓ Closer look at the Dataverse Add-on Terrm
Get this when click submit, before you import your API token Contributors to your project will have access to both published and draft versions of your study, but only the most recent published version will be made public alongside your OSF project.

20 Project or Component Level
Will see in the drop down ALL the dataverse hosts you have set up to use

21 From level in project (top level, or different component)
Will list the dataverses that you have “add” access Then will show any datasets in that dataverse that you have contributor access to. So have to have dataset already set up in dv 1st!!. Notice the list of dataverses… no “real” order. Harvard’s top level has many dv, and this lists all sub-dv too, no hierarch shown. Other storage addons, there is a folder icon to chose.


23 Draft dataset Now can add files to Dataverse like other OSF files or add ons Have option to “Publish” from OSF Curretnly can only drag/drop from desktop – REALLY need to be able to “COPY” NOT MOVE files to DV?? The file instantly goes to dataverse. “Live” upload.

24 Pass through “DatasetPublishPopupCustomText” (currently just Uva, put in next release to look for this setting on ALL dataverses.

25 OSF In the OSF Lifecycle, Dataverse is shown as a “end-of-cycle” tool. So I would like to gather use cases on how the files/work stored/organized on OSF are published in Dataverse. Is this where you see Dataverse in the OSF lifecycle, the research lifecycle?

26 Needed: Use Cases Please test using Demo Dataverse
Fill out the Use Case Form OSF What I just showed was the way the DV OSF add on was 1st developed two years ago. Only new change was to get it working with 4.X and the new roles/users and the popup text. Now we need new uses. DV treated as another add on (working files). Please test. Would like to hear from the Dataverse community on how you would use DV w/ OSF. Try out for yourself, ask your researchers how they would use them. Open Science Framework | Center for Open Science | These slides:

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