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Hybrid charmonium: 4 questions …..and an answer?.

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Presentation on theme: "Hybrid charmonium: 4 questions …..and an answer?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hybrid charmonium: 4 questions …..and an answer?

2 Predicted 1-+ Hybrid masses (with spin splittings)
Spin hyperfine splittings 1- - (4.25) Y(4260?) 1- + (4.1) HQLGT 0- + (3.95) X(3940?) Barnes FC 82 Chanowitz Sharpe e+e- feebly coupled e+e- \to \psi + X?

3 But width 90MeV dominantly psi pipi !
e+e- \to psi pi pi BaBar sees new vector cc* \Gamma(ee) 5-80eV Compare \sim 1 keV !! Y(4260) But width 90MeV dominantly psi pipi !

4 Belle e+e- to X No 3872 ??? 0-+;1-+ 23

5 The large psi +pi pi e+e- psi(hybrid) DD_1 psi D D_1 uu * pi pi
S-wave, relative mom \sim 0; DD_1 interchange constituents to make psi pipi “strongly” (c.f. Swanson model of 3872 DD* \to psi omega) psi D D_1 uu * pi pi Need understand the nature of DD1 and D*D0 threshold production

6 2175 – m(phi) = 4265 – m(psi) !!?? 36 Intriguing resonant
signal at 2175 = phi(hybrid)?? 36

7 2175 – m(phi) = 4265 – m(psi) e+e- KK_1 !!?? phi pi pi 35
Intriguing resonant signal at 2175 = phi(hybrid)?? e+e KK_1 2175 – m(phi) = 4265 – m(psi) !!?? phi pi pi 35

8 Three Questions – whose answers may tell a common story
Why is qq* V(r) so good for spectroscopy when is so important? 1

9 Three Questions – whose answers may tell a common story
2 What properties What role glue-exch How to expose it

10 Three Questions – whose answers may tell a common story
3 Why is charmonium weird? Why chi0 but no chi 1 or chi2

11 Three Questions – whose answers may tell a common story
3 Why is charmonium weird? Why chi0 but no chi 1 or chi2 To understand 3940 production …radial, orbital or hybrid Need understand the chi_J puzzle

12 Three Questions – whose answers may tell a common story
Why is qq* V(r) so good for spectroscopy when is so important? 1

13 Three Questions – whose answers may tell a common story
Why is qq* V(r) so good for spectroscopy when is so important? 1 An intriguing result 14

14 WHY? An intriguing result 14


16 Three Questions – whose answers may tell a common story
2 What properties

17 Three Questions – whose answers may tell a common story
2 What properties Lattice S-wave decays now calculated Michael McNeile confirms Flux Tube for hybrid:conventional Michael McNeile 06 FC Burns 06 Exactly WHAT is Lattice revealing about dynamics: What aspect(s) of Flux Tube model are being confirmed?


19 qq* create in S=1 2 qq* create in S=0

20 qq* created in S=1; S L factorize
Explains Ackleh Barnes Swanson observation Psi* decays to D*D_2: no polarisation 2 Psi chi_0:1:2 pattern cannot be this; OgE??

21 Factorisation of S and L
J – S = “L” Factorisation of S and L qq* created in S=1 Brodsky claims this = CFT/AdS correspondence

22 Accept it as a gift of Nature. Apply this to Barnes Swanson problem
J – S = “L” Factorisation of S and L qq* created in S=1 Brodsky finds this = CFT/AdS correspondence Accept it as a gift of Nature. Apply this to Barnes Swanson problem Explains question 1: Barnes Swanson renormalisation

23 In case you forget – this is it….
WHY? An intriguing result 14

24 Mass shift due to loops +

25 Mass shift due to loops

26 Mass shift due to loops Is horrible

27 Mass shift due to loops Is horrible But factorisation + 6j and 9j orthogonalities

28 Mass shift due to loops Is horrible But factorisation + 6j and 9j orthogonalities Spin indep same for whole multiplet

29 Mass shift due to loops Is horrible But factorisation + 6j and 9j orthogonalities Spin indep same for whole multiplet

30 Simple Example: Charmonium Mass Shifts from L=0 multiplet
DD; DD*; D*D* = Complete SUBset of states

31 Simple Example: Charmonium Mass Shifts from L=0 multiplet
DD; DD*; D*D* = Complete SUBset of states

32 Factorisation is powerful result if generally true.
J – S = “L” Factorisation of S and L qq* created in S=1 Factorisation is powerful result if generally true. Determine nature of Y(4260) by DD_1 pattern

33 SL Factorisation and S=1
selection rules for psi*(cc*) \to DD_1

34 It also supresses Hybrid – conventional mixing
SL Factorisation and S=1 selection rules for psi*(cc*) \to DD_1 It also supresses Hybrid – conventional mixing (Fix JPC: S=0(1) hybrid = S=1(0) conventional)

35 SL Factorisation and S=1
selection rules for psi*(cc*) \to DD_1 Problem is – it can fail BIG

36 Three Questions – whose answers may tell a common story
3 Why is charmonium weird? Why chi0 but no chi 1 or chi2 What has this got to do with factorisation and

37 Factorisation implies a small scalar
Data = Large (only?) scalar

38 Three Questions – whose answers may tell a common story
2 What properties What role glue-exch How to expose it

39 Physical reason why cc*  cc* +cc* must be driven by this
Three Questions – whose answers may tell a common story 2 What properties What role glue-exch Physical reason why cc*  cc* +cc* must be driven by this How to expose it

40 Aside: Remember Ackleh Barnes Swanson:

41 Aside: Remember Ackleh Barnes Swanson:

42 psi psi chi chi



45 Threshold: set Y=0 r=1 scalar axial 1 tensor

46 Threshold: set Y=0 r=1 scalar 1 axial 1 tensor

47 Threshold: set Y=0 r=1 11 scalar 1 axial 1 tensor

48 Threshold: set Y=0 r=1 11 scalar And its squared! 1 axial 1 tensor

49 Factorisation implies a small scalar
Data = Large (only?) scalar OgE implies a LARGE scalar But WHY? What other implications?

50 Gluon has Electric Magnetic with/out spin flip
psi chi psi chi Theres also a “hybrid” contribution for cc* (not for DD*) In lowest order QCD E=M=H

51 This gives relative helicity amplitudes
Helicity zero combine with clebsches Scalar = Add; Axial and Tensor =0 Source of BIG Scalar

52 Charm meson production: V+(SAT)
ONLY D* D0; not D*D1 or D*D2 Test factorisation rule D*(-)D2(++) = 0

53 Charm meson production: V+(SAT)
ONLY D* D0; not D*D1 or D*D2 Test factorisation rule D*(-)D2(++) = 0 Also DD1 D*D0 and DD1 couple to Hybrid and to 3S1 What role for 4260? Hyb-3S1 mix: two states What role for strange? Mass shifts?????

54 Summary Factorisation of J and S (L) Dynamics driven by Clebsches
Selection rules: V(-)T(++)=0 J independent mass shifts Hybrid-conventional decouple Large scalar = OgE Source = non factn L.S Violates selection rules:V(-)T(++) large Drives DD1 and D*D0 only Charm/strange: separate hybrid/threshold


56 Somethings are deceptively simple
m(Bc) = (4.0) (2.7)

57 Somethings are deceptively simple
m(Bc) = (4.0) (2.7) m(c)+m(b) ~ ½[m(psi) + m(upsilon)] = better than 1 per mille ! Heavy mass scale of c and b make agreements look artificially good

58 WHY does it work so well when so much says it should not
Somethings are deceptively simple m(Bc) = (4.0) (2.7) m(c)+m(b) ~ ½[m(psi) + m(upsilon)] = better than 1 per mille ! Heavy mass scale of c and b make agreements look artificially good WHY does it work so well when so much says it should not


60 flux-tube breaking and hybrid decays
c.m. e.g. p=1 Isgur Paton 92 light exotics FC Page 95 all Break tube: S+P states yes; S+S suppressed S+S = 0 for hybrid charmonium (FC + Page predictions 1995) Look for DD_{0,1} near threshold; absence of DD or D*D* and of DsDs or Ds*Ds* \psi f_0; \psi pipi; \chi \eta; h_c \eta also e.g pi + (^1P_1) or (^3P_1)

61 All consistent with predictions for hybrid charmonium
FC+Page 1995 28

62 flux-tube breaking and hybrid decays
c.m. e.g. p=1 Isgur Paton 92 light exotics FC Page 95 all Break tube: S+P states yes; S+S suppressed S+S = 0 for hybrid charmonium (FC + Page predictions 1995) Look for DD_{0,1} near threshold; absence of DD or D*D* and of DsDs or Ds*Ds* \psi f_0; \psi pipi; \chi \eta; h_c \eta also e.g pi + (^1P_1) or (^3P_1) 30

63 This is a clear distinction with hybrid for which this is ~ zero

64 Y(4260): D_s and D_s* channels

65 Y(4260): D_s and D_s* channels
No DsDs resonance Disfavours tetraquark csc*s* 33

66 Y(4260): D and D* channels No DD DD* or D*D* resonance 34

67 flux-tube degrees-of-freedom
c.m. e.g. p=1 Costs about 1 to 1.5GeV energy to excite phonon “pi/R” Hybrid 2GeV; Hybrid 4-4.5GeV Barnes FC Swanson 93 20

68 17 DD* DD1 D*D1 Are they S-wave cusps; Bugg or S-attractive cc*qq*…
1++(3872) DD* 1--(4260) DD1 D*D1 JPC?(4460) Are they S-wave cusps; Bugg or S-attractive cc*qq*… driven by cc* states (but not I=1 cc* !) I=1 !? Pi psi* What about Pi psi?? 17

69 Statistics resolve if 0,1,2 structures and J^PC
Claim of Hybrid Charmonium by BELLE 0-+;1-+ Statistics resolve if 0,1,2 structures and J^PC


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