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Fundamental Facts Q&A.

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Presentation on theme: "Fundamental Facts Q&A."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fundamental Facts Q&A

2 Presentation Summary Education In Love Understanding God's Loving Laws Fundamental Facts Q&A Jesus Jesus answers questions from the audience about the material covered in the previous presentation "Fundamental Facts"


4 Fundamental Facts God is an infinite entity God's Personality, Characteristics, Attributes & Desires govern God's Principles of Law God's Principles of Law govern God's Laws God's Laws govern the creation itself Billions of Laws exist Understanding Law requires following "God's Way" & receiving God's Love Summary

5 Fundamental Facts God God's Universe God's Principles God's Laws
God's Nature & Personality God's Universe God's Principles God's Laws Facts about God's Laws Questions About

6 Fundamental Facts Principles to be discussed
The definition, objectives, application, what the principle reveals about God, and give some examples Each discussion is a very basic presentation of the subject Introducing factual truth about each principle and inspire further exploration There are many more principles that we do not have time to discuss Conclusion

7 Fundamental Facts Engage the program with consideration and enthusiasm
I will be on time for all of the sessions I will participate in all of the sessions I will engage the homework and prepare my questions for each session Conclusion

8 Next Presentation This session is: The next presentation is:
Foundation Principles The next presentation is: Love & Truth Principles What's Next

9 Fundamental Facts

10 Fundamental Facts About God About God's Universe About God's Principles About God's Laws Intro

11 Fundamental Facts God is an infinite entity who existed before the Universe itself God has Personality, Characteristics, Attributes, Nature and Desires Each attribute is completed and perfected in God Each attribute is not God, but only a part of God God's full personality, attributes, character, nature and desires are infinite God God’s Nature


13 Fundamental Facts God's Principles form a framework for all of God's Laws Each law governed by the principles automatically achieves the goals and objectives of the principles God's Principles can be grouped into classes for the purpose of examination God's Principles

14 Fundamental Facts Foundation Principles Order Principles
Love, Truth, Life, Development, Economy Function, Permanence, Compensation Order Principles Scope, Hierarchy Governance, Responsibility Soul Specific Principles Will, Desire, Redemption Transformation Principles Grouping

15 Fundamental Facts Self-maintaining Creations of God Governed by God's Principles Driven by God's Nature and Desires Powered by God's Energy Provide loving consequences (benefits) when they are obeyed Provide loving consequences (correction) when they are disobeyed God's Laws

16 Fundamental Facts Potentially an infinite number of God's Laws exist
Detailed discussion of the operation of each Law is difficult and very time consuming unless God has provided a simple way of understanding them Humans will be in a process of eternal discovery of God's Laws, and Human understanding of God's Laws currently is very limited, rudimentary and unsophisticated Fact

17 Fundamental Facts New laws are created every moment
You will learn how this is possible We cannot discuss each law at the speed that each new law is being created The irony is that the more we discuss each law the farther we get behind in knowing all of the laws Fact

18 Fundamental Facts Understanding God's Principles and Laws requires understanding God's Character, Nature and Personality Then we can see how these parts of God form the Governing Principles of God's Laws Even intellectually, it is far more productive to discuss the governing Principles of God's Laws than to discuss God's Laws themselves Fact

19 Fundamental Facts Understanding Law requires following "God's Way"
Following God's Way allows emotional and intellectual understanding of the important fundamental details of the Principles of God's Laws and the operation of Laws itself Unless humans are transformed at the soul level the intellectual capacity of the mind, and the emotional capacity of the soul remains limited, finite, and illogical, and unable to understand God's Principles or God's Laws Fact

20 Fundamental Facts God's Laws are complex, intricate and mathematically defined God's Laws have intricate relationships between each other God's Laws by nature have complex mathematical definitions and structure and form the fundamental scientific truth of the universe Fact

21 Fundamental Facts God's Laws cannot be broken
Humans can attempt to rebel against God's Law but the rebellion will not be successful and they cannot exist outside of God's Law or outside of the Laws natural workings Fact

22 Fundamental Facts Jesus & Mary have spent 2000 years examining Laws and Principles guiding Laws It is impossible to transfer their knowledge to attendees in a 34 hour programme It is impossible to transmit a soul based understanding of Law to people who are just beginning the process of transformation The examples provided in this programme are not preferred examples, but rather are examples geared towards current limited human understanding Fact

23 Fundamental Facts "The audience must beware of attempts to intellectualise and categorise law. The sum total of Law is infinitely greater than the parts Jesus will be able to explain to you in the time he has available." Spirit Comments

24 Fundamental Facts "God's Laws have intricate workings, and it cannot be assumed that the small amount of principles Jesus shares with you for the purpose of beginning your awakening to the understanding of God's Loving Laws are a complete discussion, or even anything more than a brief introduction on the subject." Spirit Comments

25 Fundamental Facts "God's Design of Law is far too complex to explain to the audience in their current condition. As they grow towards God far more will become clear and more truth will be understood. Jesus has created this group to hopefully inspire you on the path of discovering God's Laws, and to demonstrate to you the wealth of Truth that God has available to those who seek for it." Spirit Comments

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